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I went to a baseball tourney and took a bad beating from the sun turning most of my exposed skin to a red hue. I went from Night Shift White to Burning Stepes Red over the course of about 8 hours and it burned.

So I figured meh, I'm in pain, the comic can wait – but it is here now so there you go.

I've added a few things around here like a twitter feed, so if you want to follow me on there you can.

Also, be sure if you have a DD account to add my comic to your favorites if you like it. Really helps in the ranking on the site.

Umm…There should be a link somewhere to TWCL, so if you have an account there and want to add it to your favorites you can as well, which also really helps get the word out.

Hope you like the comic today, still getting use to drawing everything by hand, not quite where I want it to be yet but I'm getting there. Can only get better with practice, I guess.

Also, I update this blog fairly frequently, so if you care at all about what I have to say be sure to check back for updates on it.
