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This may not be a really big forum site, but I do intend to keep the place under control. The rules are as folows…

1: No double posting.

2: No nonsense posting.

3: Be respectful to me and everyone else.

4: Please don't post anything too harsh.

5: I you don't know what's going on, don't post. Read the topic first.

6: Watch your mouth. I don't want any really bad words here. (There are some exeptions, though. Just don't say the REALLY bad ones.)

7: Don't bring anything someone made over from another forum wihthout consulting the person first.

8: There are some things we don't need to know. Don't post topics too frequently and don't post useless junk. (Like 5 topics a day or "my mom's life story".)

9: nostupidpostng spekeninglishok Get it. Don't be stupid and post so we don't have a clue what you're saying.

Please go by these rules. If you don't like them, tell me. We can compromise.