Firstly! Welcome to the Rainbow Carousel forums! Thank you for taking an interest in the comic~! *luffs*
This place is just for us to play around with; post theories, artwork, stories, just general chatter about the issues raised in the comic, rant about a character… anything really… most importantly have fun!
It'd be nice if you could introduce yourself here just so I and other readers can get to know you a little. What your name? Whereabouts are you from? What type of comics do you like? When did you first start reading RC? How did you find out about it? Fave character? Most hated character? Do you have your own webcomic? Please post a link! When did you start drawing it? It's all good!
Me? My name online is "wyldflowa" but you can call me Chloe if you wish. ^.^ I'm the author/artist of RC~ I've been reading it since I've been drawing it… which is about four years now I think. ;) The current version I'm drawing is the only one I've ever done more than ten pages of… ^^; I'm planning another webcomic called "Last August" which will be a significantly racier BL story than RC in a fantasy setting - I can't say when it'll start though, probably after this rush to get RC down the printers. D: I only created the comic to reserve the name - I wanted it to just be "August" but that was already taken… I'll draw a teaser image sometime soon~ ^_~
Um, I live in sunny England and am currently unemployed. Urgh… no money. I want to make a living drawing comics but in the meantime I think I might have to get a part-time job or something… I hate not being able to buy new clothes/shoes/manga! I love my new, currently nameless, kitty who distracts me no end. ^_^ I'm kinda obsessed with animals~ I talk to them more than I do people.
My fave character in RC is… Turps! *heart* He's my baby~ he's like a soft little puppy dog. XD My least favourite character overall is probably Rhubarb cos he's mean to Turps and a bastard to draw… Out of the main cast? I think I might dislike Bubblegum most - he's so rude sometimes! And he totally wants the world to revolve around him… typical only child. XD

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Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself! :D
No one posted here D: -takes it upon myself to post-
Erm, I'm a random, ramen noodle wielding minion of all things manga, graphic novel, online, my adorable black kitty, and the Lolita style :3 I started reading RC for, I feel like saying 4 months, but I have no idea xD -is bad at keeping track of such things- RC has become one of my favorite webcomics, and the fact that you update so often is wonderful :3 I also worship your art xD
Usually my friends call me Som when I'm on the computer, so I suppose if anyone wants to refer to me (why would you want to do such a silly thing as that?) I guess that's what you could call me -answers to tons of random knicknames as well-
One day I might start a webcomic, but I can't draw at all and I have yet to sit down and fully write down my idea ^-^
I can't wait :3 -begs for teaser image- Will it be Adult though? D: -wouldn't be able to read it, if so- -crosses paws-
England is indeed sunny and bright xD But you don't need money to read manga :o If you can't read it online for free, simply go to the store and read it in the corner >D -is usually way too cheap to buy manga- I think that you could definitely get a job drawing comics -continues to worship your art- plus your writing is excellent ^-^
Cats have a way of making you do that D:
And for my fave character :3 Turps and Cocoa :D I'm not a big fan of Bourbon, because he's hiding who he is and making Bubblegum go through the entire emotional struggle of it, though at times Bubblegum annoys me as well =/ But overall, I think I dislike Bourbon more >3
If anyone reads this and manages to stay awake, you deserve a cookie!
*eats Som's cookies*
Hello Somiso, Rainbow and SJ_Fan~! :D *happy someone's actually posted here*
Somiso~ aww a kittyyy! I've got my own kitty sitting on my lap right now preventing me from going the loo… XD And I'd be into Lolita style if it wasn't so darn expensive. The other comic will probably be adult… but I'll keep it rated low until the saucy stuff comes along so people will be able to read it up until all the manflesh comes out. Mwaha. >:)
Rainbow - yey! Narutooo is like my lifeblood. Speaking of which, I haven't checked it for updates in ages; some stupid regularly updating webcomic I run has been taking up all my time. X3 And Mr Sherbet won't come back until the next book probably! D,:
SJ_Fan~ Gosh you're so young and male?! Wow, I never expected to get readers like you (but I certainly welcome it! Most guys switch off at the "boys love" part). I totally welcome fanfiction! That would be wonderful! You can post it up here if you like so everyone can see. :D
Heyy - I;m Liara, or Liara-chan if you want ^_^
I've been a fan of RC… for…. …
some period of time of which I can;t recall the length of -blink- But I've enjoyed every moment of it - and things are just getting juicy!
OMG BOURBON ON DRUGS?! He's suddenly been boosted up Liara's Super Special Awesome Popularity scale! I have a thing for weak characters - and an addiction to drugs is a form of weakness ^.~
I do have a webcomic all planned - drafts drawn out - but due to current computer issues I havn;t access to a scanner or photoshop to tone it. At the moment only the prologue (5 pages) is drawn (the prologue that inaccuratly represents the entire manga that is.) The story line revolves around this rabbit and fox girl, and is like a fantasy cross between Romeo and Juliet, and Moulan Rouge -_- And my friends say I'm unromantic yet I'm writing a bloody love story?!
I'm also a huge fan of the lolita style - and am taking japanese in college! *parties*
Oh, and I'm also from England, which I can assure you, ain't so sunny at the moment!
-Liara x
Hello hello hello! I'm mk, or evilforkdude in some other places, and I've been reading RC for… an amount of time… uh….
I really like Sundae and Turps the best, 'cause they're both so sweet! In different ways, I suppose… I like the lolita style, but usually wear random vintage clothing from times past, but in a good way! I also like dragonssssses. And have a black kitty, and a dog named Lieu, which is funny when someone calls his name, 'cause it sounds like they're saying LOO!! LOOOOO!!!
I have a comic called Mild Dementia, and I have it on DD but the main site is at
It is… kind of violent.. but not yet! :D
Aaaaand I am a female type person from Minnesota, in the U.S. of A., but I plan to move to Canada and change my name to Gregory Sweets. Well, not the name changing part. I also get U.S. spellings confused with the other spellings… I didn't even know "gray" was a word until recently O_o
-taunts you with more cookies and runs away-
Cats have a funny way of doing that o.o I feel guilty if I ever stop petting him T_T -recently spent two hours crouching on a hard floor petting him- But he's so cute, so I guess I forgive him :3 My old cat used to steal my bed from me though by slowly inching me towards the edge in my sleep xD I admit not to having much Lolita stuff but sometimes I get lucky in thrift shops x3
So you want me to get hooked and then die of disapointment when I can't read the rest? xD You evil duckeh D: -will find way to read it-
Hello more people! Liara and MK_Insane! *hearts*
Liara - Yush! Bourbon on drugs! XD It's been so difficult for me to keep that one secret let me assure you. It's good that you like him~ I was worried no one would! (like I was worried no one would like Turps because the first time you see him is in such a bad light D: ) You'll have to tell us when you get your comic up~ I love Moulin Rouge… it's like my fave musical after Rocky Horror. X3 So anything like that is sure to be a hit with me. And yes the weather's been crap recently - my brothers had two days off school because it was flooded this week and today it's been blowing an awful gale. O_O Stupit global warming…
MK_Insane - Aww more animals! *obsessed* Lieu is such a cool name for a dog - I STILL haven't named my kitty yet… XD I need to think of something good for her… Whee~ Canada~ I went there and… it was really cool! I ended up splitting from the b/f I went to meet there but it's a nice country. People are so painfully friendly there - saying "Happy Christmas" as they hold a door open for you and such - such a contrast to grumpy Britain. ^^;
Somiso - Yes! My cat's already doing that bed-stealing thing with me and mum - she'll sleep curled up close to the small of my back and when I move she snuggles up to me more and eventually I'm sleeping on a 10 inch slither of matress and she's spread out like lady muck… XD I should look around thrift shops for lolita-esque things… I would love to import something from Victorian Maiden or Mary Magdelinethough… oh god beautiful dresses. *_*
Rainbow - ROCK LEEEEEE. I'd marry him! Really I would! Oh goddd I love him to bits. X3 He's my fave with Shikimaru being a close second and Deidara in third. *nodnod* Really, don't get me started on Naruto talk (or Bleack talk for that matter) cos I won't want to stop. XD
Cats are evil little balls of luff xD They're probably the only cute thing missing from RC :3 For my old kitty I bought her this cat bed so she'd hopefully not hog my entire bed, but she refused to even go near it T_T Evilllllll D: Yet still luff x3
Unfortunately it's kind of hard to find really lolita-esque stuff (for me at least) D: Though I continue to search x3 Wow o.o Those two sites are amazing -die- The dresses are fantabulous and pretty and pwnful and -dies again- I find dresses are my fave. thing of clothing that's lolita, they're amazing <3 -continues to rant-
Does the text on those pages appear mostly as question marks for you though? =/ Might just be my computer the way it's set.
I'm Biev! Hello!
Hm, let's see… I'm female, french canadian, and I draw stuff for a living - though sometimes I have to pick up the extra website contract to help pay the bills ;o) I have a comic called Fainting Spells which takes up most of my time, and a couple other projects on the side. Doing my own illustrated stories has always been my dream career, so I work really hard at it.
What else… I live on an island south of Florida, with two grown cats, a kitten, a turtle, and a loving husband : )
Of course I'm a RC fan too. Bubblegum is my favorite character, but I like them all, really. I'm a sucker for pretty artwork and romance : )
Nice to meet you all.
Hi, I'm khayankh (known as Sarah in the real world). I'm a high school student in southwestern Connecticut (about an hour from New York City). I'll be a senior next year, and I want to go to college for either computer science or linguistics (not sure yet). I found this webcomic only a few months ago, and the other webcomics I read are Order of the Stick, Erfworld, Rainbow Carousel, Questionable Content, Girl Genius, and Weregeek. I like reading fantasy and science fiction, playing computer games, and playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends. Yes, I am a geek (if you hadn't gotten that already). I post regularly on the Weregeek forum and I Facebook and email, but apart from that I don't socialize online much. I dislike cats and love my fluffy puppies, Charlie and Princess. I'm somewhat dismayed to learn that most of you are cat people, but I promise to try to be friends anyway.
Hallo, I'm Nicole, though online I go by a variety of names, formost as Heart, though at my webcomic I'm PTAK and on deviantart and here, Flamingi. I'm going into the tenth grade and I've been to four schools already, going to a fifth next year (though I have never moved or gotten expelled or anything) :X I went to artschool this year, but decided I didn't like it and am switching to a more academically inclined school D: I figure I can do art by myself, I don't like doing it for marks. I want to get 90% avgs and go to university for nursing so that I can be a nurse anywhere, hopefully in Germany or Austria. I'm Polish and have just returned from a 3 week trip in Poland and Germany. I'm learning german next year, hopefully for a total of 3 years, and would really like to become fluent in it. I find it more fun than stuffy old polish xD
I like boyslove comics, not yaoi ie porny stuff, and am sick of cliches. My favourite artist is Sumomo Yumeka and she is the only japanese artist I like, the rest are Korean. I think that Korean Mahnwa > Japan Manga.
I started reading RC ummm… a while ago. Maybe when Bubs got his hair chopped off? Not too sure. Uh… I actually have no idea how I found it. I don't really really like any specific character, I have dislikes with some, in their personalitys, like Bubs self-centeredness, Sundaes… ness, Turps beating up Bubs, Burbons paranoia… I do like Honey and Cocoa. I have a thing for bottleblondes with big fake boobs xD And I really like how Honey isn't a stick. I hate Sundae! >______<
I have a webcomic I just started up, We Are Friendly Fish. It has nothing to do with fish and is about a boy who attempted sucicide and while in recovery meets and older boy who gives him the strength to live on. It doesn't follow a timeline but is more of a collection of scenes.
Omg long xD
Oh, my birthday is this friday! Turning 15.
I have been good. Chucking almonds at my cats a bit (Th-they like it… bat at them xD)
!! Harry Potter comes out on your birthday <333 As the climax of my birthday celebrations I'm going to a midnight madness downtown to await midnight and my new harry potter book!!
Hurray for birthdays <3
Ah D: I'm missing Soccer Cheese xD
How have you been?
wyldflowa- People are pretty darn nice here, too XD A lot of friendly smiles and door-holding and such… and then my bro comes up and tells me horror stories from Oklahoma about how mean people are there o_o
Aaaanyway, you seem nice enough, so I s'pose Britain can't be that bad ^^
I have been… hmm… I'll go with awesome : ) I pretty much draw for a living now, so I have a blast.
I miss SiFoC too, doesn't it seem like all the boy-love comics end up on hiatus? *touches wood so it doesn't happen to this one*
We made a SiFoC group fancomic though! : D It's got its own DD, we're not done uploading all the pages yet though (
You should play too : D
*arises from the ashes*
Sorry for the forum-neglect~ I've been a bit busy and a bit absent-minded of late with things… e_e;
Rainbow - I haven't heard of Menma but upon a Google search it appears he's an anime-only character… I'm not too hot on the anime I'm afraid. ^^; I only read the Naruto manga so I only really know things pretaining to that… The anime has waaay too much filler to keep my interest. It's like with Bleach - I watched the anime until that shitty Bount arc then switched to the manga. ^^; If your bf's hair covers one eye then he could be Deidara? XD Well, he'd have to look really girly too… oh Deidara. *weep* *won't drop spoilers but anyone who knows what happens well, yeah…* ART IS A BANG. I'll do some commenting on Elipsis when I've done the rounds on these forums… ^^;
Somiso - Well… Mr Sherbet has a cat called Sparkle who comes into play later in the story so there is a cat in there. X3 My kitty's asleep on me just now… when she first came here we made a little bed for her in a washing basket but she wouldn't go near it and just slept on us instead. XD When I got back from London it was kinda nice to find her sprawled out all over my bed after a night away from her… hahaa. Oh I don't mind it really…
A good place I've heard for ordering Lolita clothing is FanPlusFriend~ Their prices are quite resonable compared to the designer brands and I hear their clothes are very well-made. I've also heard good things about In The Starlight's petticoats and they have a few nice non-costume-y pieces there too. Umm… there are a few UK Ebay sellers… TSSY2005, SoNicePlayer and CorlandsSJ are the main ones - shipping from China~ Gosh they have nice things. *_* I'm just waiting until I have money… then I'm just gonna go lolita crazy online. XD I love dresses myself~ I'm totally into Classical Lolita - I'm not too fond of the overly frilly stuff (it verges on the rediculous sometimes). A nice velveteen dress and a good blouse is what I like, strings of pearls and Victoriana broaches, that's what I like. What's your fave loli style? ^.^
If the text is coming up as question marks it means your computer doesn't have Japanese text support… it's not much of a deal really as you won't really be reading it anyways? ^^; I usually look at the URL in the bottom left of the browser screen when I'm trying to figure out which link goes where.
Biev - Hello! Yes! I'm about half-way through the archive of Fainting Spells~ Your artwork is so bewitching and I'm curious about Aude's fate… Keep going the way you are and I can see it becoming a good career~ I really enjoy it. ^.^
Three kitties?! You lucky thing! If I had that many kitties I'd get no comics done… I'd just be playing/talking with them all day… (yes I talk to my cat) And a turtle?! Awww! I'd love a turtle! And a husband! I'd love one of those too… ahaha. ^^;
khayankh - Hello and welcome! Computer science~ ooh~ my ex studied that at uni and it seemed kinda confusing to me. My mind just doesn't work in that kind of way. ^^; But I do respect people who can make sense of all that computing jargon… I can't believe you list my little comic among all those big ones. *blushhh* I keep meaning to read Girl Genius as I hear good things about it and I'm a sucker for steampunk. I'm not much of an online communicator either… ahaha. It takes up so much time doesn't it? I can whittle away a whole day on MSN without realising so I tend to avoid it. ^^; And I do like puppy dogs too! I just prefer cats… if someone gave me a puppy I'd love it just as much but given a choice I'd go for kitties. X3
Flamingi - Hewwo! I have the same attitude to art - in school I put my energy into more achedemic subjects as I knew they were things I just couldn't teach myself. Whereas art (I feel) is something that has to be self-taught. Needless to say, I dropped out of school… ahaha… but that's probably because I never had any set career goals. Nursing is a hard job but very rewarding I hear. :) "Stuffy old Polish" sounds positively exotic to me compared to crappy English. XD
I love it when someone says they hate a character (especially Sundae!) - it makes me feel like I'm doing my job right. XD If all the characters were too likable or too black and white, good guy/bad guy, then maybe it wouldn't be as interesting? I don't know… And I hate how girls in BL comics are all so annoying - I wanted to make some likable female characters… so again, it's nice for me to hear you like them as it means I'm doing something right. X3
*checks comic* Uwaaaah! Unfair! You draw like that and you're only 15! D: Oldbies like me are gonna be obselete soon. ^^; I hope your birthday was a good one!
Biev+Flamingi - Omg Soccer Cheese has stopped?! I didn't know! *isn't up to date* Darnit! X( Sadtimes~
mk_insane - I've found the nicest British people are anime/manga fans. X3 I can't get over how nice everyone is at events and such… then you get out the doors and everyone's mean. e_e
Epic post end!
It's like with Bleach - I watched the anime until that shitty Bount arc then switched to the manga. ^^;
Same here, whoever thought of that should be shot.
Three kitties?! You lucky thing! If I had that many kitties I'd get no comics done… I'd just be playing/talking with them all day… (yes I talk to my cat) And a turtle?! Awww! I'd love a turtle! And a husband! I'd love one of those too… ahaha. ^^;
Actually I'm about to have a lot more cats, one of them is pregnant and probably due any day now. I'll post pictures when she has them : D I don't know what I'm going to do with all these cats! Raise your hand if you want one!
Biev+Flamingi - Omg Soccer Cheese has stopped?! I didn't know! *isn't up to date* Darnit! X( Sadtimes~
Aw I'll let Tricycle know you said that, it will make her happy, I remember her saying that she really admires you : )
Sorry for the forum-neglect~ I've been a bit busy and a bit absent-minded of late with things… e_e;
You know if you drop by here when you're feeling down, we'll definitely cheer you up! <3
*arises from the ashes*
Somiso - Well… Mr Sherbet has a cat called Sparkle who comes into play later in the story so there is a cat in there. X3 My kitty's asleep on me just now… when she first came here we made a little bed for her in a washing basket but she wouldn't go near it and just slept on us instead. XD When I got back from London it was kinda nice to find her sprawled out all over my bed after a night away from her… hahaa. Oh I don't mind it really…
A good place I've heard for ordering Lolita clothing is FanPlusFriend~ Their prices are quite resonable compared to the designer brands and I hear their clothes are very well-made. I've also heard good things about In The Starlight's petticoats and they have a few nice non-costume-y pieces there too. Umm… there are a few UK Ebay sellers… TSSY2005, SoNicePlayer and CorlandsSJ are the main ones - shipping from China~ Gosh they have nice things. *_* I'm just waiting until I have money… then I'm just gonna go lolita crazy online. XD I love dresses myself~ I'm totally into Classical Lolita - I'm not too fond of the overly frilly stuff (it verges on the rediculous sometimes). A nice velveteen dress and a good blouse is what I like, strings of pearls and Victoriana broaches, that's what I like. What's your fave loli style? ^.^
If the text is coming up as question marks it means your computer doesn't have Japanese text support… it's not much of a deal really as you won't really be reading it anyways? ^^; I usually look at the URL in the bottom left of the browser screen when I'm trying to figure out which link goes where.
Epic post end!
-dusts ashes off of you-
-appoints self #1 Sparkles fan-
With my last cat, Katie, I went out and bought her a kitty bed, which she proceeded to never use xD Waste of money ;;
My cat can't sleep with me as I have a loft bed (saves so much space o.o) but I wish he could D: -always is afraid of rolling over onto a kitty though- Cats are so sweet, even if at times they're aloof, it only adds to their charm x)
Thanks for the links :D -will look through them more when I'm not getting dragged off of computer-
I could probably buy some stuff, but I'm extremely cheap xD -penny pincher by nature- Though I expect that I'll eventually break down and break my vow of not getting extra stuff for a while P:
I haven't seen many distinct lolita styles, but I like Victorian and some Gothic (some of it I'd never be caught dead wearing), I like the dresses, and I think some tops would look really good with jeans :3 (I absolutely adore this dress)
Thanks ^-^
Though it's odd, recently I've been on sites I know are all english and they're appearing as question marks as well Dx -slight computer glare-
Hm, this seems to have died a while ago, but I'ma post anyway. Make it a nice 25 posts. Because I'm obsessive compulsive, and like numbers ending in 0 or 5. >.>;;
My name is Cheru. Nobody really calls me Bomeranian. I just thought of the name one day, and it made me laugh my ass off, so I had to use it somewhere >.>;; I'm 20 years old. I'm a junior in uni, majoring in Japanese. I work part time in watch and jewelry repair. Or I did, until I quit, so I could go to Japan. Hoping to return to that job, when I come back.
What comics do I like… Hm, I basically like either anything with a good story, or something that can make me laugh on a regular basis. (I'm ever so happy, when I find one that does both :3) I started reading RC about Fall 2006… I think… I can't, for the life of me, remember where I found it, though. It's a little strange to me, actually, because I knew little of the webcomic world outside ComicGenesis. O.o;; I do remember, though, that I was very attracted to it, because of the style. It's very good, and not to embarrass you or anything, but on a professional level. (Course, if you were to look at my comic, you could see why I'd say that –;; ) My favorite character… I kinda think I'd have to say Bubblegum *has a thing for Korean boys* XD But I like that Sundae and Cocoa make me laugh. I don't think I have a most hated character. I could say that my least favorite is Bourbon, but that's more because I don't know a lot about him, and he hadn't had a lot of face time in the comic, not that I don't like him.
I actually have two webcomics. Shinseki is a shojo manga style comic. I've had it in mind since about late 2005, but only started drawing it November 2006. Das Macht Mich Krank (usually abbreviated DMMK) is a 4-panel style of comic, that kind of takes after my life, and my views on things. The quality of the art is much lower, because… I never really felt like spending oodles of time on it. I started drawing it late December 2006. Both of them are kind of on hiatus… School is stressful ;_; I also have a DA, also under the name Bomberanian. I don't tend to update that tons, either…
Wow O.o;; I probably wrote way too much…
>.> …. <.< ….. *runs away*
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