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You claim that you're ripping off VG Cats, and not Penny Arcade? Didn't you JUST say VGC was a ripoff of PA?
Penny Arcade = VG Cats = Dueling Analogs
QED Bitch.
Also, how DARE you say that Ctrl-Alt-Del ripped off Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade is what happens when a guy who made one random observation about a video game (LOL SIN TAKES A WHILE TO LOAD), says said observation in front of a guy who can KINDA draw, and then puts it up on the internet.
Doing a PA strip takes no effort. CAD is not only brilliant and carefuly constructed, giving the writing multiple layers, but his artwork transcends time and I wouldn't be surprised if we see CAD panels on the Fuseli next to Mona Lisa and Michaelangelo's David.
Holkins and Krahulik are the real temporal masters. They went back in time JUST to steal Buckley's idea (forged in his mind back in '97) of making a gaming webcomic. The reason TB didn't put his up until 4 years later is because he was getting the first strip so GODDAMN PERFECT, that everyone would forget about those two temporal lameasses. And they did. THE END.