This is the Panel by Panel Project first page.
The rules are:
The first person to submit, submits 1 to 3 panels as a setup. Everyone afterward should submit one panel at a time.
Each panel you submit should have your name on it.
Be sure to say what panel number your panel relates to.
There is no particular order in which people have to submit panels, but try not to submit more than once per page.
Panels can be animated, but try not to go over 30 seconds of animation. Also try not to cram a bunch of panels in to it.
There is no standard of what size a panel you can submit.
When we agree that a page is finished, I can assemble it in flash. I can a couple types of flash pages. The following is my favorite for panel by panel.
The 'one panel at a time' mode, in which each panel is displayed alone with forward and back navigation.
You're rules don't work…
We Don't pick what pannel we have it to relate too….It relates with the last pannel.
Say If I make a pannel of me holding a jug of water, the next person should draw what I do next…or introduce themself….
Now how about you let Lizard do his damn job….he hasn't even said we're doing it yet….