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Sadly enough, my current artist, Jason, may not be around to work on Book II of "All Saints", as he is graduating this semester. However, I am still writing this story and would like to continue the graphic novel in any way possible. What this means is that I am looking for another artist to take his place if he is indeed not going to return. I donâ??t have too many requirements in terms of style, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

-The art style needs to be dark and gritty- it's post-apocalypse, after all.
-The choice between color and grayscale is negotiable.
-I'd like to update it at least once a week, preferably twice a week if possible.
-The ability to keep in regular contact with me is important.
-And finally: NO MANGA STYLE! This is not negotiable. The story does not support this style. Sorry.

If anyone is interested, send me a PQ or email me at dguidry7(NO)at(SPAM) for more details.