I have this odd addiction to films with guys beating up other guys with swords and fists. I have a huge collection of martial arts movies and probably will be going all psycho in this section everytime I get a new one. I coined the phrase of the Kung-fool style. This is mentioned in comics 51 and 52. The martial arts "Sensei Pooch" will return with someother lines and ways of the Kung-fool style. Till then, 'Hiya'
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Martial arts films
That one is good, but there is another one with a drunken master in it that is a little bit better at showing what the drunken master style is all about. Of course the Jackie chan one is cool.
And I just read this from one of my movie informants (who gets me info on movies before everyone else but happens to be late on this info) That there is going to be a martial arts film featuring both Jackie Chan AND Jet Li.
I knew Jet Li couldn't stay away from martial arts films for long.
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