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Actually I'm just trying out the forum / blog features. But, since I'm creating a topic anyway, I figured, why not make this section a place where I can tell people when to expect the next comic to come out. Or something in that general area.

This is actually a rather tricky subject, though, because to whatever extent I have a say on things, I just don't do plans or schedules. Because, if I kept a fixed schedule for this kind of thing I wouldn't get much done at all. It's just the way I function - I need to keep that kind of stuff to a minimum. Which means predicting the next comic isn't going to be easy, so come to think of it, scrap that idea.

What I can do is let people know how far I've gotten with whatever it is I do. When I happen to remember to, that is. I've tried maintaining a blog before, but I kept forgetting it existed. We'll see how that goes.

Current status, then. After Easter holiday and subsequently a rather straining week at work, followed by a few days of recharge time, I'm now back to my almost normal self. Which means I'll probably do a few strip updates in the next few days.