Lord Recluse
Official description: The Master of Evil, the Count of Cruel, the Archvillain of Anarchy. Lord Recluse has been called many things. But the people of the Rogue Isles know him as their lord and ruler. Lord Recluse has a mysterious tie with Paragon City's own Statesman - some even claim they were once close companions. Their hatred for one another certainly belies a secret perhaps best left buried.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: Undeniably the most powerful man in the Rogue Isles, and the most feared name in villany, Lord Recluse has lead Arachnos and struck fear into the hearts of all for over one hundred years! His background has been shrouded in mystery, but he joined Arachnos when the organization was but another mafia group in Italy just after the first World War. The current leader was a man known as The Weaver, but in time he was assasinated by his right-hand woman, Red Widow. Lord Recluse stepped up as successor, and the rest is history.
I admire Lord Recluse as much as the next Arachnos soldier, but what fascinates me is his intelligence. He is also an accomplished scientist, a few of my findings were guided by his own work and example. Another fascinating trait is his affiction with Darwinism. "Survival of the fitest" is his clearest mandate, and he seems unfazed and unconcerned with the inner-fighting inside his own organization (it seems to me that he even encourages the rivalries between his own lieutenants!). Another trait that impresses me is his patience. I don't think I've come to know anyone as patient as my Lord Recluse (anyone who can put up with all four of his lieutnants in the Parlor for over an hour has to be the most patient man on Earth!).
For what urks me, I don't feel afraid in posting: he is just as big on punctuality and timelyness as he is Darwinism. He accepts nothing finished late or barely on-time. While I suppose this should be a good thing, it does irritate the little people (but not enough to complain)(*ahem*). And personally, I do find it slightly annoying when he uses chess metaphors (I can play chess, I'm just not good at it), as though life is a chess game which he's winning.
Dr. Lore's relationship status: Overlord, leader, respected crime lord

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Main Characters
Black Scorpion
Official description: Black Scorpion is a man encased in a large, bulky suit of high-tech battle armor. Huge and menacing, the armor is equipped with a functioning scorpion-like tail on the backside, and the right arm ends in an intimidating blaster cannon.
Ernesto Rodriguez embodies the concept of raw power through technology. Whatever it takes, whatever piece of his body or soul needs to be spliced, altered, or removed to grant him more power, Ernesto seems willing to do it. His unbridled hunger, absolute loyalty, and low intelligence makes him the perfect servant for Lord Recluse.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: Black Scorpion is the go-to man for most of Arachnos's technological advances, and he is always up-to-date with new computers, electronics, mechanations, and technologies that Arachnos constantly invents, upgrades, and applies. And I've said everything good about him in one run-on sentence.
While computer literate and technology savvy, Black Scorpion is dumber than a bucket of rocks (which is an insult to the nearest bucket of rocks). He is easily out-smarted and is the most likely person to fall for the "look behind you" trick in all the Rogue Isles (which is an insult to the "look behind you" trick). But while his lack of intelligence is laughable, he makes up for it with a nasty temper and even nastier weaponry. Not many get away with poking fun at his stupidity and live to tell about it.
He is also known for being extremely paranoid. For a man who's only super-power is his body armor, this is understandable. Without his one-of-a-kind Scorpion class armor, he's nothing. His paranoia has earned him many unintentional enemies and there is almost no one in Arachnos he trusts (save for his girlfriend, but for all I know even THAT is up in the air). But even the greatest flaws have some merit: he's thought of all known threats and ways to attack Arachnos, thus the main watchtower in Grandville has high-level security systems and emergancy responces for almost anything so we are always prepared for the unexpected.
Oh, and just so there's no misunderstanding, I don't look down on him because I am under Captain Mako's command. No, their rivalry doesn't matter much to me. My reasons for disliking Black Scorpion are my own, and I have basically stated them. But something tells me if I were to tell him that to his face, he'd deny it. Paranoid idiot…
Dr. Lore's relationship status: Arachnos superior, rival to own patron, "Paranoid idiot"
Captain Mako
Official description: Gideon Ray is a savage Mutant who has evolved into what only can be described as a humanoid shark. His acts are even more terrible than his appearance, and few foes are even identifiable once Mako is through with them. Mako is responsible for the death of Sharkhead Isle's most famous hero, Scrapyard.
Dr. Lore's commentary: Captain Mako sits on the top of the list of "most feared names in the Rogue Isles," and it's not just because of his appearance. The Captain has a thirst for blood, guts and violence mostly due to his nature as well as his background as a pirate. There's nothing he loves more than killing, and human beings are his favorite things to eat. Hence the recient joke: "Don't reason with Captain Mako: to him you're a chicken nugget with ketchup filling."
While the two of us work together often (very often as of recient) and talk frequently, he's not very open about his past. I know he was born to human parents in Paragon City and that he was abandoned because of his mutation, but everything between then and his days as a pirate captain are "not topics of discussion" or "boring." But I do know he somehow came to the Rogue Isles and found work and pleasure as a pirate on a ship called the Black Powder, and he soon became it's captain. The topic of how he came to work for Arachnos is also "boring", but I know it was just after the brutal and violent murder of Scrapyard. It is my belief he was either co-erced or bought off by Lord Recluse to work for Arachnos. I don't know what became of his crew, but the Black Powder was scuttled off Sharkhead's northern coast.
He isn't a completely beastly character despite his raspy voice and love of violence: he can reason like any other being and is the best hunter Arachnos has to offer. Sure, he can be menacing and blood-thirsty, but even he has hobbies (he collects the teeth of slain heroes) and high goals (we both are searching the supposed Leviathon that sleeps underneith Sharkhead Island) just like anyone else. While the appropriate phrase should be "don't judge a book by it's cover," he doesn't have much to hide or keep hidden. Besides, I think he ate all the pages…
Dr. Lore's relationship status: Patron, mentor (love interest)<—WHO WROTE THAT?!
Ghost Widow
Official description: Beautiful, mysterious, and deadly. Ghost Widow appears to be an actual spirit from beyond the grave rather than a super with some sort of incorporeal power. Some have said she was once a rising star in the Night Widows when she was slain. Her thirst for vengeance must have been great, for she returned from the void and now serves at Recluse's side. There are rumors that her service isn't entirely voluntary, however.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: Hands down, Ghost Widow is the winner of the popularity contest if one was held among the lieutanants, and it's not because she's the only high-ranking female. Just about everyone fears her, since she is a ghost and there is no sure-fire way to kill her. But who would want to? There are many who argue she has made Arachnos what it is today, and they could be right. A veteren of twenty years, Ghost Widow herself is a reason the females of Arachnos are fiercesome warriors.
I know much about her background, and yet it seems I know nothing at all. Out of respect for her, I keep certain details secret. It is true that she was a Night Widow of undeniable skills, and it was true she died in an explosion in 1989. However, I myself am sketchy of the details of the Night Widow's death but perhaps it is best that way. It was true that there was also a lone survivor of that explosion: a Wolf Spider who overtime transformed into the twisted creature called Wretch who serves has her bodyguard and companion. As a ghost, Ghost Widow has untold powers over lesser spirits and uses them as ammunition for signature attacks! What I can't confirm is the rumors that she is my Lord Recluse's most trusted aide. True, they talk often, but it is difficult for me to determine.
Her personality is placid at best. She insists that she is as she was since her death and "the dead do not change." Perhaps she is right, she knows more about being dead than I do, but I can't help but feel perhaps she changes slightly as time goes by (everything does). I'm not well educated on ghosts and spiritual beings, but I do know that Ghost Widow stands as an exception to all of them. There is no one in this life, and the next, quite like her.
Dr. Lore's relationship status: Superior, inspiration
Official description: Imad Malak was not always a villain. Once he was a Freedom Fighter, battling against tyranny in the Middle East. But evil came to him from without. He was traveling in the deep desert near the Baka Valley deep in the Middle East, fleeing mercenary death squads when he discovered an ancient tomb and stumbled inside. The tomb was that of a long-dead desert hero, and within Malak found the hero's scimitar, an ancient weapon that granted the wielder incredible powers. Malak took the sword and donned the mantle of Scirocco, the Desert Wind. He intended to use the power to free his people, but unforunately, in taking the items he fell under a curse. Everything he did was now tainted, and only brought greater evil to the world. Once a hero of the people, he is now a dark stain on their proud heritage, and was cast out. Scirocco continued fighting, earning a grim reputation both for his phenomenal powers, and for retaining some vestige of Imad's old principles. He soon came to the attention of Arachnos, and accepted the invitation to join Lord Recluse's inner circle.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: I reguard Master Scirocco as a man who keeps his word and plans his moves carefully. I do commend him for believing the squabbles in Arachnos are "ridiculous", which has put him at odds with the others. As the man who controls the Mu Mystics, I'm confident that he too is of Mu lineage and has vast understanding of their powers and way of life. I've also found him interesting to talk to, and more than willing to share conversation despite being in two different factions. Suits me just fine.
He is reluctant to talk about his past, and I've found why. He's been through so much, and he was just trying to do the right thing all his life. The curse he's under is something he never talks about, but I can guess at it: every good deed becomes an evil deed in disguise. It's no wonder he was soon drawn to villany and terrorism, but none of it was part of the radical Islam that the Americans are trying to erradicate. He wanted to fight for the freedom of his tribe and people, but his curse caused it to backfire. Poor guy… he could sure use a hug… but he'd probably kill me in confusion…
I do say with full confidence that if the Captain didn't exist, it would be Master Scirocco I would be working for. I might even consider something more than a casual relationship if he didn't have his heart set on another girl (it's obvious he's crushing on someone, but he refuses to say who… some "Pale Light in the Darkness"…). Scirocco is everything I've come to know in a villain: cunning, subtle, striking when you least expect it… I suppose this has made him predictable. I must cut him a little slack, he's only been in Arachnos for a few years. He is inexperienced, but he is still a force to be feared.
Dr. Lore's relationship status: Superior, role-model
Official description: A former treasure hunter, Kelli Forston was infected by mysterious creatures known as the Coralax. What she found in the briny deep remains a mystery, but it turned her heart as dark and cold as the depths. In combat, she is almost as quick and savage as her bloodthirtsy mentor, Captain Mako.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: There are people in the Rogue Isles who fear Barracuda as though she is Captain Mako, and they're right to. While as fast and agile, she also possesses abilities he does not and she's much more unpredictable than her mentor.
Naturally, we have come to know each other and are close companions. The two of us have a lot in common, and know what to expect of each other when we fight side by side. We also share our frustrations in the way the Captain will sometimes treat us, but we understand that there are worse people to be working for.
On a personal note, a day doesn't go by that she doesn't agonize about her past. My knowledge is limited as she doesn't remember how she was transformed, and the memories of days before that quiet her before I can learn more. I want to say that she's moved on, but I don't think she has. As a friend, I support her best I can, and I want to help her in any way I can, but…
Dr. Lore's Relationship Status: Friend, ally, confident
Ice Mistral
Official Description: Irena Rudenko was chosen by on of the Monks of the Four Winds to become the Ice Mistral. Receiving the power changed her; she retained the icy-cold aloofness and desire for mastery of the wing, but none of the control. Her own rage overrode the honor normally imbued to the Knights of the Wind and she went on a mad killing spree. Scirocco took her under his wing to protect her from the Monks - many of which have fallen trying to reclaim their lost power.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: She is cold and calculating, and well known for eliminating ANYTHING that gets in her way. She wields a great power granted by higher authorities, and abuses it in every possible way. It's her way or the high way, and the life of the villain seemed perfect for her ideals and power-hungry rages.
And I don't like her at all.
She can be a bit of a ditz too, and "like, totally valley girl" sometimes. I hate to reguard her as the girl who kills everyone in the room when she breaks a nail, but she's one of them. I can respect that she wants to live life her own way and not have to follow any rules, but I can't respect that she thinks she's more superior than everyone else (even her own mentor, Master Scirocco) and has complete disreguard for any rules at all.
I honestly don't know how Master Scirocco puts up with her…
Dr. Lore's Relationship Status: Aquaintance, assosiate
Silver Mantis
Official Description: Tamura Shirai is fascinated with the smooth, sleek feel of metal. Funding the augmentation of her body to pure metal was an expensive proposition, however, so she tuned to crime. During one of her robberies, she encountered Black Scorpion, on a job for Lord Recluse. Tamura realized an opportunity when she saw it, and rather than fighting with Arachnos over the ill-gotten loot, formed an alliance that has lasted unto this day.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: For a lieutenant of a lieutenant, Silver Mantis gets high praise, even from Lord Recluse. It's rare to have a woman with brawn and brains, and that's something you can't help but respect.
Tamara enjoys the thrill of a fight just as much as all of us, and the deadly spikes that grow from her metallic exo-skeleton gives the enemy their last thrills. Some of her best thinking seems to come in from the heat of battle, and after formulating her plan immediately puts it into action. She strikes her enemies so quickly and precisely, I'm amazed she isn't one of my Lord Recluse's inner circle already.
She also likes to unwind after a hard day's fight. I can usually find her in a bar outdrinking a couple of the dumber Arachnos alcoholics, or in the company of her boyfriend, Black Scorpion. I suppose he needs her; perhaps she's the reason why he's been at the top of the Arachnos food chain for so long. I think there's a saying of how the most powerful men have a more powerful woman backing him, but I can't think of it…
Dr. Lore's Relationship Status: Assosiate, aquaintance
Official Description: A twisted wreck of a human being, Wretch was horribly mutated in the same incident that slew Ghost Widow. He remains her loyal guardian and protector, using his immense strength and savage fury to protect her from all harm.
Dr. Lore's Commentary: Wherever Ghost Widow goes, Wretch isn't too far behind. He is her shadow, companion and bodyguard. His twisted being is solely dedicated to keeping her safe from all harm. Those who dare to strike at Ghost Widow must go through her loyal Wretch first.
I have extensive information on Wretch and his past, but I will respect Ghost Widow's wishes to keep it private. I can share that he is the only survivor in the explosion that killed his current master, and he survived with horrid burns and mutations from drinking the contaminated water and mutated vermin with only the words of the Night Widow's ghost to keep him going. His mind simplified, and he is in constant pain because of his condition. It can be fixed… he could become the human he was again with extensive treatments, but he refuses them… violently.
He seems to share the same belief as the maiden he guards: the dead do not change. If that is true, then he must have cared so much for the Widow before she died… The poor thing… I would do everything to help him if he would accept it…
Dr. Lore's Relationship Status: Assosiate, aquaintance
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