The Cast
Brandon Chambers
Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Sandy Blonde
The primary male protagonist of the series. Branon is the first born child to a large business owning mother and a photojournalist father, Brandon was often made to take trips with his parents to various parts of the world, causing him not to make very many friends. While when he was with his father he was able to do much more then when with his mother as when with her she often times wasn't there for him, placing him with someone else to watch over him until her business was done. This would lead to a severe falling out between mother and son as Brandon came to feel his mother was more concerned about business then taking care of him. However, during a trip with her to Japan he did befriend a young Japanese girl named Kimiko Fujisawa, whom was the daughter of a wealthy business man there his mother was visitng with to make a deal. Little did he realize that deal would involve him years later.
Now in the present, upon Kimiko showing up and revealing the marriage arrangement between their two parents, Brandon becomes more angered at his mother for seemingly using him as a 'bargaining tool' for her business. Normally, Brandon is very laid-back and kind, not letting things gets to him most fo the time, unless it's when things with his mother are brought up. Though annoyed at first with things involving Kimiko, he slowly softens as he recalls when they met years before as children and became friends.
Kimiko Fujisawa
Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
The primary female protagonist of the series. She's generally shy and demure due to her initial upbringing as part of a powerful wealthy business family. However, she is easily fascinated by the many things she sees and learns about America upon arriving there to meet with Brandon, whom she met and befriended as a child while Brandon's mother was working out a deal with her family. Upon discovering that they were arranged to marry, she was given a tutor to help her to learn to read and speak English as well as to offer guidance on customs and other things in America.
Despite the initial reaction from Brandon upon their meeting again for the marriage arrangement, Kimiko chooses to stay to not get Brandon to agree to the marriage arrangement, but simply attempt to rekindle their friendship and maybe in the process be able to stay. Through various means she is able to enroll in his high school and emerse herself in full American culture, though it means including clashes with rivals for Brandon's affection as well as other guys interested in her.
Kimiko has a very good grasp the of English language thanks to the ten years she spent with her tutor on it, but she still occasional slips some Japanese in now and then, including going so far as to call Brandon by the affectionate name of "Brandon-sama". She also has a pet ringtail cat (which is not a cat, but more like a raccoon) named Ichigo, whom is named for it's favorite food strawberries, that constantly enjoys perching on her shoulders.
Jessica McCree
Age: 18
Height: 6'6"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Born in Ireland, the middle child of several brothers, Jessica grew up with a major tomboyish personality to her as a result of constantly fighting with her brothers, causing her mother much grief. As a result of things, Jessica keeps her hair long as a promise to her mother to at least keep something about her feminine. She and her family moved to the U.S. when she was only 10 and it is where she first encountered her best friend Brandon as well as her rival Victoria. During that time, her Irish accent became a bit more subdued, but she still occasionally lets out some Gaelic phrases in her dialogue when she's frustrated or annoyed, particularly by Victoria.
While she comes off often more like 'one of the guys', she harbors a major crush on Brandon due to him being one of the first people whom when she first moved to the U.S. that did not make fun of her accent or where she came from, instead finding it interesting due to times his father took him with him on trips around the world. However, due to her tomboyish attitude, she cannot willingly express her feelings to hima nd instead looks on as Brandon and Kimiko become close.
She has major issues about her height, being much taller then any of the girls in her school and having earned the nickname 'Fiery Amazon' in part to her height as well as long red hair. Still, her height also makes many itimidated, especially since she can fight like a expert boxer as well as use wrestling moves, both of which learned from her many brothers. She prefers to be called "Jessie" instead of Jessica and only allows a few to call her by her real name.
Victoria Reinard
Height: 5'7"
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Light Blonde
Born into a rich and wealthy family, the fraternal twin to brother Victor, Victoria Reinard grew up having everything she ever wanted in her life, thus making her quite spoiled and snobbish towards others. However, due to this, her parents decided to try and bring her more 'Down to Earth' by having her and her brother attend normal public schools rather then elite private schools. It is through this she encounters Brandon, her believed to be soulmate due to both coming from rich families, and her eternal rival Jessica McCree. Using her wealth and charms, she attempts many times to win Brandon's heart, but fail due to Brandon not seeing her as more then a friend as well as Jessica's intereference in things.
When Kimiko steps unto the scene, Victoria sees her as another hurdle to win the love of Brandon, whereas Kimiko sees her a basically a potential friend. Many of Victoria attempts at taking Kimiko out of the equation for Brandon fail in part due to her bodyguard Takako being around to stop them.
Victor Reinard
Height: 6'0"
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Light Blonde
Like his twin sister Victoria, Victor grew up in the lap of luxury and therefore is very vain and self-centered. He is however adored by much of the female classmates at high school. However, two girls in particular come into his sights. Jessica and Kimiko. Whereas Jessica will simply give him a beating often times for trying to hit on her or other things, Kimiko is confused by his attempts at wooing her and simply brishes them off, causing him to become even more interested in the both of them.
He'll often times assist his sister on plans simply because she uses those two girls as incentives for him if he helps her to get Brandon.
Mackenzie Chambers
Age: 13
Height: 4'8"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Brandon's little sister. Unlike him, she has no issues with their mother or father, but that is due to the fact that around the time from which she was born, they happened to be around more upon realizing what happened with Brandon on things. Due to this, Mackenzie is always puzzled by Brandon's anger, especially towards their mother. Still, it doesn't stop her from being a hyper-active, cheerful girl whom enjoys messing with her big brother.
She is a huge fan of the manga Naruto and a lot of times pretends she's like a ninja when she sneaks up on people or other things, usually failing, but once she finds out that Kimiko's bodyguard Takako is a real ninja, she and two friends attempt to receive real ninja training from her.
Anthony Nelson
Age: 18
Height: 6'3"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
One of Brandon's few friends since childhood, Tony is all about being cool, or so he thinks. He feels Brandon is a fool often times for not taking advantage of having three girls around them a lot of times, which often results in a beating or threatening of one by Jessica for bringing such things up. He happens to find Victoria quite attractive, if not for her snobby personality he feels she'd be worth the effort to woo. He in fact has known her longer then Brandon and Jessica, but Victoria chooses to ignore the fact that this is true.
Kelly Yates
Age: 32
Height: 5'7"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Born to an American father and a Japanese mother, Kelly had difficulties growing up for as to which side of her she should embrace as she was really neither one. She eventually decided to become a Japanese-English teacher in order to maybe help others like her as well to simply try to embrace both cultures she was born into. Upon graduation she was immediately approached by the Fujisawa family to teach their young daughter English as well as anything she could about America. Despite the idea of being a tutor to simply one person, Kelly decided to do it upon meeting the energetic young Kimiko. In the beginning, Kelly worked especially hard to help Kimiko with her "Ls" and "Rs" as she kept missaying her name as "Kerry".
Kelly also encountered a then teenaged Takako, Kimiko's bodyguard. The two immediately distrusted the other for some reason, possibly because the two were both assigned essentially to be with Kimiko in some manner and maybe the other felt threatened by the one's presence. Nonetheless, the two work along side each other to watch over Kimiko, and Takako also learned a good bit of Englsih herself from Kelly and Kelly learned…well, just not to take the idea of a ninja hovering around you lightly.
Takako Shiratori
Age: 24
Height: 6'5"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Born in one of the few remaining ninja villages of the modern day, when she was but a young girl, Takako was told she was to be the protector of the then baby Kimiko, just as her ancestors before her were protectors of the Fujisawa clan before her. For years she trained, but at the same time somehow came accidental in contact with her target, thus forming a sister-like bond. It is thru this bond that she is fiercely protective of Kimiko on many counts and while initially coming off as distant and cold towards Brandon and his family, she comes to respect and care for them as well. She eventually even ends up training Mackenzie and her two ninja-obsessed friends ninjitsu despite the possibility of her clan frowning on it.
She has many things in her past she wishes not to discuss, even to Kimiko, but sometimes somethings bring them to lighht whether she wants it or not. She and Kelly constantly disargee with how to help Kimiko on various things, but they both equally care for her well-being and will work together on things if it's called for.
Marcus "Otaku" Myers
Age: 18
Height: 5'8"
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Brown
A major anime and manga fan, so much so people acknowledge hsi nickanme of "Otaku" more then his real name. He is constantly comparing everyday life, situations, and the people around him to various names or mangas he has seen. He has the amazing ability to simply appear from out of nowhere to make these comparisons, scaring those around him when he does so and then usually is then launched into the air comically seconds later. A girl named Aliedah strangely takes an interest in him later on, causing him much grief as he does not know what to do with a real girl being after him, especially such a crazy girl.
Shelly Mackenzie
Age: 44
Height: 5'7"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Plantium Blonde
Her family made her prepare to take over the family business at a young age, causing her to become elite business type young. During that time though she still managed to come across her future husband and have two children as a result, but with the pressure to keep the family business strong it led many times to her having to either leave her children with others, their father, or in someone's care while accompanying her to other parts of the world. This leads to her eldest child Brandon becoming resentful towards her in the later years. However, during one trip to Japan in hopes of improving relations there, she brings Brandon along to the family home of the owner of the business she entended on forming an alliance with there to which he befriends their young daughter. The father of the girl, so impressed with their friendship despite the language barrier, propses an idea to Shelly of having their children when they come of age marry and through that perhaps form a true alliance/merger. At the time, thinking nothing but business, Shelly agrees.
Years later though, she has almost all but forgotten the deal as for the past few years she has been trying to amend her strained relationship with her son for the years of neglect she places on him. When Kimiko with her tutor and bodyguard in tow show up though, it only causes further strain on their relationship.
Jennifer Nelson
Age: 20
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Green-Blue (blind)
Hair: Brown with pink streak
Older sister to Anthony, and Jessica's boss at a music store. Jenny is physically blind, but it does not prevent her from doing her job efficently. She knows of Jessica's feelings towards Brandon and attempts to get her to openly admit then to no avail, but also seems to be able to tell of other characters feelings somehow. She is a constant foil to her brother on things, knowing his 'cool act' isn't real and that he actually isn't as badass as he tries to be. She also somehow seems to have some martial arts ability along with her walking stick to which Mackenzie and her friends refer to her as "The Blind Swordswoman" for.
Aliedah Sheridan
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Born in Austrailia, Aliedah grew up along side her 'Crocodile Hunter'-like father dealing with all kinds of wild animals. She met Brandon as a child on one of his trips with his father and the two formed a friendship as well as a bond due to both ended up with sever scar injuries from a crocodile attack. Brandon's on his arm, hers on her leg. She comes to visit him years later in high school as well end up going to school there for a while. While the girls she her possibly as another rival for Brandon's affection due to her familiarity with him, Aliedah actually just sees Brandon as an old friend and oddly ends up interested in Otaku instead.
She is quite a hyper girl always seeking adventure in some place and dragging the cast along with her into it.
Melanie Reese
Age: 16
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
A young teenage girl with a past connected to Brandon's family. Her older brother was another friend of Brandon's whom was killed running across the street to the Chambers house by a drunk driver one night, to which she blamed Brandon for the death of. However, one night when she lashed out at him at his house when their families were visiting each other, she tried to run across the street back home and was almost hit by a car herself, but was saved by Brandon pushing her out of the way. He suffered severe injuries as a result to which she then realized how selfish she was to blame him for something not his fault as well as almost costing him his own life to save hers.
Shortly after this, her family moved away, but years later came back to the neighborhood and she immediately came back into his life wanting to make up for the past. Also it seems she has developed a bit of a crush on him that makes Kimiko and the other girls a bit uneasy about. However, to Brandon, she's still that little sister to his deceased friend in his mind and tries to simply just be friends, not realizing her interest in him.
Ron Austin
Age: 13
Height: 5'3"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dyed Pink
One of Mackenzie's Naruto obsessed ninja-wannabe friends. He hopes to learn of real ninja arts like the ones he believes are in the manga he reads, but any real training is cool to him. He happens to have a crush on Mackenzie and his real hair color is blonde, coloring it pink to keep with making himself look similarly in character alongside Mackenzie and Rachel.
Rachel Kerrigan
Age: 13
Height: 5'2"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
The other of Mackenzie's Naruto obsessed ninja-wannabe friends. She wants to find out if some of the more unbelieveable ninja techniques in the manga she reads could be real or not. Comes off a bit harsh sometimes, but really likes hanging out with Mackenzie and Ron as she used to simply by a goth loner.

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DD Comics!
The American Omiai Post
The Cast of American Omiai
An interesting and diverse cast you have! I appreciate the thought you put into their backgrounds and relationships and look forward to seeing how this story plays out. Again, great job on the writing and art, both of you.
Thanks for the kind comments, and also being the first person to post on my little forum. XD
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