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This week sees the final pages of chapter 13. This chapter I had a lot of fun with, so it's a bit sad to see it going, but I'm just that much closer to the bigger stories that I'm really looking forward to working on. Chapter 14 is the start off to Zos Kias' first big storyline, and it will be a bit goofy, so enjoy the nice reprieve before I make it dark again X3

OhayoCon is this coming weekend, so I'm trying to get all my updates ready to go before I leave. School is slowly killing me, but it is pretty much what I expected. I'm doing my best to hold everything together. If it gets too much though, I may have to drop back on Zos Kias pages. I doubt it will get to that though. The Zos Kias game that I'm working on for my senior project is off to a nice solid start, too. I look forward to being able to share it with everyone, though the file size is already getting pretty high, lol.

The 7th contest is still going, but it has a looong time before it closes. Still, please don't wait until last minute to enter! Have fun with it~! I'll update again in this blog when I get back from OhayoCon next weekend. Until then…