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It's been a cold January. We've had snow… we usually get a little each year, but not this much. And the cold usually isn't this deep or constant. While I do much of my drawing outside the house, inside and downstairs is the only place to edit. So when it's cold outside, editing is some cold, cold work.

This month I've been concentrating on coloring pages that have already gone up. I figure I'll keep two months ahead of the updates and spend whatever other editing time I have on color work. Is this a good idea? Time will tell.

And so will statistics!

Time elapsed since comic debut (1/1/2009): 377 days.
Pages posted: 148.
Average days per page: 2.55.

Time elapsed since start of work (10/26/2008): 444 days.
Pages planned: 384 (52.5%) (1.16 days per page)
Pages sketched: 228 (31.1%) (1.95)
Pages drawn: 228 (31.1%) (1.95)
Pages complete: 173 (23.6%) (2.57)
Pages posted: 148 (20.2%)

50 units makes for a relatively light month. Right now the rate at which I'm completing pages is roughly on track with the rate I'm posting pages, but I'm gonna have to step it up some as we're back to 3 updates a week (and I'd rather not slow it down again).

Overall comic progress is 35%. I'd really like to knock out a couple more percentage points a month, but of course that's all time-permitting. I colored or retouched 10 previously-completed pages out of something like 114. At that rate the entire comic will be in color within a year.

Enjoy, and please keep the comments coming.