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Moonlight meanderer

Yet Another Milestone

Posted at

I know y'all wanted to see her in Daisy Dukes.

I was gonna do this with the witch, but I don't suppose you guys would have appreciated that very much.

Fly Hue
Fly Hue
Posted at

Her tail blocks the view of any potential peaks at her butt! );

Posted at

Oh wow, you made me realise that deep down inside, I indeed wanted to see her in Daisy Dukes, without knowing all the time!

Posted at

Her tail blocks the view of any potential peaks at her butt! );

Don't let her know you said that! She's very sensitive about the size of her tail.

Posted at

Oh wow, you made me realise that deep down inside, I indeed wanted to see her in Daisy Dukes, without knowing all the time!

I pride myself on knowing what my readers want to see, even if they aren't aware of it.

Posted at

Her tail blocks the view of any potential peaks at her butt! );

Don't let her know you said that! She's very sensitive about the size of her tail.

Why would she be? It's a cute tail, and a cute butt.

Posted at

Her tail blocks the view of any potential peaks at her butt! );

Don't let her know you said that! She's very sensitive about the size of her tail.

Why would she be? It's a cute tail, and a cute butt.

You know how chicks are. Always obsessing over some part of their body, even if it's perfect.

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Moonlight meanderer

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