tell me what ur favorite 2 creatures are and why u love it so much, it can be real or fantasy, doesnt matter.
what introduce u to the creature, what made u love it as much as u do.
mine is the wolf and gray tree frog of course, i love the gray tree frog because of my past experience with raising them, my first gray's where Pete and Repete, a friend of mine scooped em up from a drying puddle when they where tadpoles, i ended up keeping them over since there was a huge drought and the ponds and creeks where very dry, when the rain started, the little guys where already froglets so ended up keeping them, pete lived for 7 years and repete was so rambunctious and wild, i let her go since she was more lively, pete was lazy and rarely tried to hop away from anything, including the dog when she gulped him down, led me to gagging the dog untill she spit him up, luckily he wasnt harmed. Pete is now a part of my book, the frog with wings represents him. though he was a frog, the little guy had alot of comical stories to tell.
Keeva is my reason for loving wolves, she is my 6 and a half year old Timber wolf hybrid. she was an accident who was on death row along with her siblings but with a bit of work from me and my naborhood friends, we managed to find all the pups suitable homes. after i got her, i began to study wolves and learned alot about them and became extremely drawn to the wild canids

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Random discussion: what is your favorit creature, rather real or make belief
My favorite animals are the wolf and dragons.
Wolves I've always had a love for. They're so intelligent and caring for their packs. Perfect example of how a society should function. Dragons I was introduced to through books. Everything I've read about them has pretty much been the same. Intelligent, beautiful, antisocial creatures with great power. Of course then everything varies for it. I've started writing my own book on them. The worst part bout it is names.
Tryin to learn to draw both, but its a slow process thanks to school.
My favorite animals are the wolf and dragons.
Wolves I've always had a love for. They're so intelligent and caring for their packs. Perfect example of how a society should function. Dragons I was introduced to through books. Everything I've read about them has pretty much been the same. Intelligent, beautiful, antisocial creatures with great power. Of course then everything varies for it. I've started writing my own book on them. The worst part bout it is names.
Tryin to learn to draw both, but its a slow process thanks to school.
i agree, not many people understand the wild canids, they are alot like us in social ways and there hunting skills and the way they work as a pack is nothing short of amazing. they truly are number one in my heart, i plan to donate alot of the money i make off my book to wolf sanctuaries, i wish to help in some way to protect the species, especially the red wolf, one of the most highly endangered. i also collect dragon books, dragons are one of the best mythical beasts around and my book has alot of them in it aswell, it is the medieval times after all.
Hands down my favorite animal is the wolf, and the second I'd have to say is the horse.
I've loved wolves for as long as I can remember, I think it started with my love for dogs. Wolves are pretty much free dogs, I think of them as the spirit of nature itself. And I agree with how similar they are to us, it's a shame they aren't loved enough. As for horses, I kinda feel the same way about them, their powerful yet loving and have a very beautiful spirit.
I guess that's it. lol I mean, I love all animals to an extent, probably cuz I relate with them in a sense. Sometimes I wish I could live the same way as them, without the constraints of our materialistic society. Anyways, thanks for the invite to talk. ^^
i have to say my fav. is the black panther. to me they are the ideal hunter as well as grace full., they have this deadly beaty about them that i just love. my next fave would have to be a phoenix. i love them for the fact that they are reborn through fire and they just looks so beautiful and majestic. (please excuse my terrable spelling, einglish and i are not good friends never have been for all my 17 years)
Rats. People say they're ugly, but they are actually really cute as pets. I had rats as pets in middle and high school. Compared with hamsters and mice they are alot more tame and intelligent. I once had a pet rat escape from her cage. I called out to her in the living room and out she came to me, wanting me to hold her. Hamsters never do that.
Sad to say ,but dogs have stolen my heart. I really like pugs as a breed. I've gotten my very first dog three years ago.(pug) I never knew how responsive and lovable they are until I have one. I even enjoy just taking care of him such as giving him a bath, walking, cleaning his ears… yeah.
Hum. I would have to divide my favorite animals into fantasy and real.
I LOVE dragons. Not the cuddley cute variety seen all too commonly in a lot of modern fantasy (I can't count how many comics on this site alone have friendly dragons as main characters, or at least side characters) but the vicious, burninating kind that may or may not be intelligent. Red dragons from D&D best represent this, though an occasional haughty, benign silver or gold is nice. Asian dragons aren't all nice either, as they are representations of the elements. Elements are chaotic and uncontrollable, causing destruction and death in their wake. They are uncaring, not evil and not good.. just there.
I also love cockatrice. I mean, they are so cute! Little chickens that can turn you to stone! Aww.
Real animals now.. felines. All sorts. They are the undisputed masters of humanity. They don't beg or submit like dogs do, as they know that they are in fact the top of the ladder. They provide affection only when they feel like it. They are killers, cold blooded hunters. The only reason that house cats deign to allow you to pet them and pick them up is because you provide food and shelter. Bigger cats like tigers don't need you to do it for them, so they will eat you if they are hungry and might just kill you for fun (cat's are among and very small number of animals that kill for pleasure). And they are fluffy.
Then there are bats. Flying little mice that eat annoying insects? Who couldn't like them? They also produce guano, which is otherwise known as salt peter (an essential ingredient to black powder). So very useful they is! Plus, if you've ever held one you would see it's little hands holding onto you and it's fuzzy little body and ohhh so cute.
Hands down my favorite animal is the wolf, and the second I'd have to say is the horse.
I've loved wolves for as long as I can remember, I think it started with my love for dogs. Wolves are pretty much free dogs, I think of them as the spirit of nature itself. And I agree with how similar they are to us, it's a shame they aren't loved enough. As for horses, I kinda feel the same way about them, their powerful yet loving and have a very beautiful spirit.
I guess that's it. lol I mean, I love all animals to an extent, probably cuz I relate with them in a sense. Sometimes I wish I could live the same way as them, without the constraints of our materialistic society. Anyways, thanks for the invite to talk. ^^
lol i guess thats one of the reasons u began to read my book, huh?
my book becomes more and more about the wolf.
i love the horse aswell, i use to ride but a few years back i was bucked off and broke a few ribs and i havent climbed back on since, doesnt stop me from loving the animals though, horses are known as the beasts of burden because of the dedication to working in the fields and getting humans from place to place, seems like a sad life but many horses seem to love the work side by side with men, there very loyal creatures and till this day did u know that horses have more right to the road then the car?
Rats. People say they're ugly, but they are actually really cute as pets. I had rats as pets in middle and high school. Compared with hamsters and mice they are alot more tame and intelligent. I once had a pet rat escape from her cage. I called out to her in the living room and out she came to me, wanting me to hold her. Hamsters never do that.
Sad to say ,but dogs have stolen my heart. I really like pugs as a breed. I've gotten my very first dog three years ago.(pug) I never knew how responsive and lovable they are until I have one. I even enjoy just taking care of him such as giving him a bath, walking, cleaning his ears… yeah.
I love rats! They are really smart, as you said, and they are super clean too. They are easy to maintain (no need for baths) and they are quite friendly. They like affection and can learn about as well as a dog can.
Dogs are nice pets if you like something a little more energetic than a cat. They do love going on walks and to be pet and whatnot. They require a lot of time and energy invested in them as puppies, though. Pugs are much easier to deal with than bigger dogs, I suppose… Slightly less energy and not as able to make huge messes.
A wolf…. I don't really know why but I like how it's so noble and proud. :)they always make me think of the Indians, they where very noble, living with everything as one. my great great grandfather was full blooded Cherokee, guess that would be my reason for loving animals the way i do, he always sit on the portch and sung indian songs or chants, what ever there called. wished he could have met keeva
i have to say my fav. is the black panther. to me they are the ideal hunter as well as grace full., they have this deadly beaty about them that i just love. my next fave would have to be a phoenix. i love them for the fact that they are reborn through fire and they just looks so beautiful and majestic. (please excuse my terrable spelling, einglish and i are not good friends never have been for all my 17 years)
lol i love all big cats, panthers are absolutely gorgeous animals we have a few here in the Tn area, a few years back we had one come out of the woods at my aunts and it sit in a tree in our yard. its cries sounded exactly like a human baby crying at times and sometimes it would sound like a woman screaming. my aunt was afraid to call the warden because game wardens dont exactly play fair around here and think more of killing animals then saving them so we let it creep back into the woods, hopefully though, it wont come back, living around big cats who feel safe around humans isnt exactly good, next thing ya know, ur on the dinner menu. but i feel sad that humans are taking things over and running wild animals out of there environments so we try to cope but its been 3 years and i aint seen that panther so hopefully hes moved on. i remember my first time seeing a phoenix was in harrypotter, it was a pretty cool creature, i have read about them but i dont know alot about them other then they can be reborn from ashes
Rats. People say they're ugly, but they are actually really cute as pets. I had rats as pets in middle and high school. Compared with hamsters and mice they are alot more tame and intelligent. I once had a pet rat escape from her cage. I called out to her in the living room and out she came to me, wanting me to hold her. Hamsters never do that.
Sad to say ,but dogs have stolen my heart. I really like pugs as a breed. I've gotten my very first dog three years ago.(pug) I never knew how responsive and lovable they are until I have one. I even enjoy just taking care of him such as giving him a bath, walking, cleaning his ears… yeah.
hahaha rats are pretty neet little characters too, my friend, bolinda has some and they are so cute seeing them from the vids shes shown me, especially when they have a nose off, its a way they show dominance but its cute how they stand when they are challenging one another. rats are actually verry clean animals and there reputation has been destroyed but it is humans who have created the gross environment they have been forced to live in. they are very smart creatures and can be so loving too. i love pugs too, they are quiet the little hand fulls but soooo cute as puppies but they never lose that cuteness even after there grown.
Hum. I would have to divide my favorite animals into fantasy and real.
I LOVE dragons. Not the cuddley cute variety seen all too commonly in a lot of modern fantasy (I can't count how many comics on this site alone have friendly dragons as main characters, or at least side characters) but the vicious, burninating kind that may or may not be intelligent. Red dragons from D&D best represent this, though an occasional haughty, benign silver or gold is nice. Asian dragons aren't all nice either, as they are representations of the elements. Elements are chaotic and uncontrollable, causing destruction and death in their wake. They are uncaring, not evil and not good.. just there.
I also love cockatrice. I mean, they are so cute! Little chickens that can turn you to stone! Aww.
Real animals now.. felines. All sorts. They are the undisputed masters of humanity. They don't beg or submit like dogs do, as they know that they are in fact the top of the ladder. They provide affection only when they feel like it. They are killers, cold blooded hunters. The only reason that house cats deign to allow you to pet them and pick them up is because you provide food and shelter. Bigger cats like tigers don't need you to do it for them, so they will eat you if they are hungry and might just kill you for fun (cat's are among and very small number of animals that kill for pleasure). And they are fluffy.
Then there are bats. Flying little mice that eat annoying insects? Who couldn't like them? They also produce guano, which is otherwise known as salt peter (an essential ingredient to black powder). So very useful they is! Plus, if you've ever held one you would see it's little hands holding onto you and it's fuzzy little body and ohhh so cute.
wow thats an interesting twist right there, i absolutely love cats aswell, they have my shear respect, mostly because they,unlike many creatures dont give a shit if u respect them or not, they have us around there fingers, one friend once told me that cats owned us, they come and go as they please and the tiger,lion,cheetah and leopard have always amazed me, out of the 4 my fav has to be the leopard because of its shear power to pull whole carcasses up a tree with eas. i watch alot of animal planet's Big Cat Diaries and tickled me seeing this leopard catch two large carcasses and b4 the hyenas could steal it she ran up a tree with it and ate it in front of them, hahahaha as is saying "fuck u"
but now i get pissed at these dumb ass fucks who keep lions and big cats as "PETS" when knowing these animals are wild at heart, theres no taking the wild kill drive out of them, its there nature and when dumb ass humans try to keep them, the cat gets the blame when it ends up taking a life or hurting some one, i honestly sit and luagh at these people who get hurt by these big pet cats, teaches them a lesson if they live through it, wild cats are more magnificent in the wild in there natural environment.
as for dragons yeah, i dont like these sweet innocent dragons either, my all time favorite breed has been the black dragon, i have a whole encyclopedia of dragons from years ago. i love the Lung dragon, another name for it is the chinese dragon but its scientific name has always been the Lung. dragons are alot like the crocodile, ready to eat what ever crosses its path, dragons do play alot of roles in my book, the kind u have in mind, we seem to think alot alike when it comes to the way we think on dragons and cats, both should be feared and respected
hey Tiff lol. since its been awhile since i was on here i figured i would answer the question…
My favorite fantasy would have to be the phoenix, its just a majestic bird that most people would never think about. I love the fact that it would never die. I could keep it around till I died and then pass it on to another family member, or kid lol.
Real animals would have to be birds because they don't have to worry about anything because they fly I mean yea they have to watch out for cars and certain animals but in the long path its not to much they have to worry bout.
hey Tiff lol. since its been awhile since i was on here i figured i would answer the question…i kinda figured u where more a dragon or phoenix person, they are pretty awesome creatures, birds are pretty cool but they have alot to worry about then u think, after all, most birds eat other birds, smaller birds dont have it made too well having to share the air with hawks and bigger prey birds but if i had to choose a bird to be it would most definitely be a hawk or raven since not many things bother them
My favorite fantasy would have to be the phoenix, its just a majestic bird that most people would never think about. I love the fact that it would never die. I could keep it around till I died and then pass it on to another family member, or kid lol.
Real animals would have to be birds because they don't have to worry about anything because they fly I mean yea they have to watch out for cars and certain animals but in the long path its not to much they have to worry bout.
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