This is an epic chapter (61 pages!), and involves characters galore. There is a wedding with a guest-list containing many transgender superheroes from across different realities, and this has been targeted by the bigoted Seraphim, who has hired mercenaries to forcefully stop the wedding. Heroes Alliance intervenes to reduce collateral damage and overall try and stop the fighting from possibly levelling the city in which it takes place. However, there is one outside variable which puts a wrinkle in all of this…
Heroes Alliance:
Bombshell (Abt_Nihil)
Mr. Imp (Wes_Nero123)
Peligroso (sux)
Relik (SympleSymon, MrHades)
Shell (fukujinzuke)
The Spatulator (s0jikai)
Titan (Nepath)
Vora (Tempest_Lavalle)
Wireless (Macattack)
Wedding Guests:
Astral, Eiderdown, Fractal, Sparkle, Split (my characters)
The Dragon Queen (comic seems to be down–reference for the character is in this thread)
Gen, Topia
Jack the Lantern
Jenny Everywhere
Jessica Mason, Bobby
Madame Fatal
The Ancient (Hero)
Captain Nazi
Coldcut, Killerton (SympleSymon)
The Floccinaucinihilipilification, The Gunman, The Seraphim (Sea Embers, Phobia, Zhia, Bind, Lash) (my characters)
Jenny Nowhere
Kraysch (AzuJOD)
Metahuman supremacist group (Heremod, Cerebelle, Komodo), Oscuro, Saint (sux)
Shock (Macattack)
Target (mind_reader)
Deadline for pages:
Pages and assignments:
Cover - Dumok done
1 - shastab24 done
2 - shastab24 done
3 - shastab24 done
4-5 (double-page spread) - shastab24 done
6 - melsr007 done
7 - shastab24 done
8 - Hero done
9 - Byth1 done
10 - Byth1 done
11 - RazielArt done
12 - Empty Brooke
13 - RazielArt in progress–still being colored, and may go live black and white
14 - RazielArt in progress–still being colored, and may go live blacka white
15 - melsr007 done
16 - JZA963 done
17 - pixidura
18 - LadyAlexiaLastHope
19 - Toshubi
20 - Genejoke done
21 - shastab24 done
22 - shastab24 done
23 - MrHades
24 - cdmalcolm
25 - cdmalcom
26 - Abt_Nihil
27 - Abt_Nihil
28-29 (double-page splash) - TitusKun
30 - Wes_Nero123
31 - sux
32 - fukujinzuke
33 - fukujinzuke
34 - crash–oops
35 - Lainawolf
36 - Koikoi
37 - Abt_Nihil
38 - Abt_Nihil
39 - melsr007 done
40 - melsr007 done
41 - Jan-ilu
44 -
45 - darrellsan done
46 -
47 -
48 - Hero in progress
49 - Byth1
50 - Byth1
51 - Tempest_Lavalle
52 - Lemniskate done
53 - Lemniskate done
54 - CycKath in progress
55 - JZA963 done
56 - baby doll daily
57 -
58 - Hero - done
59 -
60 - Tempest_Lavalle
61 - shastab24 done

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
Heroes Alliance: What You Believe
Edited update: I didn't know I would do it, but I actually broke down the whole thing. Dang, is it long, and you never really figure that out until you break it down. I signed myself up for 5 pages, with the idea that I would also try for more.
Needless to say, I will also be going outside of this message board for pages, because that is a freaking long script. But I am now open for people who might want to draw some of this (and understand if things are pushed to the back-burner as people finish the fanservice chapter and Going Green/Seeing Red/whatever). Plus, I do still need to get my reference pictures for Eiderdown, Fractal, The Gunman, The Floccinaucinihiliilification, Astral's astral form, a new Sparkle reference, and also get the information for Tiger Woman, which I will do as soon as possible.
Well, what I hope I can do is get a backlog of pages while other chapters are updating, and then this chapter could be uploaded daily, taking two months. Not that I expect this, but it's what I would love.
I'm still thinking of what The Floccinaucinihilipilification will look like. I'm thinking he could either have an "F" on his chest, or maybe a "clever" shirt (I'm thinking either "You suck, I rock" or a shirt with a picture of two thumbs pointing in at him and it says "Who has two thumbs and is better than you in every way?"–the latter would be a bit much, but I do like the idea). I should also get my Going Green page scanned–I just need hat, and then to letter it, and I will be done with that page (and much happier about some things).
Well, at least when it's updating, others would have much more time to get their works done.
And I am quite sure I'll be doing more than five pages for the story. Also, I have drawn The F Man and will upload him when I get the chance to scan the picture (not today–the librry is closed on Memorial Day), but the basics are this: white man with black hair in a faux-hawk, a reddish eye mask, white shirt with the two thumbs pointing back at him and the text "Who has TWO THUMBS and is BETTER THAN YOU in every way?", black gloves, tan corderoy pants, red-brown sneakers with white soles.
Yes, it's not exactly the most fun, outlandish costume, but I thought it would fit his personality. And I don't know if I've seen any super–hero or villain–in corderoy (or, actually, with a faux-hawk). He has the mask and gloves because I never see why anyone would commit crimes without them.
But next I want to do Astral's astral form, as well as The Gunman (probably will be done on Hero Machine) and Eiderdown (I do have a picture of her somewhere which I could scrounge up and use–it's a simple costume, but I know I forgot to add a mask when I drew it). Though Iwant to draw a new Sparkle picture, it isn't wholly necessary, as the only change would be a lack of shoes (though I'm changing the nature of her powers, to where every time she bulks up, she "sparkles" in pink dots around her, as I like that aspect in the original reference picture–and I ven have an explanation for it ready to go, which helps explain where that mass comes from).
I've got a reference picture for The Gunman. It was done in Hero Machine, so I had limitations, as I wanted to make him look much more like Rob Liefeld designed him (I sometimes like to give tha sort of look to my villains). Here he is:
The Gunman
Real name: Tom Gunn (legally changed from Tom Bradford)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 215 lbs
About: Tom is a gun for hire with a stellar reputation of dedication, and a low fee. He is known to love, not the sport, but the kill. Despite this, people are reluctant to hire him for one factor: he creeps them out. He will talk to his guns in a loving, sexual manner and it has been rightfully assumed that he treats them as such in private. In fact, this is why he changed his last name…
He may be a great shot, but he leaves himself open whenever he pauses to talk to/caress his gun. Having been disarmed a few times by his targets, he has also built his body up in case he ever needs to get is hands dirty, though he remains a poor hand-to-hand fighter and knows no martial arts.
The Gunman was somebody I concocted one day while thinking of a villain to enter into a villain contest the show The Cape was running (sadly, the site wouldn't let me register to even try to submit him). I haven't decided explicitly his universe of origin, so he may as well be from the Heroes Unite/Alliance univere (or an extradimensional freelancer, with a decent enough amount of hires from the Heroes Unite/Alliance universe to have him be known). I just haven't put him in the Villains thread because, if he is extra-diensional, I don't know if he counts, and I have enough extra-dimensional submitted to these boards.
But there's his information, both for What You Believe, and also for if people want to use him in another story.
And I did Astral's astral form in Hero Machine, as well, because I actually thought I could create a good image:
Note: I'm now thinking that, at least when he's near his body, he wouldn't really have feet unless he really wants them, instead having his legs merge into an ectoplasmic-like trail leading from his body's forehead (since that is where he is projecting the form from).
But that's a whole lot of blue. I don't know why it's such a popular color for superheroes. Personally, I like yellow, but I don't know why so few of my characters use it.
References still to put up: Sparkle (maybe, unless people are okay with the old picture, just nowing she's barefoot), Eiderdown, The Floccinaucinihilipilification, Clown, Fractal, The Spatulator (I'm going to ask s0jikai for one–if he doesn't respond, I'll try my hand at designing him), the church, and the bank. Hopefully that's all the references needed.
Three more character references (linked, because I didn't want to resize the images, as that made them look bad):
Eiderdown and Fractal. Eiderdown is half-Laotian, half-Mexican and has feather-based powers (can produce them from her body and can turn her body into feathers, which can cushion the impact of blows, and allow her to make things such as bullet wounds heal a lot easier).
Note that with Fractal, I didn't draw the character nor color the costume (or draw a second glove, but that's because I didn't have room as I drew Eiderdown first). This is because the character is in a constant state of flux, shifting between genders and skin color, as well as hair-styles and heights. The color of the costume is actually a fractal pattern, which in itself is not really constant. Fractal can make energy constructs (a la Green Lantern) which have a fractal pattern to them.
The Floccinaucinihilipilification. Finally I got him up.
References still needed, it would seem are: The Spatulator, the minister, the couple, the church (outside, lobby, main room), and the bank. These ones I may ask artists doing them what they think for them, though I may try to draw some myself.
Genejoke, that's up to each artist. I prefer if people letter their own pages, as I am no good at it, but that doesn't mean tha I think it's required.
sux, that looks pretty cool. Definitely looks like a chef, and actually one that might be able to be in combat. I was going to draw a goofier character with a taller hat, Italian mustache and an apronwith a logo, but I think your picture can officially be wat he looks like. Unless s0jikai ever decides to pipe up and actually give a reference to what he thinks the character looks like.
Edited to add: Anybody know what's going on with Tempest? I purposely have kept off from giving anyone pages 35 and 36 because I would tink her art would be great for one or both of them. However, I don't want to hold off forever.
sux, that looks pretty cool. Definitely looks like a chef, and actually one that might be able to be in combat. I was going to draw a goofier character with a taller hat, Italian mustache and an apronwith a logo, but I think your picture can officially be wat he looks like. Unless s0jikai ever decides to pipe up and actually give a reference to what he thinks the character looks like.
My idea for him was that looked like Bananaman, except he would have had a helmet that had a spatula stuck on top.
sux, that looks pretty cool. Definitely looks like a chef, and actually one that might be able to be in combat. I was going to draw a goofier character with a taller hat, Italian mustache and an apronwith a logo, but I think your picture can officially be wat he looks like. Unless s0jikai ever decides to pipe up and actually give a reference to what he thinks the character looks like.
My idea for him was that looked like Bananaman, except he would have had a helmet that had a spatula stuck on top.
Dude…you should totally draw that :D
I'm going with AzuJOD's suggestion from my possible reference pictures of church interiors. While I would have preferred a different one (if you go to the references thread, it was the second picture I linked), it would be much more intensive to draw, and I don't want to be mean to artists (I'm already stuffing a lot of characters in there, so I might as well make an easy backdrop). I drew a church interior, but I guess it won't be used. However, I did also draw the entrance doors to the main room, and I'll put that up when I can. As well, I drew an exterior and have been drawing the lobby, which I'll probably get up the same day (Tuesday at the soonest). But, I still would need a bank exterior (and maybe interior, but since it's on only one page, I don't give it priority), HA meeting room, HA jet interior (I will say I envision it a bit like the interior to the X-Jet from the X-Men movies–and if anybody wants to design what its exterior looks like, go ahead, as that would just be fun to see), the minister, and the couple.
Church main room interior:
Okay, I couldn't get to a scanner, but I promised references today, so I took pictures with my webcam. Today we have two: the doors to the main part of the church (as seen from inside the room) and the exterior of the church. Prepare yourself for bad (uncolored) art.
The doors:
Note that I tried to show how the door locks, and the tracks that the locking board would run across. Of course, I haven't even given out the pages which require one to know what the door looks like yet, but I know I will eventually.
The front:
And I took a second picture of the front to show where the sidewalk is:
I hope these help. Also, I'd hoped to get pictures of the lobby up, but I haven't drawn them yet. That makes it just the lobby, jet interior, minister, and couple needed (though I guess you guys might want color for these references, too, so I guess I'm not done with them, either.
I have a reference for the minister now, since my friend has agreed to have her likeness in the comic.
her Facebook
a shot of her from her profile
Now to go with what she's wearing… (I may get that reference with the references for the couple, as well)
…61 pages?! O_o And Abt was worried about my two chapters going on for a long time :P Can't wait to see the script of this, if you don't mind.The difference is that your script is going to be an integral part of our planning (as a "season finale" ), so we'll have to choose the best way to make it happen! Whereas the deal with shastab24 is more like: If you can make it happen, we'll post it.
*gets back to work on 'Psychosis Wave'*
That's the way it goes. I don't know anything about the long-term planning, and in a way I like that, as because I'm a reader first, I like to be surprised. Now I do have oher ideas, but I would truly make sure they would be shorter when scripting them. This was long by necessity, while others needn't be as much (I had another idea to bring Sparkle and Astral into the universe, but it was much more forced and I think worked against some charactrization. I may post that idea sometime, but I also may not. It all depends on my mood (and I don't feel like doing it until after this story starts uploading, at least).
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