This whole thread is a response to AzuJOD's and Sebastian_Sandberg's posts from here (both from May 13th 2010).
The following list should contain ALL stories relevant for HA, including individual characters' comics. If you have anything to add to this list or to correct it, please post a reply here. Thanks!
EDIT 5/20/10: I inserted numbers where question marks used to be. These numbers are all estimates based on the sequence of events we've come up with. If you'd like to have any number changed, please post here!
Here' the list in progress:
1940s………………………………PowerPatriot (Main comic / Issue 531)
n/a…………………………………..PowerPatriot/Exocet Team-Up (link)
ca. 1997…………………………..Energize gets his powers at age 18
n/a…………………………………..Dasien Chapters 1-10
n/a…………………………………..Crossover Wars (parenthetical because nobody appears to remember it)
Before Energize/Dasien……..Bombshell #1-4
00/00/00…………………………..Energize/Dasien (Energize's first public appearance in costume)*
00/00/01…………………………..Retake #1-5
00/00/02…………………………..Comet Kid #1
00/00/03…………………………..Heroes Unite (HU#1)
00/01/00…………………………..Azumorph is tracked down by HUB (link)
00/01/01…………………………..Comet Kid ch. 2 ("Shooting Stars" )
00/01/02…………………………..Relik #1
00/01/03…………………………..HU: Cavalry (HU#2)
00/01/04…………………………..Blue Jay #1
00/02/00…………………………..Shell #1
00/02/01…………………………..Vora #1
00/02/02…………………………..Energize #1-4 (encompassing four days)
00/02/03…………………………..Comet Kid ch. 4 ("Fight The Dragon" )
00/02/04…………………………..HU: EGO (HU#3)
00/03/00…………………………..HU Adventures
00/03/01…………………………..Dasien #11-13
00/03/03…………………………..Dasien #14-?
00/03/04…………………………..HU: Salvation - The Stormfront (HU#4)
00/04/00…………………………..Energize #4
00/04/01…………………………..HU: Fury (HU#5)
00/04/02…………………………..Shadow Fox #1
00/04/03…………………………..The Impractical Mr Imp #1
00/04/04…………………………..Shell #9 - ?
00/05/00…………………………..Peligroso #1
00/05/01…………………………..Comet Kid ch. 5 ("Secret Identity Crisis" )
00/05/01…………………………..HU: The Darkness Within (HU#6)
00/05/02…………………………..HA #1
00/05/02…………………………..HA #2
00/??/??…………………………..Bleeder #1
00/06/02…………………………..HA #3
00/06/04…………………………..HA #4
01/00/00…………………………..Energize: Hunted #1-5
01/??/??…………………………..Bombshell #5-8
"?" denotes dates which have yet to be determined.
HU/HA main chapters are in green.
*I chose Energize/Dasien as Year 0/Month 0/Week 0 because for now, it's the first story with a definite date relative to the following stories.

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HU/HA Universe - Overview over ALL relevant stories & timeline
OK, I was just looking over Energize's continuity and I was able to determine that the first four issues take place over three days, with the last page being four days later, so that's a week all up.
Also This post from Neilsama's blog gives us an idea of Dasien's continuity. (Bold stuff added by me)
Dasien - Chapters 1 thru 10
Crossover Wars (parenthetical because nobody appears to remember it)
Energize/Dasien (happens before Energize #1)
Heroes Unite - Chapters 1 and 2
Heroes Unite: EGO, featuring Dasien (occurs simultaneously with Energize series)
Dasien Chapters 11 thru 13
The Crossoverlord
Dasien continues…
Also, while there aren't any stories about them yet, the appearances of past heroes such as PowerPatriot and Exocet probably need a mention somewhere. This page is notable.
The earliest story in HU continuity I can think of is SHELL #7, but I don't think we need to go that far back :p
As far as Azumorph/Oz Stars continuity goes, the last two panels of page three take place after HU #1.
It may seem like a lot is happening in a year, but then you have to remember that a lot of these stories take place over only one day.
If you want to get technical, Comet Kid's appearance in Calvary would have to take place after his second chapter origin story, since he has the comet and calls himself Comet Kid. And, Ego would have to take place after the fourth chapter Fight the Dragon, considering Blitz and Tech's designs. Heroes Alliance takes place after the current chapter, Secret Identity Crisis, judging by the filler pages I made. Then again, the progression of time in Comet Kid is not specific and the CK in HA might be considered an AU version.
Energize #1 pg. 11 claims that Energize made his public "debut appearance a little under two months ago". I'm too lazy to look up if the comic states when exactly he got his powers… maybe that should be the "absolute zero" for our timeline… then we'd need to figure out how much later Energize/Dasien and HU#1 takes place. Of course, this can be rough estimates.
Nepath? Anyone?
Energize #1 pg. 11 claims that Energize made his public "debut appearance a little under two months ago". I'm too lazy to look up if the comic states when exactly he got his powers… maybe that should be the "absolute zero" for our timeline… then we'd need to figure out how much later Energize/Dasien and HU#1 takes place. Of course, this can be rough estimates.
Nepath? Anyone?
Yeah - basically (for me) Energize got his powers at 18 (roughly 1997) but became Energize about 2 months prior to Energize #1. Energize/Dasien is set on the night of his very first day in costume. HU #1 & 2 are squeezed in that 2 months gap before Energize #1 starts. I figure he wasn't in EGO because he was getting wupped by Saroth at the time.
Based on that HU 1-3 take place within a 9-10 week period
Hope this helps
I updated the list according to the posts in this thread. The only wild guess I took was that HU#1 takes place 3 weeks after Energize/Dasien, and HU#2 one month after HU#1 - it would take at the very least a month to get from HU#1 to HU#2. Probably longer. Realistically, integrating a team of superheroes into the UN and building a secret HQ would probably take… a year or so? :P But I chose one month so it would fit into the 9-10 week-period Nepath suggested.
Thanks to everyone who's supplied info so far.
Another thing we could add This PowerPatriot story that takes place in the forties.
More on Azumorph's personal timeline: He got his powers in 2000, when he was about 13. He was Chango Presto for about a year before the event caused him to give it up. He then focused on finishing high school for the next three years before he was tracked down by HUB.
Also had a look over some HU Adventures stories and we can add HUA #2 and #3 after HU:EGO (#3 in particular happens directly after it)
Okay, I updated the list accordingly.
What I don't quite get is Neilsama's referring to Dasien #11-13, since Dasien stops at chapter 6. I haven't read it though, so I can't quite say. I'll take his blog info as decisive on this issue. (Also, it doesn't matter too much either way, since Dasien more or less just had a cameo and isn't slated for another appearance… right?)
Hah, Pat's at the beginning! Well, if we're going to add that, then I think it only fair to add that a new title in the Relik Universe, aptly named 'PowerPatriot', will soon be launching, albeit set before the adventure started in 'Issue 531'. So maybe simply add 'PowerPatriot' before 531?
I also noticed you had 'Relik #1' listed but not Retake. Is that because Retake was pretty much a closed story, and 'Relik' will be much more open for integration, or just a typo? Either way works, lol. But 'Relik' DOES take place about two-to-three weeks/a month after the events of 'Retake' so the police are still after him, which is why I had Bombshell mention it in his HA interview. In other words, HA takes place quite a while ahead of the events of 'Relik' - he's still hunted in that, but cleared of all charges and practically a certified hero in HA.
….if that, er, helps at all.
Oops! Man, I'm SO used to mini-series having 4 issues. I should know better, since I've got this handsome Retake book on my shelf since last week! :P
Also, I replaced most question marks on the list with numbers! These are still based on estimates, so if anybody isn't OK with any, please tell me.
I added tentative dates for HA #3 and #4… I'm assuming that for the foreseeable future, HA will not cross over into Energize: Hunted territory. Or are there good reasons against this assumption? (See also my post in the storylines thread.)
Oops! Man, I'm SO used to mini-series having 4 issues. I should know better, since I've got this handsome Retake book on my shelf since last week! :P
Holy cow, you bought the book? Seriously, thanks man! Means a lot to me!
Now if I could just figure out, timeline-wise, where 'Relik' fits in… EDIT: Nvm, you've already got it down, and pretty much where I would place it, too!
I'm just going to throw it out here. Since Kyle is based after me (Another one who based their superhero after themselves I know) and got his powers around gr 12 he would have become Wireless around 2008. Which works out pretty well as Canada's economy was meh and people were doing questionable deals to keep money. Lot's of work for a vigilante who punishes those "above the law" =D
…Wireless origin: 2008…
…which would prompt the question, are our dates closely related to real-time stuff? If so, how? :P
HU started in late 2007, if I remember correctly. I'm not sure if three years have passed in HU/HA continuity since the first HU team formed. Real time probably goes by much faster than HU/HA time… just like Batman has been in this thirties for sixty years.
Not that it's too important or anything, it's just something I usually don't consider.
I really don't know where to post this one so I think I'll post it in here as it's a pretty relevant storyline that I keep mentioning but not explaining.
I keep talking about the anti-metahuman strikes throughout Canada. What I mean by that is this:
in the 1920's the first heroes (at least in the basic Wireless cannon) appeared in the United States. Canada, being a country that always has liked to examine the US culture but still remain slightly unique, was both fascinated and a little afraid of what this could mean for them. These fears appeared to be dispelled as WWII hit and Canada began getting their own heroes the same as many other countries. Although the public seemed to, for the most part, cheer on the heroes there was a black opps millitary group called MAPLE (Metahuman Anialation and Protection something something… forget the last two letters) which began working on finding a failsafe IF one day the Metahumans went rogue. WWII ended and superheroes either vanished or left Canada to other countries though Metahumans seemed to multiply around the world.
The people of Canada began viewing Metahumans like they view Hollywood celebrities. Some times they'd post a scandalous article like "What example is Bombshell setting?" other times an article about how great the heroes are, and other times articles about the destruction these super human battles leave behind. (I really do love the line in Acrobat "See about Superhero Insurance Policies. I hear they sell that now!") Still Canada dealt with it's own problems and although they'd get visits from time to time and photo opps with heroes, for the most part they left each other alone. Then one day a young man Kyle Canton gained superpowers, and after losing his lifelong friend and crush decided to use his powers to fix the crimes that the police wouldn't touch for fear of legal prosecution. This went fairly well until one day (you'll see it posted fairly soon hopefully) when fighting Shock for the first time, Wireless was thrown in front of a live news camera feed and in a panic overcharged the camera causing it to explode. This video clip didn't take to long to be aired in every single news station in the country. Shock/Chet's father seeing this quickly assumed that this ment that Chet's transformation was contagious and called the millitary. This, added in with Chet/Shock appearing to finish Wireless off in front of every News reporter in the area started a Media panic. Every story that could be found about people's property being destroyed by meta humans and people killed in metahuman fights were published. The entire country began turning away any superhero that offered to visit. Also due to all the media about the dangers of super powered menaces and how little protection Canada had against it, Supervillains began popping up everywhere having a hayday on anything they could get their hands on.
So long story short. Canada is currently (for now) a country that hates and is extremely prejudiced against anyone with superpowers and supervillains run through easily as they refuse to allow superheros in to help. The country is under a war measures act so millitary personel walk the streets and Wireless is trying to deal with all this but it's a little over what he can handle…. or is it??
Anyways, really long post and it's probablly in the wrong forum, but I figured if I was to keep mentioning the Canadian Metahuman Crisis I should at least mention what on earth it was so you guys wouldn't be too lost.
I wanted to pipe up about things here, possibly to prompt a little updating of the thread: Karabear Comics Unlimited #5 (the first appearance of Sparkle and Astral) takes place explicitly the day after the first Energize storyline (considering a reporter mentions that Energize became a fugitive the night before). Karabear Comics Unlimited #8 proceeds to take place sometime after, but before Hunted (though there is nothing definite). Then you have HA #7, of course, which takes place possibly right before Hunted, then HA #6 during Hunted, and then Karabear Comics Unlimited #11 and on take place after Hunted. The Halloween special takes place before HA #7, though I'm not exactly sure how long before–it's when the brides get the invitations out.
Isn't it fun with fitting multiple comics by multiple creators all into the same timeline?
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