Perhaps for those looking to get involved, but don't have a signature character to introduce (such as myself), a "recommended reading" list could be developed as a/in one of the sticky threads? You know, so the writer can get a feel for the character, but not have to dig to deep into the archives?
(1) Heroes Unite, Shell, Energize: Hunted (primary stage: HU background & continuity)
(2) Retake/Relik, Bombshell, Vora, The Impractical Mr Imp, Comet Kid, Peligroso, Blue Jay, Dr Destiny / Tales From Doleo (secondary stage: HA team members)
(3) The Flea, Shadow Fox, Wireless, Acrobat, Stunt Double, Being normal is a full time job, BiOcular, The Legends (tertiary stage: possible future HA members and/or guest characters)
(4) Azumorph / Oz Stars, Virtus, The Broken/Karabear Comics Unlimited (quaternary stage: comics with no pages yet and comics where potential HA characters have yet to appear)
Please also note the timeline that should list all relevant stories.
What do you think about this list? Anything to add?