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So yeah…I HAD planned to release page 27 today. I had the whole thing planned out. The thing is, though, that I kinda overestimated my artistic talent. I can never quite get the hang of drawing serious tech-based stuff, and the whole next chapter, not to mention the final few pages, are seriously full of the stuff.

Anyways, I'm gonna get back to work on it right now, but in all likelyhood, I won't be able to have a finished page up till wednesday. Thing is, I'm still working on my technique, and this storyline is takin' me WAY outside my artistic comfort zone. I don't wanna shortchange the reader, but sadly, I'm not entirely sure I can help that.

So I'm gonna try and shut everything else out untill I can finish this page. When I'm done, I SHOULD be set up to run with a decent story. Hope I can pull it off. I'm still not sure whether I'm doin' this right or not, but I'm doin my best.

So I'll see y'all when I see y'all…just as soon as I can put this next page together.

-C. Wesley M. Rhea "The Mighty UGAR!!!"-