Teysa Tawn Intro Comic
begins with these 14 panels:
Teysa Intro 01
Teysa Intro 02
followed by a couple more panels with this text attached:
"we need time… for Dov's sake he's not a desert horse, and we're heading into the deep desert."
a break in time, and teysa's journey continues:
"Three times we hid from the sun under blankets of rock or sand, waiting for the blinding heat to reside⦠four times we moved with the bitter chill of the desert nights. Iâve not seen the Casel-clem yet, only smoke and whispers in the shimmering sand. They come, they donât care if I know. Dov is tired, his breath staggered, his pace slow. Heâs not a desert horse. I walk beside him, urging him on, over blue dunes. The first signs of morning creep along the horizon, bright pink pinching away the night sky like a rose blooming in the desolate dark. We need to make it before the heat returns. Shimmering in my tired vision, like a ghostly mirage, light catching off crumbling towers in the distance. Merith Sin.
Almost there, just a little farther. I place a hand on Dovâs neck, whispering the words. My lips chapped and stinging, breath dry, my voice like rasping sand, rolling beneath my footfalls. Almost empty on water, I give the last to Dov. Merith Sin. Almost there.
Another hour, the sun two hands in the air, the heat building quickly. the crumbling stone of the city walls right before us. We circle, looking for a path into the city, gates buried in sand, the bird headed gods carved onto their walls. Vultures circle the sky. A wall opens up, stones cast aside by time, the passage is narrow, but enough for Dov and myself. As I look back across the desert I see the black dots of horses on the waving horizon. The Casel-clem had followed us from eastern shores, through forests, over mountains, into the deep of the desert. they'd not follow us into Merith Sin, not into its haunted walls. it was ancient, full of long forgotten horrors, and hidden gods. The Caselclem fear such things… some called it superstition, but I know better. The Casel-clem should fear such places. I fear them too.
I lead Dov into the city, unwrapping the linen around my arm. I reopen the cuts, the pain is numb. They say itâs bad dealing, to lose blood in the desert, but I donât know another way. I draw in the sand near the broken wall, my strokes are quick, I hope the lines are true. My head is dizzy and tired and prone to mistakes, but maybe the shapes are close enough.
Hush, hush, I think, placing a finger over my lips as we move through the sandy ruins, trying to use the tower walls to pick out shady paths. Worn symbols covered the sandstone, tales of forgotten times, told by the dead. Giant stone statues watched over the city, carved in the shape of vultures and crows. Domes and towers rose up around us, as if growing from the desert.
This way. A giant archway, just the top reaching out of the sand, leading into darkness, a cool passing of air. Dov hesitates. I urge him to follow, to trust me. Maybe he simply has more sense then I do. But he follows, into the trembling dark. The sand falls away to reveal stone steps, leading down into the earth⦠deeper and deeper⦠shimmers of green and blue reaching my vision as the glare of the desert begins to fade from my eyes."

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Kalim and Rhagoletis
"I will tell you why i go to the desert!" boomed the stranger, as he hobbled into the village clearing.
No one payed any attention. Adults kept on task, a few raised their heads, quickly glanced toward the stranger, murmured and hastily went back to work. Those who weren't busy quickly found something, and those unfortunate enough to have nothing close by to occupy their attention either looked at the sky or to the ground, as if searching for a great secret somewhere within the depths. Children hid, or ran straight indoors.A serious looking man stormed out from between the skins of a hut across the village.
"I am Breos, Mardukku of this village. We will listen after sunset.", he replied as he walked toward the stranger.
The stranger sat down and waited. Hours passed and the sun eventually set, Slowly the entire village gathered around the stranger.
"My name is Kalim", said the stranger, "I will tell you why i go to the desert so that you will not forget."
"Tell us Kalim," answered all of the villagers in unison.
Kalim began: "Marduk has four sons and three daughters. Each he made from a portion of himself. Quetzalcotios was given the air to live, Leviathos given the water, and Dilonos was given the earth. Of his daughters Prajapea was given the charge of watching over life, Ghede Masakae was told to comfort those who pass on."
"But where is the fourth son." the villagers asked.
"Lost.", Kalim answered softly, "The youngest of all, Marduk's most treasured, was to be given the heavens. But he never got a chance to claim the birthright. He was kidnapped and hidden from his family. Taken by those jealous of Marduk. Taken and put in a great pit of iron. There is no wind, water, or earth in the iron pit. The pit was then placed in the desert, and in the desert there is no life, and with no life there is no death. The other children of Marduk are helpless to find their brother, And Marduk himself too sad."
"You go to the desert to find the lost son." called the village.
"To find the lost son, I must first find the pit." Kalim quickly called back at them.
"The place is forgo……..", the villager's time remembered response cut off.
"I have found it." breathed Kalim. The firelight danced on Kalim's features. He looked wild, fanatical, lusted. The only sound was the heavy breathing of the village as they sat struck with silence.
"There is a race known as the Pithe who inhabit the lower desert. In my yearly pilgramige to search for the lost one I was captured by some of their warriors." Kalim slowly began.
"The desert is barren, and Little brothers and Sisters do not exist there, when the warriors came at me I could not Call any to help. They easily captured me, knocking me unconscious. I awoke in a cage. I was not the only one, five others were with me. I tried again to Call the Brothers and Sisters, but none were around. Then some people approached the cage, and for the first time I was able to study my captors. These Pithe appear as you and I, except that they do not have hair and instead of flesh they are covered with rocks and crystals."
A low rustle of hushed whispers and curses rolled around the villagers.
Kalim continued:"As the Pithe opened the cage the other prisoners wept with fear and scampered away. Not knowing what to expect, I watched, and prepared to defend myself if necessary. The Pithe moved toward one of the male captives and as their hands touched him a high pitched scream escaped his lips. I noticed that where they touched him his skin had become red and erupted in boils. They dragged him from the cage and secured it behind them. They moved the man to a stone table and strapped him down. He only whimpered now, his strength exhausted. The Pithe then produced a small knife, and cut into his right arm. The Pithe then loosened a piece of his skin and placed it inside the man's cut. The man was like a animal stuck in a trap, his eyes rolled back and he began to breath slow and
heavy. The Pithe left. Over then next day I watched the man transform, like a disease, crystal and rock slowly took over his skin. The Pithe then released the man, and he stumbled off into their ranks, no longer resisting, as if he had been tamed."
"I knew that this would be my fate." Spoke Kalim, "The cage door opened again, the Pithe threw in rotten fruits to us, and grabbed a screaming woman this time. As the cage closed again I leaned back against the wall of my prison, and closed my
eyes, trying to meditate. I was surprised when a small voice Called to me. My eyes popped open and I jumped to the rotten fruit inside the cage. The small voice Called my name again, and I opened a rotten melon. there in it's
center was our little Brother Rhagoletis. I wept to him, and told him of my horrible fate. Rhagoletis was also sad, he was far away from his home, and was sick. But he said there was a chance, if I could feed him, he might be able
to grow stronger. But there was nothing good to give him. So I took a sharp rock and cut mt finger and let him drink of my blood. Rhagoletis liked this very much, and he became happy again."
The village gave a soft applause, and many men and women laughed softly. Rhagoletis is a common friend in all villages, removing disease and rot, helping in whatever way he can.
"I kept feeding Rhagoletis, and he grew. And every day the Pithe took someone else, till there was only myself and a young girl left. Knowing that it was either her or I the next day I made a decision." Kalim said as he shakily stood, "I fed Rhagoletis my right leg."
The village gasped as Kalim pulled aside his straw skirt revealed only a stump from the thigh down. The air was still, the firelight catching movement in the jungle behind Kalim, as a large shape crept slowly in the shadows.
"The next day!" Kalim exclaimed, snapping the village's attention back to him, "The next day a terrible storm of dust was upon us. Rhagoletis had sealed my leg, and my strength was returning. No Pithe came to collect. I paced the cage, thinking desperately. Rhagoletis sat coiled in the corner, trying to comfort me. Just as I resigned myself to fate, a long gargle came from the young girl. I went to her. She was dead."
Kalim stared into the eyes of the villagers,"I fed her to Rhagoletis."
The villagers were crowded together now, their ears desperate for every word.
"The Pithe came the next morning after the storm had finished. They opened the gate", Fire danced in Kalim's eyes, "I fed them to Rhagoletis."
"More guards came", Kalim's voice rose, "and I fed them to Rhagoletis."
Spittle frothed his lips, "The Pithe warriors came, and I fed them to Rhagoletis!"
Kalim stood, shaking with fury, and his voice boomed! "ALL THE PITHE CAME, AND I FED THEM TO RHAGOLETIS!"
The ground around the village rolled with passion, as little Brothers and Sisters writhed in estacy. The villagers roared.
"When I left my cage, I searched the Pithe Village. I found no food or water. Nothing to sustain me, except this!"
Kalim said as he produced a map from his satchel."Look closely people of Marduk."
Kalim's finger pointed to a dull gray orb, in the lower desert. It was marked with a picture of a segmented creature.
"This is why I go to the desert," Kalim spoke through his tears.
Slowly the whole village started walking back to their homes. Slowly they started to pack their belongings. It was going to be a long journey.
( As told from the perspective of Red Army Light infantryman Quin Sallo )
"When we got the orders from General Gail ,we did what we always do. We went out, we got drunk and bantered back and forth over who cried like a youngling with skinned knee on our last few missions. It was ritual as far as we're concerned. I mean none of us are afraid to die!..A fear like that is about as useless as having toes for fingers. Nah we aren't afraid to die. But none of us wanna go without having one last day with our brothers. Usually there was a fifty fifty chance of the entire platoon either singing you're favorite drunken songs or damn near bringing the building down in a good ol' fashioned stool busting brawl.
That's one of the things we pride ourselves on. The ability to pass out with our head in the loo and still be ready for action at 0800. We knew what were getting into and to be honest I think most of us were excited. The orders were to travel north east up through Kavers pass and head towards the outskirts of Alamesh. We were looking for some loose experiment dubbed "project guardian". Apparently, Gail and his politician friends had been using civilian income to fund research on making us better soldiers through genetic engineering.. I think its Bullocks! They want us to be better soldiers. Funny thing about that is I've never seen any politician take a spear out of their own leg and gut the civilian who put it there in order to carry on their orders. Pricks…
Along the way we had some issues from time to time but nothing we couldn't handle. We started with a group of fifteen. Eventually we were down to nine. We lost Lain while he was taking a piss but that was his fault. The damn fool didn't realize that the wind keeps blowing even when you're standing at the edge of the cliff. The platoon suffered more losses while we were making way through the forest. Y' see it was only supposed to be a four day mission but intelligence miscalculated a low pressure system that brought us way off mark during our glide down to the drop zone. We landed closer to the Atellion Steepes than Kavers pass. We had no food left. We all knew that we were going to have to hunt for food to stay alive. We had already stirred up too much dust on landing to have an air drop floating through with all its lights and whistles and engines.
So we hunted. Or at least that's what we thought we were doing. Of course we weren't stupid.. Maybe ignorant but not stupid. We had steady formations and hunting parties.. everything by the book ,y'know?.. Our militaries version of the "buddy system" . But we weren't privy to every little detail. Two of our men died from eating poisoned berries. And three more when their hunting party tracked some large beast hoping to feed us all off one hunt… That fight ended in a draw and now myself and the survivors had more than enough meet to pass around between the nine of us.
It wasn't until we were about fifteen kilometers outside of intended location that the situation went from statistics to disaster. We were camped out in a grassy clearing. When I say camped out I don't want anyone to think we had tents and a fire. We were laying under the cover of tall grass on the ground. Some of us asleep. A couple of us still awake. And then we heard movement at our six. Gorbon tried to get a visual and ended up with an eye socket full of arrow head instead.. That really pissed us off. Gorbon had the best jokes in the platoon and those dogs snuffed him out like a candle.
We were ambushed.. US! The specialized team of light infantry stealth warriors ambushed! It was the Edo'Ossis..It was easy to tell what with sitting down wind of them and noting the marking on the arrow itself before Gorbon hit the ground. Myself and the others stayed in hiding but judging by the sound of the movements we were out numbered ten to one..They were screwed. Chandry and Gathmor jumped into action first. Taking out one or two by stealth.. We favored slitting ankle tendons followed by throats in a situation like this but that only worked for the two of them for a minute or two. Gathmor got stuck like an animal right there on the ground. Chandry died on his feet choking his opponent to death as he was stabbed repeatedly by the others. His mother'd be proud.
The rest of us took advantage of their attention being on Chandry. We all drew our short swords and began hacking away at the lot of them.. Stinking bastards don't feel pain though so you gotta go for vital organs or the head. We plowed through their resistance but we were still being picked off. I even saw Calloway get dragged up a tree by some kinda hook weapon and get fed on like a meat pie. I should have been paying attention cause that was the last thing I can remember aside from the loud crack that Im pretty sure was the back of my head.. It was all a twilight of sounds and motions from that point on. Though I'll never forget that smell. The coppery smell of all that blood and the scent of those swampy bastards running amok.
I remember thinking even in my stupor that this situation stunk from here to the so called gods. We were damn near on top of Alamesh and these freaks show up out of nowhere roughly.. I dunno.. two hundred miles from their home land.. Why? What the hell brought them all the way here and how did they go unnoticed.. I didn't like it but that didn't matter cause I was slipping out of consciousness. Dreaming already about going back home and training to my hearts desire. There was nothing like learning a new way to shut down someone's nervous system with your bare hands, or discovering an innate talent for some new handy dandy weapon.. It seemed like heaven, but it was short lived. A sharp pain to the gut let me know I was still alive.
And that was all I needed to force my eyes open and look down. I had a ceremonial blade stuck between my armor plating which means they stuck it in real slow. These suits are designed against projectiles, quick thrusts and impact. They were precise and cold about it. Sticking the blade between vital organs like they were marking me for later while they ate my fellow soldiers. Sons of bitches. They all died and I want answers. Not about their deaths. That was inevitable in the long run anyway. But about this mission. I want to know why and how we got screwed by group of rotting dogs that shouldn't have been there.
But first I'd have to kill them all.. I stood up and looked at the remaining four right in their cold dead eyes. The one I saw in the tree tried to swipe at me with his hook but he was too slow and I caught it.He was the smartest of them all trying to catch me while I wasn't looking. I yanked him down to my level and smashed head like a melon with my boot heel. That's when I discovered in the midst of all this crap some things can still make me smile. One of the four approached me more carefully with his own short sword. He swung once and it clanged off my armor. Just to prove a point I didn't budge. The second time he swung he swung too wide. A wild hook that I put a stop to by punching his antecubital fascia.. That lil space between your forearm and bicep with all the fancy nerves and tendons parallel to your elbow. The arm came down like a noodle and it took him a moment to realize he couldn't use it.
Hell I even gave him the time to find out. Swinging his limb around would have made me laugh If I wasn't already killing him in my mind. Two seconds later my will had manifested itself in the form of one swift punch to the throat.. I could hear his hyoid bone snap.. I heard him gasping for air as his tongue was no longer set in place and he began to choke on it.. But my eyes were set on the next three , even while this piece of shit was still gripping at my armor on his way down to death..I was wounded and drained… But worst of all I was pissed. My new ceremonial piercing had me bleeding in my socks..These three were going to get the worst of it."
" I hate wet socks.."
very nice. i looking forward to seeing more in this section, it's bringing the project to life in a way maps and cultural design just can't manage. ((j, i can't seem to download those pics you sent me, i can see em, but just as thumbnails, not sure if its aol/yahoo exchange or what, hehe, try and send me larger versions just as attachments, and i'll add them to the forums))
i took some liberties in the above passage with the Mardukii, a slightly different pronunciation for instance. ( mar-dee-kie vs. mar-doo-kie ) and went on to fiddle with some of the real world names and myths associated with Marduk. Thalatta is a Hellenistic version of Tiamat. And, Ea, father of Marduk, is referenced in places as a constellation in the southern sky.
while i grant that the Marduk as a worm god is very very different from any real world myth, (though some references name his parents as the ground and earth) the liberties i take here are an example of how the people on this world have divergent mythologies just like ours. multiple pronunciations based on ancient texts, and broken, hard to track creation and god myths will be a part of this planet. not to mention that certain characters (like huutal, for example) will take bits and pieces of information and put them together into grand conspiracy theories.
further, it is an example of how we can even mix in real world myths in places, as obvious or hidden as we care, changing details to our liking. The ability to fall back on potential real world links, i believe, will only serve to broaden the scope of this project, adding that 'hint of truth' that we might otherwise have trouble with. It also allows us to build the illusion that the planet we are dealing with could possibly exist in -our- universe, where the ancient gods and demons of the illishuda have left hints of their existence on multiple planets. this in particular may become very important should we ever get to a place in our stories where the proposed space travel becomes reality.
this section i feel has a great many moments that feel vague… misdirections and confusions over the -true- story will do that, and for that reason i rather like it the way it is (though for the purpose of a narrative, things may be too vague and confusing, we'll see with subsequent posts whether i have a remedy for this.)
( As told from the perspective of Agent Madeline Shae)
I'll never forget the night before last, though I suppose it was like any other. The Dark Order handed to me a letter stating that yours truly would be heading towards the Atellon Steepes. Of course it wasn't my choice. Had it been up to me I would have chosen a mission somewhere more desirable. Perhaps the Kuur-xi depths, or one of the northern forests. Somewhere with plenty of shade and still a rather decent view of the night sky. Stars are important to us after all. They tell us which way to go, what time it is. They even tell us what time would be best to press our luck and right now is not one of those times.
As I continued reading I found myself more disappointed with the council with each word. The very idea of a woman of my stature escorting a Red Army soldier was preposterous! Not that it couldn't be done, but most any red soldier would have a hard time following a woman.. Especially one with such an impeccable sense of fashion. The letter said the name of my target was "Quinn Sallo" and that I'd know him when I saw him. Its always cryptic with the Ejani dark order. I suppose its simply in our nature, however there is such a thing as over-doing it. After I burned the letter (as per protocol) I spent the night like most any civilian. I tidied up my house some and when I tired of my own living quarters, I took a stroll.
My dear friend Abigail's home was infinitely more agreeable. A virtual palace what with its dark marble sculptures of ancient hero's, legends and Gods. All of which posed as if reenacting their tragic or heroic story. And though the sculptures were of things archaic ,they easily blended in with sleek furniture and generally design of the massive apartment. Not only was it the portrait of sleek and decadent opulence but it was also , somehow very peaceful. Like she had found a way to tap into the source of nothingness through sheer skill of interior design. Needless to say she's a woman after my own heart. We spent that night on the roof top however. Where Abigail saw fit to install a pool that looked rather convincing as a black water pond, flower pads, and glow fish and all. We were lucky enough to have a group of a street musicians settle down below, letting the music reach up to us as though they knew we were there.
Abigail has always been an agent as well so she easily understood my frustration with my orders. And when it settled in where I was going and when on our lunar calendar she seemed a bit nervous, but she certainly wasn't about to admit it. Instead she gave me some of her favorite gadgets that helped her during field work. It really let me know what kind of girl she was. The little miss essentially gave me razor wires, energy weapons, projectile proof light weight garments and flower that I was clearly instructed to use as a grenade. And all cleverly disguised as wardrobe or accessories! Of course her shaky nerves were almost enough to make myself nervous. But that wasn't enough to keep me from being overjoyed with all the new toys.
I had spent the night there in the guest room seeing as how she saw fit to keep chit chatting until sunrise. I woke sometime early in the evening, far earlier than most the patrons of the black cities, I gathered my things and wrote a note that read as followed ;
My Darling Abigail,
Off to save the world again!You're more than welcome to raid my closet if I do not return. Stay Safe!
And with that I took my leave and headed towards headquarters where I was to rendezvous with my transport. Waiting for me on the tarmac was a stylish and obscenely regal black cruiser. I couldn't help but think that for an organization that prides itself on shadows and nothingness we certainly have a knack for flair. No sooner had that thought occurred did Mr. Borgof Elderwin emerge from the drivers seat with his usual grin and aloof demeanor. Our exchange was pretty run of the mill.
"Another day at the office" He said to me. His tone suggesting he was always jesting or at least on the brink of letting a joke slip out.
" Maybe for you", I spat back with my usual poised sass, " But I've got big plans for today!"
" Yea? You and you're girlfriends are going on spree in the market again or are you doing something significant.. Like buying something for me." I feigned a laugh that was cut short before my retort.
" Something Significant. Like RED ARMY significant…" I knew it would take him a moment for my words to actually sink in. I took the time to refine my makeup and just when I closed my sheik little case, I caught him gawking at me through his rearview mirror.. "Red Army?" Borgof chuckled in disbelief. When my expression hadn't changed his tone certainly did. " RED ARMY?!?! That's what the hell we're going to the Steepes for? I don't even have my stuff! I didn't bring any guns, or bullets.. Or guns. We really going there to tussle with the Red Army or are you just having me on?"
" We're not tussling with them. We're kidnapping one of them." A point I reinforced by holding up a single finger. While he seemed stuck on the idea I found myself becoming lost at just how well Abigail had given me a manicure the night before. " And we're bringing him back to City Black" . The ride was going to be a long one from my home in our current city to the Atellon Steepes. I pulled my smoking pipe from my purse. A beautifully crafted thing. Hand made by a Gilgadune two centuries ago. My family had been passing it down for ages now and I wasn't about to let sentimentality get in the way of the practical use.But It was beautiful. The stem had been fashioned after Goldflower tree. Long and slender, and done with the sort of skill that made the damn thing look as though it had grown from the ground itself! The bowl was crafted after the actual flower itself. A deep set flower that only long beaked honey birds could feed from. Violet and vibrant green in color , the flower had the sort of shape that looked like a champagne glass.
I sparked the bowl. Borgof lowered the windows which ultimately made it harder for me to smoke but that was a compromise I was willing to make. A good amount of time passed before we reached our mission. " This our stop?" Borgof asked me. Already getting that look in his eye he often had before missions, as though he were bracing himself to be tortured half to death. I patted him on the shoulder then placed a kiss on his cheek just close enough to his earlobe to make him rather uncomfortable. "This is my stop.. You stay close incase I need back up." By this point I was just about to depart from the cruiser. Going over all the gear I had been given the night prior. I stepped out into the high grass and looked about the area. Surveying the landscape for all possibilities of ,well… anything." Back in jiff!! " I said to him with my most convincing optomistic smile and wave to which he responded; " You had better. You owe me a fancy dinner for the last time I saved your life." His smile wasn't as optimistic, but it was genuine.
I turned and made my way to a vantage point as the cruiser slipped into its stealth camoflauge . I immersed myself into the shadows of a tree entirely. Letting the darkness swallow my form until only the small amount of white in my eyes could be seen. There I waited for roughly three hours before a group of Red Army men came wading through the grass. It was when they took up camp for the night that the situation became heated. It was the same unmistakable sound that alerted both myself and the group soldiers. The location was completely surrounded and a battle had broken out almost as abruptly as the Edo' Ossis arrived. It was nearly impossible to make out everything that was going on. Though the sound of flesh destroying flesh, screams, steel against steel, made it very clear just what was going on. I was on my way down the tree to get a better look when I noticed an Edo' Ossis on a much lower branch. He had snagged a soldier up with a large hook blade , fueled by hungry and hopeless rage. The creature was strong enough to rip away the soldiers armor plating.
I couldn't tell if he could see me as I stayed in the darkness. But it seemed to me that his eyes were locked onto mine as his belly was fed upon wildly. I could almost see every stage of death in that short time. It was disturbing how closely it resembled the death rattle of any other animal. Still I had to stay there even while the battle seemed over. The Edo' Ossis beneath me hadn't left quite yet and even while he was watching the last remaining soldier he would, at times, spoon a hand full of innards from his victim and gnaw at them. Not but a moment later the creature had been pulled out of the tree. The sound of his body hitting the ground was shortly followed by a feral yelp. I lowered myself closer to the battle where I saw one wounded man standing before three battle ready beasts. It was a bit of a standoff it seemed. The man I was now simply hoping to be Quinn Sallo looked as though he couldn't decide if he wanted to roll over and die , or march straight to the Shallows and kill Expes himself.
Finally he let out a war cry that told me he was more interested in the latter of the two. How he dispatched them in those few short moments was far from artistic. But there was something to be said for the minimal and precise manner in which he ended their lives. Almost as though he was too angry to even get proper revenge on them.. Well, all but the last one. By the time I was able to approach from behind him the soldier was still straddling his opponent with screams and spurts of blood shooting up as far as over his shoulders. I'd like to state on the record that "Quin Sallo" may have been laughing a bit at that time.
Even in his madness he was still quite alert. My heel cracking a dead twig caught his attention in a heart beat. His bloodied face turned to face me . His hands apparently went slack on the Edo' Ossis, because it was trying to grab up at the soldier in self defense. Quinn's wild eyes never left my own. Not even when his arms tensed forcing a tell tale crack that made the creatures arms go limp.. I was rather close to him now. Too close, but he hadn't the energy to take me any more and so he simply rolled off his dead foe and tried to stand. Most likely attempting to die on his feet like a true red soldier. But he fell to his knees whilst coughing up blood. After wiping the blood away with the back of his hand he looked to me once more. Eyes trailing up my body as he whistled like men do when poor manners dictate mating habits, and then he spoke..
"One last kiss for a dead man?" A mischievous smile formed across his battered visage. I was already gripping my snub nose .45 caliber pistol. A true ladies gun. That smile of his remained while my free hand applied a bit of deep red lipstick. I brought my face dangerously close to his. A distraction tactic that took his attention away from the barrel that was now a centimeter away from his temple. I whispered sweetly back to him, " Pucker up". Then pulled the trigger.
( As told from the perspective of Agent Madeline Shae)
I'll never forget the night before last, though I suppose it was like any other. The Dark Order handed to me a letter stating that yours truly would be heading towards the Atellon Steepes. Of course it wasn't my choice. Had it been up to me I would have chosen a mission somewhere more desirable. Perhaps the Kuur-xi depths, or one of the northern forests. Somewhere with plenty of shade and still a rather decent view of the night sky. Stars are important to us after all. They tell us which way to go, what time it is. They even tell us what time would be best to press our luck and right now is not one of those times.
As I continued reading I found myself more disappointed with the council with each word. The very idea of a woman of my stature escorting a Red Army soldier was preposterous! Not that it couldn't be done, but most any red soldier would have a hard time following a woman.. Especially one with such an impeccable sense of fashion. The letter said the name of my target was "Quinn Sallo" and that I'd know him when I saw him. Its always cryptic with the Ejani dark order. I suppose its simply in our nature, however there is such a thing as over-doing it. After I burned the letter (as per protocol) I spent the night like most any civilian. I tidied up my house some and when I tired of my own living quarters, I took a stroll.
My dear friend Abigail's home was infinitely more agreeable. A virtual palace what with its dark marble sculptures of ancient hero's, legends and Gods. All of which posed as if reenacting their tragic or heroic story. And though the sculptures were of things archaic ,they easily blended in with sleek furniture and generally design of the massive apartment. Not only was it the portrait of sleek and decadent opulence but it was also , somehow very peaceful. Like she had found a way to tap into the source of nothingness through sheer skill of interior design. Needless to say she's a woman after my own heart. We spent that night on the roof top however. Where Abigail saw fit to install a pool that looked rather convincing as a black water pond, flower pads, and glow fish and all. We were lucky enough to have a group of a street musicians settle down below, letting the music reach up to us as though they knew we were there.
Abigail has always been an agent as well so she easily understood my frustration with my orders. And when it settled in where I was going and when on our lunar calendar she seemed a bit nervous, but she certainly wasn't about to admit it. Instead she gave me some of her favorite gadgets that helped her during field work. It really let me know what kind of girl she was. The little miss essentially gave me razor wires, energy weapons, projectile proof light weight garments and flower that I was clearly instructed to use as a grenade. And all cleverly disguised as wardrobe or accessories! Of course her shaky nerves were almost enough to make myself nervous. But that wasn't enough to keep me from being overjoyed with all the new toys.
I had spent the night there in the guest room seeing as how she saw fit to keep chit chatting until sunrise. I woke sometime early in the evening, far earlier than most the patrons of the black cities, I gathered my things and wrote a note that read as followed ;
My Darling Abigail,
Off to save the world again!You're more than welcome to raid my closet if I do not return. Stay Safe!
And with that I took my leave and headed towards headquarters where I was to rendezvous with my transport. Waiting for me on the tarmac was a stylish and obscenely regal black cruiser. I couldn't help but think that for an organization that prides itself on shadows and nothingness we certainly have a knack for flair. No sooner had that thought occurred did Mr. Borgof Elderwin emerge from the drivers seat with his usual grin and aloof demeanor. Our exchange was pretty run of the mill.
"Another day at the office" He said to me. His tone suggesting he was always jesting or at least on the brink of letting a joke slip out.
" Maybe for you", I spat back with my usual poised sass, " But I've got big plans for today!"
" Yea? You and you're girlfriends are going on spree in the market again or are you doing something significant.. Like buying something for me." I feigned a laugh that was cut short before my retort.
" Something Significant. Like RED ARMY significant…" I knew it would take him a moment for my words to actually sink in. I took the time to refine my makeup and just when I closed my sheik little case, I caught him gawking at me through his rearview mirror.. "Red Army?" Borgof chuckled in disbelief. When my expression hadn't changed his tone certainly did. " RED ARMY?!?! That's what the hell we're going to the Steepes for? I don't even have my stuff! I didn't bring any guns, or bullets.. Or guns. We really going there to tussle with the Red Army or are you just having me on?"
" We're not tussling with them. We're kidnapping one of them." A point I reinforced by holding up a single finger. While he seemed stuck on the idea I found myself becoming lost at just how well Abigail had given me a manicure the night before. " And we're bringing him back to City Black" . The ride was going to be a long one from my home in our current city to the Atellon Steepes. I pulled my smoking pipe from my purse. A beautifully crafted thing. Hand made by a Gilgadune two centuries ago. My family had been passing it down for ages now and I wasn't about to let sentimentality get in the way of practical use. But It was beautiful. The stem had been fashioned after Goldflower tree. Long and slender, and done with the sort of skill that made the damn thing look as though it had grown from the ground itself! The bowl was crafted after the actual flower itself. A deep set flower that only long beaked honey birds could feed from. Violet and vibrant green in color , the flower had the sort of shape that looked like a champagne glass.
I sparked the bowl. Borgof lowered the windows which ultimately made it harder for me to smoke but that was a compromise I was willing to make. A good amount of time passed before we reached our mission. " This our stop?" Borgof asked me. Already getting that look in his eye he often had before missions, as though he were bracing himself to be tortured half to death. I patted him on the shoulder then placed a kiss on his cheek just close enough to his earlobe to make him rather uncomfortable. "This is my stop.. You stay close incase I need back up." By this point I was just about to depart from the cruiser. Going over all the gear I had been given the night prior. I stepped out into the high grass and looked about the area. Surveying the landscape for all possibilities of ,well… anything." Back in jiff!! " I said to him with my most convincing optomistic smile and wave to which he responded; " You had better. You owe me a fancy dinner for the last time I saved your life." His smile wasn't as optimistic, but it was genuine.
I turned and made my way to a vantage point as the cruiser slipped into its stealth camoflauge . I immersed myself into the shadows of a tree entirely. Letting the darkness swallow my form until only the small amount of white in my eyes could be seen. There I waited for roughly three hours before a group of Red Army men came wading through the grass. It was when they took up camp for the night that the situation became heated. It was the same unmistakable sound that alerted both myself and the group soldiers. The location was completely surrounded and a battle had broken out almost as abruptly as the Edo' Ossis arrived. It was nearly impossible to make out everything that was going on. Though the sound of flesh destroying flesh, screams, steel against steel, made it very clear just what was going on. I was on my way down the tree to get a better look when I noticed an Edo' Ossis on a much lower branch. He had snagged a soldier up with a large hook blade , fueled by hungry and hopeless rage. The creature was strong enough to rip away the soldiers armor plating.
I couldn't tell if he could see me as I stayed in the darkness. But it seemed to me that his eyes were locked onto mine as his belly was fed upon wildly. I could almost see every stage of death in that short time. It was disturbing how closely it resembled the death rattle of any other animal. Still I had to stay there even while the battle seemed over. The Edo' Ossis beneath me hadn't left quite yet and even while he was watching the last remaining soldier he would, at times, spoon a hand full of innards from his victim and gnaw at them. Not but a moment later the creature had been pulled out of the tree. The sound of his body hitting the ground was shortly followed by a feral yelp. I lowered myself closer to the battle where I saw one wounded man standing before three battle ready beasts. It was a bit of a standoff it seemed. The man I was now simply hoping to be Quinn Sallo looked as though he couldn't decide if he wanted to roll over and die , or march straight to the Shallows and kill Expes himself.
Finally he let out a war cry that told me he was more interested in the latter of the two. How he dispatched them in those few short moments was far from artistic. But there was something to be said for the minimal and precise manner in which he ended their lives. Almost as though he was too angry to even get proper revenge on them.. Well, all but the last one. By the time I was able to approach from behind him the soldier was still straddling his opponent with screams and spurts of blood shooting up as far as over his shoulders. I'd like to state on the record that "Quin Sallo" may have been laughing a bit at that time.
Even in his madness he was still quite alert. My heel cracking a dead twig caught his attention in a heart beat. His bloodied face turned towards me . His hands apparently went slack on the Edo' Ossis, because it was trying to grab up at the soldier in self defense. Quinn's wild eyes never left my own. Not even when his arms tensed forcing a tell tale crack that made the creatures arms go limp.. I was rather close to him now. Too close, but he hadn't the energy to take me any more and so he simply rolled off his dead foe and tried to stand. Most likely attempting to die on his feet like a born Treaza soldier. But he fell to his knees whilst coughing up blood. After wiping the blood from his face with the back of his hand, he looked to me once more. Eyes trailing up my body as he whistled like men do when poor manners dictate mating habits, and then he spoke..
"One last kiss for a dead man?" A mischievous smile formed across his battered visage. I was already gripping my snub nose .45 caliber pistol. A true ladies gun. That smile of his remained while my free hand applied a bit of deep red lipstick. I brought my face dangerously close to his. A distraction tactic that took his attention away from the barrel that was now a centimeter away from his temple. I whispered sweetly back to him, " Pucker up". Then pulled the trigger.
(not too different from the original but this is the final draft)
( As told from the Perspective Of Ejani Assassin Essex)
The night couldn't have been more breath taking. There were only a few clouds about the sky. Just enough to catch a silver lining off of our moons. Both of which were full. And though one is not very reflective , the other was bright enough to illuminate it. I was forced to waste its beauty here, inside Omyi Temple. For the time being it serves as my home, As well as base of operations. But I have been more than eager to get away as of late. Serving as the Dark Orders sword, shield , and hammer is more than a job of course. Its every facet of life. And to be involved as deeply as myself and my comrades means complete devotion. That night I was on patrol in the screening room which was exactly as its name suggests. One large room with wall to ceiling screens all of which displaying different live feeds from all over the known world. To many it is an overwhelming sight at first. Even I was intimidated originally. The ceilings were roughly thirty feet high and the room itself was large enough to hold at least one hundred civilized beings comfortably.
Now I couldn't find this routine to be anymore monotonous. Sitting there, staring, flipping through images as I could only wait and possibly hope there was something happening that I would have to act upon. Perhaps thinking about it like that makes me sound like some manner of imaginary hero who lives to save the innocent… The truth is the Dark order grants access to this room to only three kinds of agents. The Orin-yil, our assassins. The Jumsi our intelligence. And of course those who had proven their hand at both. The Hecale. I am the first of the three. Each department of our order, like any other occupation, has different levels of clearance. Orin-yil and Jumsi are often given orders to follow. Missions to complete if its literally the last thing they do. For Hecale it is different. They give you the screening room and let you choose just which path to take. Assuming you'll make the right choices with the order in mind. It was a false sense of freedom, but it was the only room any of us knew we could be truly alone in sometimes. Some of us could even meditate here.And though I am not Hecale, the order finds my work as an Orin-yil to be worthy of higher clearance levels.
Still, as much as I was allowed to watch events unfold I knew that if I chose the wrong one they'd redirect me. If I was persistent upon pursing "the wrong one" they would send my essence back within the void..Strange how that was incomprehensible to me, the idea of simply not being. .. Time seemed to drag on , the precious moonlight fading with each passing moment. Every visual I had come across was… mundane or had nothing to do with our current plans. A political rally in Uhdanfar's capitol, A ball room event gone wrong in Alamesh, Self righteous evangelists rousing their flocks with mostly false prophecies. It wasn't until something seemingly common caught my eye that I decided to truly pay attention.
"Local Star gazers report seeing Trazean air ships tonight only moments ago. Authorities have released this footage taken by a citizen of outer Alamesh"
the video was blurry, but anyone whose dealt with the Red Army had known what their drop ships looked like. Anyone with a trained eye could spot the slightest sliver of light reflecting off metallic objects falling from that ship. In comparison to the size of the ship, I'd say the objects falling from it were either grown men, or a supply drop. And since the Jumsi in that area haven't reported any Red's being stationed there, I could only assume the ship was dropping off soldiers. It didn't take too long for me to realize two of our agents had orders be in that general location. Of course the Order Hadn't told me why. In fact I wasn't even supposed to know about it. But that was one of my strengths that I felt necessary to keep a secret. Even the council couldn't hide everything from me. I racked my brain for about ten minutes trying to figure out just which one of us had missions close to Alamesh aside from Jumsi re-con units… Seera was busy in the heart of the Mekerian Wastes… I don't expect to see her again. Liam Rey and Shoni were busy posing as Treazean spys… Out of the Agents I knew enough to think about that only left Madeline Shae and Borgof Elderwin.. Borgof will be fine of course. He's a regenerator. He could be torn apart in the Gilgadune forests and the fool would still keep running his mouth and shooting his guns. Assuming, of course, that his hands were still attached to the rest of his body.
Madeline, however, is as mortal as they come. More agile than anyone, but mortal… I forced myself to look over a few more images, making sure none of them took precedence over my current focus. I couldn't find anything that was more pressing than saving a fellow agents life…I took a few deep breaths, more or less pushing out the chaos and distraction that was my last five hours. I grabbed my coat long and turned to leave. I suppose I was in a rush because I had forgotten to scan my finger prints in order to exit. A precaution that sounds utterly ridiculous. But Everyone in the order knows that walking into the screening room alone doesn't mean you'll be the one walking out alone. My pace was a a bit quickened… I couldn't say why… Perhaps just a sense of urgency. Maybe I felt as though she needed my help much sooner than I could afford. Either way I navigated the labrynth of identicle pitch black hallways faster than I had in quite some time. It sounds like quite a feat, but the amount of rhodospin in our eyes makes darkness clear as day for the entire Ejani race.
Up two sets of tight, stone spiral staircases and finally I was at my exit. A hatch that was entirely camoflauged until one raised up out of it… I dusted myself off and began walking at a more moderate pace. To most it would have looked like I was merely taking a walk. However from within I was building void energy.. Getting ready to open a series of doorways and "worm-holes" that would lead me to Madeline.. That darker than black mass had just started to flicker at a calculated distance when something felt off… I felt too alone… For lack of a better cliche, it was too quiet. I stopped and slipped my hands into my shallow pockets. A seemingly casual place to hide a small arsenal within the darkness. The air was shifting subtly.. Being displaced by masses that were raising from the shadows that the brighter moon couldn't illuminate. First came a mixture of agents. Some Orin-yil, some field agents. There were ten in all, but they stayed in a defensive formation… "They've heard of me".. I thought to myself. "And thats a good thing for the moment"
It wasn't clear just yet what they were sent for. The order has a way of using you until your expendable or knew too much. I'd most likely fall into the latter category. Then their ring leader Made his presence known. Using an elementary trick that always got the younger field agents excited. The long hooded man arose from the shadow of one of the female agents. She did her best to hide her surprise as he stepped around her to address me.
"Essex!" he said , his arms out wide like he was expecting a hug from an old buddy. I didn't move an inch. This man was Hecale and not to be trusted.. "I couldn't help but notice you were on your way out.. Where ya headin'?"
The air was ripe with tension. I'm sure he could feel it too. The emotions we're supposed to purge ourselves of in our early stages of training seeping out of the newer agents who all but had a literal hard-on at the chance to see two senior members of the order tear each other apart..
" Out." Was my only response. When I looked about again I could see why so many feared us. Our naturally paler skin. Our reflective eyes that make us look more animal than man even in spite of stylish appearance and well to do manners. The man laughed at my response and almost on cue some of the others joined him.
"Well not in that direction you're not. The council's re-directing you."
There was a sense of relief as well as a sudden flare of frustration All of which i kept within my core. " One of our agents may be fighting the Edo'Ossis as well as Treazean soldiers. She may die If I don't reach her in time… Permission to continue as planned". The lot of them went silent. Even the Hecale. If they have in fact heard of me, they knew a fight between all of us would greatly reduce their numbers even with a higher officer in their ranks. Those with advanced training could tell the increasing stillness around me was only proof that I was becoming… Perturbed… The Hecale's tone of voice seemed hesitant and a bit more serious. "Permission denied, Assassin.. you're to go to Alamesh by Orders of the council.". I was ready to jump out of my skin. I could feel the darkness of the void energy leading my actions to annihilating as many of them as possible.
I could clip the rear four in half simply by opening and closing a doorway around their mid-sections. The disorientation and surprise would allow me to off at least another four by sheer skill alone. after that I was unsure just how the battle would play out. I was no use to Madeline or the Dark Order if I were truly dead. For a split second I felt my jaw clinch and my nostrils flair. And then I let it go…
"What are my orders?" I asked rather quietly.. a tendency we had that came along with being nocturnal. At times when it was too light or even too dark for our eyes, our hearing and sense of touch would pick up the slack. But it was my own intuition that allowed me to feel the dissapointment ooze out of the more eager agents. The Hecale's tone of voice almost sounded relieved, however.
" Go to Folkburry Opera house and buy a ticket for the sixth row seat eighty-eight. The head-liners name is Aennalise Cecil… She's also your target." As the Hecale spoke and paced too and fro like some arrogant college proffesor I checked his lackeys with my eyes. Some of them were watching my body language others still we virtually chomping at the bit to try and take me on.. A casual and secretive smile was all it took to throw them off. Our kind, the Orin-yil, never smile. Their leader continued on.
" she's planted bombs about the entire building at rather strategic points. If they're set off, no one will make it out alive."
"How is that our problem?" It was poor form to ask, but I couldn't help myself. The hecale was agitated, clearly annoyed that in the presence of his superiority , I could care less..
" It's OUR problem because SHE works for the Treaza Government. We don't know which branch, our what she's even capable of but we do know this. Open war between the Grey's and the Reds will eventually deteriorate our trade agreements with either group. People at war don't like when you're selling both sides goods or services of any kind."
" Thats the way its always been.." Admitadly I was a bit confused. " We've been neutral since the other sentients discovered our exitance.. Thats how–"
"–Thats how the ORDER wants you to conduct business. If you can't handle it well assign someone who can and put you back on basic field work. If you disobey we will end you.. Any questions?'.. I had alot more than questions for him.. The darkness I was able to manipulate made it easy for me to "pull things from thin air".. With my hands in my pockets I had full access to every weapon that could be pulled from a hole that size that i had stashed away in a very private place. Instead I nodded , then found myself shaking my head.
" No questions… I'll be on my way now." And with that I made my way through the group without looking to a single one of them with only the sound of my hard soled shoes to accompany my louder thoughts as I walked down the sidewalk. City Black, All of our cities were completely without light and still we lived within these places like Day folk lived about theirs. I rounded the bend and found myself within a massive crowd that were generally going about their business. A sea of reflective eyes and darker clothing moving like cells through the veins of some giant dark diety. It was something to think about another time. For now I'd use the crowd to loose the agents that were ordered to follow me by the Hecale. Casually weaving in and out of oncoming foot traffic. Making odd patterns that were hard to follow as well as difficult to distinguish between natural walking and evasive maneuvers.
Soon enough I spotted an indoors market place and began to set up another of those door ways. Visualizing it to open just left of the glass door entrance where the agents wouldn't have a visual if they were still on my tail. Timing was everything in a situation like this. If I opened it too early there was a chance that someone else would walk into it and compromise everything. If it was open too long they'd know I was up to something, too short and I'd end up taking off one of my own limbs.. Timing was everything, and mine had been honed to near perfection. I walked in, and instantly a young and rather attractive young girl asked me if I needed any help to which i shook my head feigned a smile and took a sharp left where that black doorway opened and shut in exactly as much time that it took me to walk entirely through. Taking in account the cloth of my long coat that would lag behind a half a second. Again it was a series of wormholes that allowed me to "jump" to Alamesh in as short as ten minutes. by the time I got there I was exhausted, but there was a bit of a walk before I reached the Opera house and I intended to stay for most the show. That would allow me to regain my inner strength.
My presence on the streets of Alamesh didn't go unnoticed. Citizens would whisper things they figured I couldn't hear about my appearance or how I was probably some criminal drug or art dealer. But We had as much a right as they to walk the streets freely. The Overwhelming lights forced me to slip on a pair of "reading glasses" that were generally used to diffuse the light. Clear lenses that our scientists tweaked to work like sun glasses. It made me look a bit more sophisticated along with my long black hair, collared white shirt, black tie, black pants and polishable shoes. I looked something like a young gentleman who fancied long jackets. I reached the ticket booth and was greeted by an older gentleman who seemed only four days from his death bed..
" Hello.."He said with an aged and shaky voice typical of older humanoids. I expected him to ask me how he could be of service but instead he looked away slowly at his hands and shortly after began to fall asleep.
"One ticket for Aennalise's performance please.. Preferably seat eighty-eight".. The old man didn't truly snap to until I was nearly done with my request. He smiled to me with all the weariness of an elder and all the innocence of his spring years before handing me a single silver coin".. Hear ya go, sir.. Shiny as the day I found it!". I'm sure even i couldn't help but make a face at the situation. How did this place do any business when you could just as easily walk by the ticket booth altogether. Before i took a step past him he seemed to regain his bearings and handed me one ticket from the massive roll they were connected to.
"Here ya go, sir.. shiny as the day I found it!"..
Now I know my brows were raised with a subtle amusement.. I took the ticket and nodded then went on my way inside. I instantly felt something like sorrow and embarrisment for the customer behind me as i heard the old man speak again.
" Hello, miss" his shaky voice asked as he spoke to the next customer with all the innocence he had shown myself., Now his voice was fading in the distance but I could still make out his last few words to the customer. " I'd like a ticket for seat eighty-eight"…
I walked through the crowd simultaneously looking about for any visible explosives, of which there were none, and minding my step as to not draw attention by stumbling over a child or stepping on toes. I reached the grand hall and found my seat, rested my foot upon my knee and sat patiently waiting for the show to start. It wasn't very long before some pretentious and rather hefty woman sat beside me with her male counterpart. They didn't look like the type who'd compromise my mission but I wouldn't allow them to even think I was one for small talk.
"How delightful don't you think??" she had the sort of speech pattern indicative of someone who's forced them-self to sound proper all their life.." Aennalise Cecil, Here! Live!.. She has the voice of a song bird and dances like a Goddess! In all my years I've never seen a performer like her. Have you ever seen her work?" she asked me as she nudged me the with pudge of her elbow.
"No".. I responded without taking my eyes off the stage. There was nothing up their but stage technicians and some of the musicians tuning their instruments.
" Well then you're in for quite the show! The openers are mediocre with all their circus tricks and acrobatics and all.. But Aennalise will take your breath away!. I once saw her break a room full of glasses with a single note! "… I dislike liars.. Strongly.
" And bought all her live performances from her younger years..I used be quite the performer as well. I could sing and dance with the best of them. If I were teen again I'd give Aennalise a run for her money!!" She gave a haughty laugh and continued to nudge at me..Naturally delusional pushy liars aren't any better. My retort slipped out before I had a chance to stop it.
" Ma'am.. Shut up and Do not touch me again" I hadn't so much looked at her as I did lean my head in her direction some. My eyes still hadn't left the stage. The curtain closed and the technicians had shut the lights off. The show was about to begin. The woman Huffed and turned to her husband who had stood up with an accusing finger. Getting ready to speak down to me like a child. I slipped off my glasses and allowed the small amount of light in the room to reflect off of my widened pupils as I turned to face the man briefly… He held his tongue and sat back down slowly, informing his wife that it was a misunderstanding and that they should mind their own business.
I settled into my seat. And after shaking the thoughts of the order redirecting me. The thoughts of Madeline shae. I finally let myself enjoy the show.
First draft so some things are still being tweeked here and there. I left out spicifics since we havent worked out certian details of the world but yea thats part three so far.
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