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He seriously pissed on her bed, then bit me and crapped on it when I tried to get him off the bed. Then we all had to go to the laundromat to clean all of the heavy blankets. And then I was late to my first Go meeting. I lost both games, but I learned and was fairly close at the end there. I have to make it up to my lady though. She's not angry that the dog pissed on her bed on my watch, but that I didn't answer her when she asked if I had been bitten. On the adrenaline high, I was afraid that they might put pete down because he bit me. I don't know, some people do that. Its not like me was being mean and evil, he was just scared. I was still able to hold him down, not that that was what I was going for, but when he started biting and whining, I was able to get him so that he could not bite me anymore. Which I only mention because that means that I can take care of the situation if I need to. I'm just going to get hurt in the process. Its not ideal, but I know that I can protect myself. I hope I never have to against a medium to large dog, because that would get fugly quick. Well see if I'm able to make a comic tomorrow. I forgot to take aspirin and ice my hand earlier, so it might me swollen bad. He got me good in between my 2nd and 3rd knuckle. Its DEEP. Anywho, I needs must sleep.

