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Ok, I have to thank everyone who showed up yesterday. It means alot that my current biggest day total is on my Anniversary. I'm sappy like that ok? It was a really good day. We had German food, which is actually pretty good if you can eat it, and then we walked and talked abit. I had grander designs, but she was feeling sickly, and my car makes her feel seasick. *Sigh* I miss my old car. I tell you guys, I think its time I got a part-time job. I don't know how that'll work with my schooling, and my other job, but other people have done it, so why can't I?

Ok, I HAVE to geek alittle bit now. We were walking through an antique store, and I finally say. I full sized Go floor board. Full SET, bowls, shell and slate stones, the works. Ach, I wanted it Soooo badly. First off, I don't have that kind of cash, they were wanting 200+ for it, and we came back through we looked at it seriously, and not in fanboy wonder, and the poor thing looked like someone had left it in their Garage! It was warped, the bowls were sticky, the surface was scratched. It was bad. Now, I might have it now if they would've been able to bargain, but they sell on consignment. That means I have to go back at the end of the contract and see if I can bargain the guy down some more. I think I should pay fifty for it, if I can, because I think I can have it fixed, but that'll be WAY more money than the original asking price, if they could/would do it anyway. I figure that even if the playing field was left uneven, its bowed slightly, then the surface could be redone so that their aren't any scratches and the lines are there. Of course, if I get that far and start saving to it, I'd have to research to see if refurbishing is possible. Somethings you can't fix, and trying only breaks it even more. Well, I have time before any of this is possible anyway. My financials are such that a hundred dollars, which I would've paid if they let me, was out of my range. *Sigh* I'd better get to making something good then.

Oh, and thanks for letting me vent. I've been playing good boy, but I've wanted to rant about it ALL FRICKIN' DAY! I'm just lucky that I'm loved enough by my Lady that she would've backed me if it had been in good condition. Now that's love.

Alright, I really needs to get some sleep before 3am this time.



Dreaming of You