The usual copy-paste:
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it
It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:Gertrude veribles.
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff
The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

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DD Comics!
Mafia 47 GM election
I Am The 1337 Master (1 vote)
I Am The 1337 Master wrote:
my narration right now.
subject to be rewritten because it might just be even more insane than I think it is right now.
Anthony Mercer loved being a ballerina. He loved the tight
pants and tutus and all the dancing and-
Wait a minute. That’s not like Anthony Mercer at all is it?
Well Anthony loved doing something, like people, unlike the
man sitting outside his window that night. Well this night that is…or
wait…tense confusion please stand by…that night…yep…
Anyway, yes, the man outside the window sat there quietly,
for once, and watched Mr. Mercer watch his favorite television movie “Harkovast:
the Opera”. Anthony loved that show. So did the man but he had a job to do, so he
couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by the dancing cats.
Star command has set him up with this job and you don’t fail
So the man took his notes and stared for a couple hours.
He stared a little more.
And a little more.
And suddenly Anthony spotted him outside the window. The man
gave him an awkward wave. Anthony took off into his bathroom.
Star command was not going to like that. Oh dear. Or maybe the
poor soul just had the runs.
So the man decided to check on his poopy target, by just
jumping in the window.
He knocked on the bathroom door and called out to Anthony.
“You okay in there?” he said through the door.
“Go away, leave me alone, waaah (baby crying)” Anthony
wailed from the other side.
“But I can’t.” the man told Anthony.
“Why?” Anthony whined again.
“Because I have to kill you, silly.” the man frankly said.
…And so, after all that madness, he did.
[spoiler]Anthony Mercer the Townie is Dead[/spoiler]
loved doing something, like people – my profile reference
harkovast the opera – my profile references hark’s comic…read
the runs/poopy target – my comic dump “crap 2”
Niccea (3 votes)
Niccea wrote:
A tumbleweed rolled through the streets of Townston. The
town was looking a little underpopulated this time of year. Some of the town
had left to chase down a mad painter that had painted everything yellow. These townies had left to get a refund even
though the painter had down everything for free. Anthony Mercer was not one of
these people. It wasn’t that he loved the yolky yellow that the town had
become, but he was the town GM when the painter had left his mess, so he was
left out of the lynching party. He sat in his house at the kitchen table with a
site map laid before him. It was now time for him to join up and look for the
mad painter. He sat nibbling on his sandwich as he pondered where the lynch
party could have gone. “Maybe to the Network?…nah…Surly the boring town of
Out of the corner of his eye, Anthony saw a shadow flit
across his window. Anthony got up from his seat and hurried to the window. Even
when Townston was near empty, residents lived in fear of a knife to the face.
He could see nothing in the inky blackness outside except for the reflection
from the kitchen lights. He raised up the window briefly for a better view of
outside, but he saw nothing but a tumble weed. “Strange…”
Anthony closed the window and turned around to find a
grinning figure with a knife approaching him from the living room. Anthony
pointed behind the figure. “Look, a distraction!” As the figure turned, Anthony
high tailed it to the door that lead outside from the kitchen. He tried opening
it quickly as he could, but the door would not budge. Someone had wedged a ton
of tumbleweeds against it to block it. “Oh come on!”
The mafia member wasn’t distracted for long.
Anthony Mercer the former GM is dead.
Sandwich – if no one has noticed by now, I have a dead comic
called Mystery Bread…
Network – I’m mod of the Networking and Community thread. (I
actually probably wouldn’t use a clue like this, it really is one of those
vague things that can be taken as a clue but really isn’t because I was talking
about the website in general.
Grinning Figure – My avatar is very happy to see you.
The rules. Narration still in works. I chose to not just put anthony's name in for everything in my last narration.
MAFIA XLVII : Oh god, why did we let him be GM?
(/screams of terror)
With 16 players, the number of starting roles will be:
1 Detective
1 Vigilante
2 Medic
1 Paranoid
1 Veteran
5 Townies
1 Godfather
1 Mad Hatter
2 Hitman
Serial Killers:
1 Psychopath
These are the positions that the entire town votes into place during
day one. Be careful who you entrust.
The Mayor is elected at the beginning of the
game He’s the elected who gains the most votes. He has several awesome powers.
But “He” can also be a “She”. Things have changed for the better.
- My Vote
Counts More: The mayor gets twice the voting power during lynches. During
double lynches, both people he votes for receive two votes. Isn’t he just
- Two for
One: Two times each game the mayor can call for a double lynch. This means
that every person in the game gains the chance of voting two people to be
lynched. So everyone gets to feel special (I mean murderous).
- Instalynch:
After his election, the Mayor can, if he wishes, call an “Instalynch”, where he
chooses a guilty person and lynches them off the back. No one can interfere
with this lynch. It is an act from
The Pardoner is also elected at the
beginning of the game. They are the runner up in the election for mayor. They
pardon. And stuff.
- No: The pardoner can cancel two lynches
per game. They can do this whenever they want to and usually just to pardon
people off…hmm…bad pun… (In case of double lynch, both people are
pardoned and the cancel only counts as one of the two pardons)
This is not a say so “elected position” but
instead an “appointed” one. After the Mayor and Pardoner are elected, the Mayor
is notified of their positions, which the GM hands out to two random Townies.
- Meat
Shields: The one real point of a bodyguard is that while they are alive,
there can be no successful night attacks on neither the Pardoner, nor the
Mayor. This includes night hits and also bomb placements but does not include
lynches. When both bodyguards end up dead, their defense no longer works and
both the Pardoner and Mayor become vincible once again. …Because rappers are
vincible…reference anyone?
Townston’s Finest:
These are the pro-town dudes, dettes, and dunces. They work for their
master Mayor and do his (her) bidding…I mean they work for the good of the
town. The townspeople do not know each other’s identities. To win you must
eliminate the mafia.
Hello Mr. and Mrs. (or Ms.) No Name. You
have been dragged into this mess to be a Townie. You get to…well…vote…YES!
That’s it! You vote every day and just pray to whatever you worship (or don’t
worship) that you make it in the night. So enjoy that… (NOTICE: everyone gets
to vote during lynches)
They’re out to get you. You just don’t know
it yet. So sit in the corner with your gun in your hand talking to the bunnies
and just wait. Just wait.
- Loco:
So you’re the paranoid, that’s awesome, right? Well…you don’t really know
you’re the paranoid…so…WRONG.
- Try again
later: When attacked, the paranoid will react and kill his first attacker.
But if attacked a second time in the same night he or she will succumb. Guess
you should have not wasted all those bullets. He was dead after the first
You’re an old tyke. Should be somewhere in Florida right now,
shouldn’t you? Guess that’s kids for you. You know, back in the day…
- Thank you
sir may I have another: When attacked, you will lose one of your two lives.
If attacked again after that, you lose your other. But if lynched you lose
both. Think attacks as cancer killing you slowly, but lynches as your kids
cutting your life support.
Wait, the bill was how
- The power
of love-I mean drugs: You can protect one person every night cycle. In
protecting them they cannot be bombed, killed, or any such thing like that.
HOWEVER, if only one paramedic is protecting the target of two hits, the target
will be protected from the first attack and then will die from the second.
Also, any bombs planted on the person will be deactivated when the protection
takes place. Also, also, the paramedic protects even if they die that night.
What do you want?
JUSTICE. And you will get JUSTICE.
JUSTICE: You can kill once a night. Sometimes justice…JUST IS.
You play good cop bad cop with yourself in the
mirror. But no one else knows that so you can still pretend you’re normal. Your
powers work both day and night by the way. You’re always on the clock, like a
real detective instead of just one on the internet.
- Who are
you (who-who, who-who)?: With this ability, you may check out a suspicious
person twice in the game. Using this ability learns you the intentions of the
person you inspect, whether they be a Criminal or one of Townston’s Finest.
(Serial Killers and Mafia members are Criminals)
- Who dun it?:
When someone is killed, the detective can PQ the GM and ask if a specific
person did the crime. They will receive a Yes or No answer. (Note: This only
works within a night and day cycle of the kill.)
- Corrupted
Polls: Looking at lynch vote results the detective can find out any
criminals that might have voted for a specific person. He PQ’s the GM about who
voted for that player, and the GM tells him how many criminals took part. This
can only be used once.
You are the mafia; well organized and very Italian. To win you have to
eliminate everyone that isn’t mafia (including the Serial Killer). The mafia
knows who each other are. With the exception of the Godfather, mafia members
may not kill each other. You don’t go against the family. >:|
You’re a hitman.
- IN-justice:
Well like the vigilante, you get to kill once a night, hooray! The only
difference is you’re not doing it for the good of mankind but instead just to
kill people…Isn’t murder fun?
Mad Bomber
Don’t bomb everything
here. Things might blow up in your face. Ha ha ha ha…
- Plant or
Destroy: Each night the bomber can place one bomb or detonate a bomb that
has already been placed. Only two bombs can be out in circulation at a time but
once one is detonated or intercepted, more bombs can be placed. Also, if a
target dies by other means with a bomb, the mad bomber can take that as it
being intercepted. When a bomb is intercepted, a clue is given out about the
bomber’s identity.
Are you talking to
- Horse Head:
Each night you can choose to send a horse head to a target. This causes the
target to be unable to do anything for a day and night cycle. The target cannot
be attacked and or lynched during this cycle and also cannot be target again
during the game for another horse head attack.
- Favor:
Once per game the Godfather can cancel a lynch.
- Covert
Operation: The Godfather will be seen as one of Townston’s Finest when
checked by the detective. He also is protected from night hits until the rest
of the mafia has been wiped out.
- Now it’s
Personal: The Godfather can choose to kill once a night. If so, he or she
loses the protections given by the “Covert Operation” power, therefore
becoming vulnerable to night attacks. When the rest of the mafia are dead, he
loses the “Covert Operation” power anyway.
You are the weirdo, outcast, sort of I am the 1337 Master of the group.
You don’t take orders from no man nor woman nor thinga-mabobber. To win you
have to both take out the townies and the mafia. (Good luck)
Serial Killer
Some habits aren’t really all that
bad, are they?
Kill, kill, pie, kill: You kill (pie) once a night.
my narration right now.
subject to be rewritten because it might just be even more insane than I think it is right now.
Anthony Mercer loved being a ballerina. He loved the tight
pants and tutus and all the dancing and-
Wait a minute. That’s not like Anthony Mercer at all is it?
Well Anthony loved doing something, like people, unlike the
man sitting outside his window that night. Well this night that is…or
wait…tense confusion please stand by…that night…yep…
Anyway, yes, the man outside the window sat there quietly,
for once, and watched Mr. Mercer watch his favorite television movie “Harkovast:
the Opera”. Anthony loved that show. So did the man but he had a job to do, so he
couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by the dancing cats.
Star command has set him up with this job and you don’t fail
So the man took his notes and stared for a couple hours.
He stared a little more.
And a little more.
And suddenly Anthony spotted him outside the window. The man
gave him an awkward wave. Anthony took off into his bathroom.
Star command was not going to like that. Oh dear. Or maybe the
poor soul just had the runs.
So the man decided to check on his poopy target, by just
jumping in the window.
He knocked on the bathroom door and called out to Anthony.
“You okay in there?” he said through the door.
“Go away, leave me alone, waaah (baby crying)” Anthony
wailed from the other side.
“But I can’t.” the man told Anthony.
“Why?” Anthony whined again.
“Because I have to kill you, silly.” the man frankly said.
…And so, after all that madness, he did.
[spoiler]Anthony Mercer the Townie is Dead[/spoiler]
loved doing something, like people – my profile reference
harkovast the opera – my profile references hark’s comic…read
the runs/poopy target – my comic dump “crap 2”
Niccea wrote:OK! I'll start the vote once yours is ready, since no-one else seems to want to run.
Sheesh calm down guys.
I have been busy for a bit. I will get things together this evening. Most likely around midnight GMT. I was going to get moving this morning but the site dissapeared again.
The townies’ win condition is to find and kill all mafias.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His
special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2
Desperate times call for desperate measures: Ability to declare up to
two double lynches anytime during the game (must notify me during night cycle
or early on in the day so voting is arranged accordingly). When double lynches
are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.
Did you ever know that you’re my hero?: The mayor cannot be killed
during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive. Only the Mayor will know who
the bodyguards are.
Let’s celebrate!: On Day One, the newly elected mayor can declare an
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the
Mayor. He has the protection of the very same bodyguards as the Mayor and thus
remains invincible at night. His special ability, however, is to pardon up to 2
lynches during the course of the game. He must notify me while voting is coming
to a close (you'll usually be able to tell who is going to get lynched towards
the end of voting) or right after I have ended it. I will wait a bit between
votes being tallied and the shift into night when people are lynched so you
will also have time then to notify me. The pardoner may not pardon himself.
Random townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor and pardoner
have been elected. The mayor alone will know who these people are. The
bodyguard cannot be a mafia or special role, he can only be a regular townie.
(Might delete this role and just give the Pardoner and Mayor extra lives
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take
the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you
believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just
might be taking out a friendly.
You have the ability to watch one other player during the night. You may choose
not to use this ability also. When a player is watched he cannot die unless the
number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or
his night lives. In other words if two mafia attack a person being watched by
one paramedic, the person will die. A clue will not be left behind if he is
saved, the town won't know who was saved.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on
your life. But for how long? The veteran gets 2 night lives, meaning he must be
hit by 2 attackers to kill him (much like having paramedics watching over you,
except you lose one life if you incur one attack). If a paramedic is protecting
you will not lose a life for the hit the paramedic protects. If you incur a hit
I will notify you the following day.
While pro-town, the paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in the
war. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any
way during the night, whether it be mafia or villager (such as a paramedic
opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill
one person a night. The paranoid due to his disorder, he thinks he is just a
You have three abilities you may use. You have the ability to ask me whether or
not a specific person committed the murder and get a yes/no answer. You have
the ability to, 2 times a game, ask me what alignment a person is. And for the
last ability you may ask me how many mafia voted to lynch a specific person
after the conclusion of voting (cannot use this on mayor election). You may
only use one ability per day/night cycle. You cannot ask about both people in
are a townie, but your role may or may not help them win. This role is selected
at random and only the one with the role will know what it is. The role will be
pulled from the Mafia Game Wikipedia article. (I would give you a specific
link, but I don’t like how linking is going right now)
You are a dedicated townie! Although you do not have any special abilities, you
participate by solving clues, networking, and voting.
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all townies or enough townies so that the
numbers are equal or less than the number of alive mafias. Unlike townies, all
mafias know who each other are. With the exception of the mad hatter and
godfather, all mafia members can kill once per night cycle. A mafia cannot kill
a mafia however.
The godfather has the special ability of being able to leave severed horse
heads in the target's bed. In addition, has the minor ability of being
invulnerable to being killed during night phase unless all other members of his
family are already dead. The Godfather will appear to be an innocent townie to
any detective. The godfather is allowed to kill, but he will be able to be
spotted by detective for what he really is after this time. Additionally he has
the ability to, once per game, cancel a lynch.
Mad Bomber
The mad hatter’s special ability is to plant two bombs throughout the whole
game on two specific players. He may choose when and who to plant these bombs.
Should the mad hatter dies, kaboom! Those whom he planted the bomb to will die
as well. He can also detonate a bomb whenever he sees fit. (A clue will be left
in this case.) If the target dies before you do however, you lose the bomb.
You are a regular mafia member. You get to stab someone in the face every night
You play by our own rules and have your own win conditions.
Serial Killer
You are neither townie nor mafia. You may kill whomever you please. To win, you
must be the last one alive. For the townies to win, you must be dead.
(1/1) Mayor
(1/1) Pardoner
(2/2) Bodyguards
(1/1) Vigilante
(1/1) Veteran
(?/2) Paramedics: Number of paramedics depends on number of people in game.
(1/1) Paranoid
(1/1) Detective
(?/1) Random : Use of role depends on number of people in game
(?/?) Townies: Whoever is left over after role assignments depends on number in
(1/1) Godfather
(1/1) Mad Bomber
(?/?) Mafia Member: The amount of mafia members is proportionate to the number
of players in the game. I will have one mafia member for every five players
signed up.
(1/1) Serial Killer
A tumbleweed rolled through the streets of Townston. The
town was looking a little underpopulated this time of year. Some of the town
had left to chase down a mad painter that had painted everything yellow. These townies had left to get a refund even
though the painter had down everything for free. Anthony Mercer was not one of
these people. It wasn’t that he loved the yolky yellow that the town had
become, but he was the town GM when the painter had left his mess, so he was
left out of the lynching party. He sat in his house at the kitchen table with a
site map laid before him. It was now time for him to join up and look for the
mad painter. He sat nibbling on his sandwich as he pondered where the lynch
party could have gone. “Maybe to the Network?…nah…Surly the boring town of
Out of the corner of his eye, Anthony saw a shadow flit
across his window. Anthony got up from his seat and hurried to the window. Even
when Townston was near empty, residents lived in fear of a knife to the face.
He could see nothing in the inky blackness outside except for the reflection
from the kitchen lights. He raised up the window briefly for a better view of
outside, but he saw nothing but a tumble weed. “Strange…”
Anthony closed the window and turned around to find a
grinning figure with a knife approaching him from the living room. Anthony
pointed behind the figure. “Look, a distraction!” As the figure turned, Anthony
high tailed it to the door that lead outside from the kitchen. He tried opening
it quickly as he could, but the door would not budge. Someone had wedged a ton
of tumbleweeds against it to block it. “Oh come on!”
The mafia member wasn’t distracted for long.
Anthony Mercer the former GM is dead.
Sandwich – if no one has noticed by now, I have a dead comic
called Mystery Bread…
Network – I’m mod of the Networking and Community thread. (I
actually probably wouldn’t use a clue like this, it really is one of those
vague things that can be taken as a clue but really isn’t because I was talking
about the website in general.
Grinning Figure – My avatar is very happy to see you.
Anthony Mercer wrote:poop.
Well, if no-one else runs, I might just let 1337 do it. I'll give it one more day at least though.
I would vote niccea, but I don't know how many other people will run, and I would like to get a game in.
pokketmonstahhuntah wrote:i was probably better off just replacing salsa's name with anthony's then writing that one half asleep…
It's a close call, but I'm going for Niccea. That narration doesn't creep me out.
pokketmonstahhuntah wrote:Technically, you're supposed to PQ the vote to me, but I'll count this one.
It's a close call, but I'm going for Niccea. That narration doesn't creep me out.
Voting will end at 7PM BST on the 10th August.
pokketmonstahhuntah wrote:joint. that might be why my narration was so odd.
Thanks Anthony! ^^
I'll joint the game no matter who wins ^^
Randomdudeperson wrote:the forums just got really shitty.
wow, so much has changed since last ive been here. 0_0
but vote for me, please.
Last time I'll be trying in another year.
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