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From page 1 on Drunk Duck:
The first time I put my comic on this site it was split under the titles
Planet Aeruen, Tales From Planet Aeruen, and The Clockman, all of which
were separate but interrelated. As I increased the quality of my art
work, I decreased the rate at which I completed whole pages and
eventually stopped updating online, though I never stopped working on
the comic.

Enrod the Clockman was always intended to be my main character, but
there were other stories apart from him, based in his world, that I
needed to tell first, which I am still telling. After having revamped
my work for the internet once again, I've finally gotten around to
coming back to Drunk Duck.

The first seven Files are the first short stories based in the
Clockman's world of Planet Aeruen that I ever published. Originally
released and available in print at
under the title Tales From Planet Aeruen Volume One, they are my
earliest efforts. I wasn't very concerned about the quality of the
artwork at that time, indeed I was much more interested in seeing how
much I could get done in a given period of time. I was averaging about
8-10 pages a week when I did TFPA, and it unfortunately shows. I am
fairly proud of the stories themselves however and I hope you can be
patient with my art as it evolves over time.

Also, keep in mind that this is an epic story, and Enrod The
Clockman in most cases will himself be a background character for a good
deal of what's to come. Oh, if you're a little impatient and you want
to see what some of my current work looks like, you can go directly to and check it all out there.
Otherwise you should checkout what I've uploaded on Drunk Duck so far ( for mature readers )
File_00001 "Accepting Fate" - A wizard and a cyborg face off with a sadistic warlock.
File_00002 "A Clockman's Training" - The Clockman goes to an alternate dimension to complete his training as a Dominok Shyuntec.
File_00003 "Property's Desire" - A sexbot thinks he's found the woman of his dreams.

File_00004 "Pack Hunt" ( still in progress ). - A werewolf misses a victim only to find three strangers victimizing her.