HEY ALL!!!!!
So in case you hadn't heard before, I've been working on ways to keep Heroes Alliance a happening fast paced place! As you all know, Heroes Alliance turns out some AMAZING stories and it's loads of fun to work on them! But when your hero is off on the side lines it can get a little dull. And thus I have created MONTHLY MAYHEM!! A chance for artists and writers to stretch their craniums and hopefully help us all get a better feel for each other's characters while we're at it.
How will it work?? Each month I'll post a challenge in this thread. These challenges will usually be a little one page comic or art piece dealing with your hero, or other's heroes, or your hero dealing with other heroes, you get the picture. PQ me your entries as well as any description you want added. Don't think you're an artist? That's okay! I'm going to try and make these contests available for writers too! Just send me a picture (not copyrighted) that you want as well as a story that I'll post in the comments. Just do me a big favour and try to keep it relatively brief…. The artists have to restrain their art to a page or two and I don't think I could paste several pages worth of text into a comments box.
Once your pages are submitted I'll post them onto the Monthly Mayhem site (LINK POSTED SOON IN SIGNATURE) and you can go and comment and be happy until the next month's contest comes out. I will also start tallying "points" based on how many entries you send in… no real plan for the points at the moment minus a useful tally and brag rights.
Subject to change depending on problems that arise
1. Entries must contain no copyrighted material or characters
2. Entries must follow the guidelines of the monthly challenge (PQ me if you have a specific problem)
3. Entries must be submitted within the month (PQ me if a specific problem arises)
4. Entries must not berate or belittle other members' works
5. I've set the comic rating to teen so try not to be too violent, raunchy, or crude
6. Any entries which appear to violate the rules, I reserve the right to not post, though, provided it's not a blatant trolling, I will try to contact you about what's wrong with it.
7. Only one entry per month per person
8. If you feel you may be about to violate a rule, PQ me with your question
Anyways, as stated, any questions or concerns, feel free to PQ me about it. I hope this works well and moreso I hope to see some amazing entries from those who are interested!

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
Monthly Mayhem!
Starting off with something simple (considering we're starting almost a week late) For September all I ask is that you try to post an image one of your heroes with their name, powers, a bit about them, and some swatches of their base colours. If you prefer writing, still try to draw your hero or at least include the swatches, but focus more on writing out a description of who they are and their history
Finally have the link for the comic (I'll work on headers and such but it might take me a while) Here's the link! http://www.drunkduck.com/Heroes_Alliance_Monthly_Mayhem/
Name: Kwago
Powers: Flight, wisdom, sharp eye sight and night vision
Bio: Kuago's real Identity is Joseph Oliveros a stuudent in an international school in the Pilippines. He found himself mingling with the popular croud, mostly because his best friend Vincent belongs there and seems to always be the center of attention because of his overflowing charisma. Joseph n the other hand is a verry quiet and caring person and is known to be the schools smartest student. Just because he's caring and quiet doesn't mean that he is easily pushed arround. He doesn't allow thers to dictate to him what to do and is actualy a pushy person himself. He has a strong belief of his Ideas and hardl never backs down, especially when he believes he's right.
One day their class went to a museum that showcased the gold crafts created before the Spanish conquered the Philipines. One sculptue in particular cought his eye There inide the glass was a verry realistic looking Owl sculpture. He wondered why such detail and skill was used in order to create it. For as far as he knew, owls were not sacred animals.
Soon it was time to leave. When he retured home he oppened the TV and was surprized to see that a robery occued in the Museum and only the Owl was stolen. He looked out the window to see the sculpture sitting on a branch amd when he oppened the window the golden creature flew in and the soul trapped inside possesed him.
The Owl was idealistic and wanted to slowly make the worl a better place. Even a long time ago, when it was still alive it continuosl saved lives of humans and animals alike from murder and injustice. Although Joseph was reluctant to help the owl , he agreed in the end seeing his as an opportunity to actually create a difference.
Whith his face hidden underneath a mask he felt a stream of confidence. Whith this new found confidence, the Owl's idealistic goals and determination, he flies trough the night slowly changing the world.
Sorry if it's too long.
The drawing isn't that good either
So . . . yeah
Hope you like it
Name: Julian (???)
Alias: The Impracital Mr. Imp (Mr. Imp, Impy, Imp, etc.)
Powers: Shapeshifter, Mass/molecule manipulation, telescopic, stretching
Bio: He's the son of two villians, taken in and trained by the ruthless vigilante The Ifrit, current protector of Victoria City and reserve member of Heores Alliance.
would like this version to be my entry into contest
tell me what u think!
Name:Blitz Lasair
codename: Thunderbird
Powers/Weapons: control of lightning, allows him to power battle suit simular to Shell Tec that also allows flight, has several weapon systems such as a sholder mounted missile laucher, a plazma lightning cannon and twin lightning blasters on his wrists.
Blitz was a US Navy Seal Team Six member playing tourist for a few days (while on leave) at the Nazca lines in Peru flying a small rental plane when a collosal thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere trapping his plane in the vortex. Desperately trying to doge hundreds of lightning bolts shooting towards his plane Blitz collided with a massive thunder god rising form the lines in the form of the ancient Thunder Bird of legand. Awaking six months later from a coma in a CIA base he discovered that he had absorbed some of the ancient Native American God's powers and was offered a chance to be recuited by the CIA to become one of the first superhuman secret soldiers in the War on Terror. He accepted almost immediately.
Seven months went by as Blitz went on various missions across Africa and and the Middle East hunting down over a dozen terrorist cells and destroying recuitment and training camps. Meanwhile the docters and scientists that had managed to stabilize his powers and save his life while he was in the coma, created the S.S.C.S. Markak# 1 (Super Seal Combat Suit) based off the technology of the Japanese super hero SHELL but powered by the electricity from Blitz's body. Recently he has recived the permission of his CIA superiors to join the Heros Alliance on the condition he become a lison officer in their ranks to establish a working relationship between the CIA and the Heros Alliance.
Congrats everyone who entered the September challenge!! The entries were great and it was loads of fun to see all the different heroes! Scoreboards have been updated!
This month will be similar to last month, only with the option for a bonus point! (I'll warn you ahead of time, bonus points will be more challenging to earn for those who REALLY want to stretch their skills!)
For this month, I want you to draw a villain, either just a character refference page or within the pages you'll do for the bonus challenge. It's October so I figured it would be fitting doing something creepy if you want (just keep it within the teen rating). Include a basic description of name, powers, etc you know the drill.
When I watch tv or read stories these days I see a LOT of lazy writers. What do I mean by that? For every genre: Thriller, Romance, Humor; There's an easy yet risky way out: Gore, Sex, crudeness. The one thing people don't seem to realize is that while this at first gets the same response from readers, the response doesn't last very long till they need a stronger dose to get the same affect, much like a drug.
Psycology aside; this month I'm setting up a difficult, but fun challenge. Write or draw a short story about your villain (the shorter the better) which can creep out or scare the pants off someone while keeping it at least teen or cleaner. I mean it's alright if someone dies, but don't make the main scary parts being how the severed head was soaking in a pool of it's own blood in the man's reffrigerator, or the monster with the blistering flesh whose body was coated in bursting sores and open wounds and had a knife sticking out of his leg with the flesh already starting to heal over it! :P
The goal is to do sort of a classic Hitchcock story like "Rear window" or "The Wrong Man" where it's the reader's lack of uncertainty and feeling of hopelessness that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Remember that reader frustration and naivity are your friends in this one.
Anyways, anyone who enters the bonus round qualifies for a bonus point.
Same rules for entry as last time, just PQ me the image or a link to the image along with what you want to say and I'll post on the comic ASAP. I've got some fun plans for the next few months as well so keep drawing and I can't wait to see your enteries!! :D
@ Macattack
I don't know how to send pics through PQ so i just posted here ones again.
And I'll PQ you the bonus some time before the due date
Entry for October:
Name: Eater
Real Name: None
Undesireable nickname: Nom-Nom
Gender: None
- eats soals
- uses his big ears to hear souls
- uses his big tongue to tacte souls
- can comafloge in the dark
- has slight hypnosis abilities
-Faster than humans necause of his rabbit like feet
When hisr kined are killed, their body splits in half creating two ofspring. He reproduces assexually.
He was a falled Alchemy/ msgic experiment. His creator tried to create a living creature out of thin air. He tried to used purely scientific (alchemy) meathods but when his goal seemed too far away he decided to turn into magic. He created a cirgle mixed with boath alchemy and magic symbols. He was a success and created a soul eating monster.
After a few generations Eater was born. He from, the day of his birth, lived alone. And when he's hungry he would prey on animals. When he grew older animals were no longer enough, he decided to go for bigger prey and so he began eating human's souls. Many, for centuries, tried to destroy him, bt no one was able to kill him yet.
One horible day, his hunters trapped him inside a cave. He remained there for years starving. After a stong earthquake frees him from his prison, because of exr=treame hunger, ate two whole towns. The modern world he awoke to decided that it was bad for him to live and he decided that now he would do anything for food
Name: Smiley
Age: 28
Real Name: Harold Smiles
Sex: Male
Powers: Super speedy and agile
Great sense of smell and hearing
slight regeneration of health
claws that can slice through almost anything.
Info: Harold Smiles was a notorious killer whoose MO was to leave a carved smile upon the face of his victims, and in several cases, he would eat the hearts or drink the blood of his victims. When he was captured and sentenced to death, he had a smile on his face, before he was about to meet his maker with a few volts running through his system, a strange light emanted and across the city, and many began turning into monsters…including him, his body became yellow and his nails became like claws, and his mind became even more derranged, now as the Demented Smiley…all he wants to do is give the world a huge smile…before he guts it.
Hey all! It's a new month and that means a NEW CHALLENGE! This month I have something good in mind and I think it would be a good month for lots of people to get involved as it would be interesting to hear different views on this.
I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in Canada, November 11th is "Rememberance Day" a day where we take time out of our lives to stop and reflect on those who make great sacrifices to help us live peaceful lives. Sure a lot of people focus on soldiers and such but up here this also includes the firemen, the police officers, the doctors and paramedics, and basically just everyone who is willing to go against the human nature of "What's in it for me" to turn and say "How can I help them?" The REAL heroes if you will.
As writers and artists for super hero comics, I think we have a sort of duty to portray what a hero really is, and as such, this month I've decided to devote this contest to asking the question "What is a hero?"
There's no real right or wrong answer to this. I mean if you tell me a hero is anyone who walks over others to make their lives golden I may seriously question you myself but I respect any opinion that has thought put into it. :P
If you want to do something really cool artistically, show your own hero paying his respects to who you would consider to be a REAL hero. It can be anything from a political figure, to a soldier, to the guy who lives next door. The real purpose of this challenge however is to look at and learn about each of our different views of what a hero is and in that better understand what kind of hero we may make.
As usual, all entries can be submitted to me here or a link sent to my PQ. It can be mainly artistic or mainly written, or both, and all entries will be due by November 30th
Good luck guys and I can't wait to see what comes in =)
New month, new contest.
this month:
SANTA'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!! That's right. It's up to your hero to save christmas!!!
Your hero must work to save Santa from ANOTHER user's villain!
You may use what pages you feel you need to deliver the story
Have fun with this one!
Hope you guys enjoy… and as an unofficial bonus, just because I love irony; I'm offering a free request (within limitations) to the first user to message me about using my villain Invincablob! See here—> http://macattackproductions.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4h7yv6 <–
As usual, PQ me a link or post on here your pages and I can't wait to see responses from you guys.
Have fun and Merry Christmas
AUGH IT"S JANUARY!!!! When did that happen???
Okay so new year time for a fresh start right? I don't know about you guys but these last few months have been haywire for me and it just looks like it's getting crazier sooo
This month we ask the question "If your hero/villain had a different powerset what would it be and what would they look like?" Enjoy!
Ahhhh February at last….. Month of love, month of groundhogs, and most importantly month of my birthday!…. okay maybe not so important but if you want to give me a great gift then let's have fun with this month's challenge!! :D
It's February and love is in the air! For this month's competition show your character falling in love with another HA character! Practicality doesn't matter where cupid is involved, aka YES Seb, you can draw Virtus and Bombshell! ;)
You all know the posting rules! I just ask that we don't go TOO extreme as other people use this laptop and I don't want to get in trouble for content on here :P Happy February and I hope to see some GREAT entries for this one! :D
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:Aw come on - it's all in good fun :P
No thanks. Not without Abt's input, and definitely not without a better basis for the couple.
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