Everyone whom has ever read about DC's Earth-3 or the Crime Syndicate, or alternatively seen that old classic episode "Mirror, Mirror" of Star Trek… You know what, I'll just drop this link here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MirrorUniverse as it does a better job explaining the concept than I do.
This story, which probably won't see the light of day until the second "season" of HA, will be mainly written by me. It will be sort of big with a certain sense of Bizarro-logic, but also very much self-referential about an old but beloved superhero cliché! The plot isn't that much thought out yet, but I have a distinct feel for how it's going to end and I'm working my way backwards from there. Until then, I'm collecting the stars of this adventure, as well as drawing names on who gets the good/evil reversal treatment.
If you choose to submit a character, hero or villain, as there are good versions of HA villains in the Mirrorverse as well, please specify whether if you want the HUVerse incarnation or their good/evil counterpart from the Mirrorverse to star. While I might have small cameos for characters in this, there will be no doppleganger fights and I'm going at this from a certain angle. The tentative title is "Equilibrium" for a reason… ;)
Mainstream HUniverse:
Mirror HUniverse:
??? (Comet Kid's counterpart)
Husk (Shell's counterpart)
Demonicac (Peligroso's counterpart)
Crimsomorph (Azumorph's counterpart)
The Goatee
There will be minor, spoilerish roles as well. I'm keeping quiet about those.
Let it also be known that I HATE Drunkduck's new forum system. It's never been this hard to get certain texts separated!

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"Equilibrium" a.k.a Two-part Alternate Evil HA story
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:The less everything is cast in stone, the easier it might be for me to submit ideas. So if you feel like sharing your bare-bones plot (possibly via e-mail or PQ), please go ahead.
The plot isn't that much thought out yet, but I have a distinct feel for how it's going to end and I'm working my way backwards from there.
Ah, the mirror universe, my favourite sci-fi/fantasy staple.
Firstly, I offer this description for Azumorph's mirror counterpart, Crimsomorph. Basically, he looks like Azumorph, only he's red instead of blue. He also appears and acts more savage, with a more primal stance and mouth full of pointy teeth (as opposed to Azu who like to hide his mouth). He preffered method of attack is to twist his body into sharp, pointy shapes or into scary looking monsters. He also a little crazy, and claims to hear voices, but they may come from the alien he merged with, which wasn't as quite as dead as the one Azu merged with.
He is a member of the Australian terrorist group Terror Oz, whose members include Burninglight, Katie Quick, Sniper, Stein, Ali Vera and Deep Thing. They are lead by… (I haven't thought of a good name for "mirror HUB" yet)
Here's some more suggestions I'd like to throw around to see what sticks.
I thought a good name for a mirror universe story would be "Dark Mirror", but you don't have to use it
I suggest the name "Mr. Meteor" for mirror Comet Kid
If we include a mirror Vora, I think she should have eye tattoos like Murdoc from TGND http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Girl_Next_Door/5373804/
If we include mirror Bombshell, we should put her cyborg hand on the right side (as oppsed to normal Bombshell who has it on her left)
I'd also suggest "HUSK" as a name for mirror SHELL, but fuku already posted a mirror SHELL
I also suggest "Crimeboss" as a name for mirror Commander
As for mirror Kaine The Whiteshadow, his creator and I thought of "Kaine the White Scoundrel" and give a more pirate/swashbuckler theme
As for mirror villains, I thought of "KOP" (Keeper Of Peace) for mirror JOD, a mordern day knight in shining (power)-armour and maybe something like "Ms. Teri" for mirror Ms. Ari
Other names I thought of are "Classicus" (The Ancient), "Alter" (Change), "Practical Pete" (Impractical Mr. Imp), "Red Eagle" [or another bird of prey] (Blue Jay), "C.O.M.M.I.E. J.O.E." (U.N.C.A. S.A.M.) and "Iona" (Vora)
Oh, and I figured there probably wouldn't be an Energize in this universe (if you read his comic you'll know why) and the Dasien of this universe would probably be dead (if you've read Crossoverlord you'd know why)
That's what I've got for now. Like I said favourite sci-fi/fantasy staple!
Fuku: Pure awesome. "S" & "M" - instant classic! :3
AzuJOD: Some great suggestions in there.
I have to admit I kind of lost track of what the general consensus was on what to do with "Bomber", my sort-of-mirror Bombshell. I believe that the mirror Bombshell would be some Italian Nazi/fascist, in any case. There's probably some mirror-UN that's like a global Nazi organization, making sure to incite genocide worldwide, and mirror-Bombshell would be their happy general.
Since we're talking about evil versions, For Wireless I had dabbled with thought of an evil version (which is an exposition comic I still owe Azu for a contest he won actually) where essentially they went through the same life but made different decisions at one point. When Chet/Shock killed Jennifer and Kyle/Wireless found out that he was going to get away with it because the city needed his father's company for infrastructure, It was at that moment that normal world Wireless decided to make sure that no one would ever have to go through that and feel like there was no one who could help them again.
Evil Wireless on the other hand held in his anger and found that humanity disgusted him and decided that the only logical solution was to wipe the human race off the map. He ran experiments on himself to raise his voltage, worked out more to get stronger, and basically went on a killing spree on anyone he deemed not worthy to live… aka everyone
@shastab24: As it looks now, I'm thinking of letting Astral and Sparkle be part of the core team at the center of this story. I could probably make use for a good version of the Hair Pair, any ideas on codenames? All I've got is "Goatee" as a very ironic Star Trek nod. ;)
@Abt: We'll see, this story is pretty far away still, but I will be sure to let the few details I have reach you. Most of what I can leak shows up here sooner or later anyway. As it looks now, any version of Bombshell might get a minor role for both laughs and horror. More on that later. Any ideas of a name for Bombshell's evil double? I can only suggest Stunner or Thunderclap so far. Any ideas for a heroic Beachhead? As for your Bomber design, I remember that the writer considered it "too human" and needed to be more bestial in apperance. For safety's sake, I'd rather start from scratch with a new Bombshell design. ^^ And yeah, anti-Bombshell needs to have a lust for power like the mainstream Bombshell, but her reasons are entirely selfish. But Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Mirrorverse was probably not as hated as their mainstream counterparts were. It's a highly controversial concept, I know.
@Fuku: Whoa, didn't expect things to happen this fast! Excellent design here, these three are definitely in, in either minor or major roles! You don't mind if we take a cue from Azu and call this version of Shell "Husk"?
@AzuJOD: I see genious at work here. Crimsomorph might not roll as well of the tongue as Magentamorph would, but it's your mirror version and I'll accept that. ;)
While "Dark Mirror" and "Cracked Mirror" crossed my mind once, I really wanted to go for something a bit less on the nose, and thus "Equilibrium" sprung from that.
Void Emperor vs. Mr. Meteor… Or perhaps a combination of the two? Emperor Meteor, heck, it almost rhymes! But with anti-Comet Kid's current powerset, maybe that won't work…
I would really like to use Vora, as I need a "tech fetishist" to get the ball rolling on the dimension-hopping for the team. As for anti-Vora… Hmm… Now the cogs in my brain turn once again on her role in the Mirrorverse… *snickers*
I do have a few ideas for an anti-Bombshell, and I think Jo and I can agree on what you say about her going left-handed. As for the rest, there might be another twist to the whole cyborg thing that I'm throwing into the boiling pot… Spoilers. ;)
Maybe we'd go with simply "Boss" for the Commander. But since this story takes place post the HU/HA crossover, it might be better to find a name based on "Mercenary" from the HU relaunch. She might still have gone through similar events to the ones the mainstream Commander went through. Then again, since there exists no Energize in this dimension… I'm open for suggestions. That is, if we can get permission to feature her in the first place. And the HU/HA hiearchy might not be the same in the mirrorverse as it is in the HUverse…
KOP is an EXCELLENT acronym, by the way. And sure, Ms. Teri as a doctor/health instructor trying to help people to better physical and mental living as opposed to her very shallow mainstream persona…
I really, really don't think that being a communist automatically makes you evil. Also, R.E.D.N.E.C.K Sam/C.O.M.M.I.E Joe has probably been blown up just like Sam was in the regular HUniverse.
For undisclosed story reasons, I'd probably stick with evil Vora retaining the first letter of her name. ^^
And yeah, I read Crossoverlord. Very cruel deconstruction of the whole "unique in the multiverse" trope. So I know there exist no multiversal equivalent to that crew. Would be cool if we could get a Ringo cameo though, wouldn't it?
At this rate, we might as well consider you the third co-writer on this story. ^_^
@Macattack: Since you've wanted me to make use of Wireless a lot, why not add him to the HA roster for this adventure? So far I only have Astral and Sparkle. ^^ But if you want a major Evil Wireless in this…
@Hero: Another great one! Anti- Comet Kid is in! Once again, Void Emperor vs. Mr. Meteor… What to choose…
@sux: Wouldn't a good Smiley have a perpetual frown on his face and be called "Cranky"? XD
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:
Any ideas of a name for Bombshell's evil double? I can only suggest Stunner or Thunderclap so far. Any ideas for a heroic Beachhead? As for your Bomber design, I remember that the writer considered it "too human" and needed to be more bestial in apperance. For safety's sake, I'd rather start from scratch with a new Bombshell design. ^^ And yeah, anti-Bombshell needs to have a lust for power like the mainstream Bombshell, but her reasons are entirely selfish. But Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Mirrorverse was probably not as hated as their mainstream counterparts were. It's a highly controversial concept, I know.
I really, really don't think that being a communist automatically makes you evil. Also, R.E.D.N.E.C.K Sam/C.O.M.M.I.E Joe has probably been blown up just like Sam was in the regular HUniverse.
Hm, maybe some clarification is needed here. When we're talking about a "mirror universe", do we simply mean reversing the comic book stereotypes "good" and "evil"? Or do we actually mean to mirror other properties too? Obviously, the various Bizarro universes across the years have (some would say inconsistently, others would say freely) varied this concept. Surely you don't mean to imply that everything in a mirror universe is the exact opposite as in the regular one, right? Because then I'd have a serious problem imagining just how historical events were able to unfold even remotely similar to our dear HUniverse :-) (For instance, causal chains themselves might be reversed, or the universe might have started with a small crunch instead of a big bang, or something like that…). As far as I can see, what we're going with here is something like: good is evil, evil is good, and some other highly specific properties are mirrored (like the side of Bombshell's cybernetic hand).
Now! We don't actually know whether U.N.C.A.S.A.M. is good, do we? I mean, it's a morally neutral robot, and his controller Tom is pretty much just an obnoxious kid, right? So mirroring the US/Russia thing would actually make sense without implying that it makes him all evil. As far as we know, he could come out as "good" if mirrored :-)
As for mirror-Bombshell: I'll think about it.
I haven't thought up mirror names for the Hair Pair, though I was trying to think of some. The Goatee sounds great, but I wonder if that's for The Stache or Beard of Power.
But let me think:
The Stache: Maybe "The Goatee" (or "The Goat") could work, but I do wonder what one could do with an alternate name for a character with superpowers revolving around their mustache.
Follicle: Coif (I'm not sure if I spelled that right)
Beard of Power: Soupcatcher
But, then again, I did create the Hair Pair as a malleable concept. Though I came up with the idea, they are supposed to be villains for which nobody need ask permission, that are up to the writers to shape how they want. This can go to their alternate universe versions as well, and this time in both name and appearance.
Seb - Sure. "Husk" would be totally fine.
On another note, if useful, you can use Mainstream HUniverse's villain Desperado, because if there were say a temporary, forced team-up… he'd be saying, "Let me get this straight. Yer 'bout to turn me loose, and I can shoot as many of those heroes-turned-heels as i want…? Kick the tires and light the fires, big daddy."
@Seb: Crimsomorph rolls off the tougue fine for me, maybe you're pronoucing it wrong (I pronounce it Crim-SOH-morph)
Also while there wouldn't be an Energize in this universe, there still would be a Mike Callahan, and maybe a Prince Quinn too.
And if we don't use "R.E.D.N.E.C.K Sam/C.O.M.M.I.E Joe", we can just mention him in passing.
And I just drew up two more characters as well.
1st is Saint's "Hero" form: Chaplin. Sadly I forgot to put color on my drawing thing, but if you look at the ref of Saint, you'll see he's suppose to have orange hair :P
And I also have a "Hero" version of Smiley, it's…the infamous Grin :D
I did two different eye color versions since I didn't know if one was too close to the Fleas original color.
With Yellow eyes
With Orange Eyes
If you guys insist on giving us a Communist-equivalent of Sam, then I have to bend to that. But can we at least give it a Russian name? I can't see the former Soviet Union giving it an English name. XD
Abt, I'm basically going with the idea that it's mainly good and evil that is reversed, but that we can still have fun with the character designs. Of course, not everything is going to be reversed. For example, left and right isn't right and left for the sake of the audience's understanding.
The roster isn't full until HA Season 2 hits at least, so plenty of time to submit another hero or villain, Byth.
Well I know I’m kinda new but Crisis on Two Earths was one of my favorite movies so here goes. Pick any ideas you think you'd like.
The Bomber.
Arie le Conte was a Debutante of the CSA’s preeminent Sharecropping Family. Bored with her life of luxury on the Plantation she set off on a life of wild thrill seeking and exhibitionism. Her actions caused disesteem to her family and they threatened to cut her off unless he settled down and married. However her parents mysteriously died in what official reports set down as a “Slave Rebellion.” With her now in possession of the family fortune she set of on a life of adventure, becoming famed as a demolitions expert across the world. She became an agent of the Comintern in 1990s after the Cold War ended by specializing in demolition work of “sensitive areas.” While she served as a founding member of the CI’s Superhuman program The Functionaries Union (UA) she later rebelled after the disaster in Niew Reesko and formed her own private Supermercenary team to lead into her own goals.
Natalie O’Lalor
Natalie O’Lalor was part of a military family that’s been serving the Royal Navy since the days of Jefferson Rebellion. After Graduating from the Dominion of Washington Royal Academy, she transferred to the Washington Security Intelligence Service, where she worked in Black Ops during the Cold War until she was met by Yugoslavian rebel Mirko Borovinka. They came to fall in love and marry but on the eve of their planned overthrow of the USSR, Natalie sold him and the authorities out to the government. In recognition of her service she was awarded a high ranking position in the CI and as appointed to lead The Functionaries Union.
Later, after being contacted by a supposedly divine angelic force known as “The Light” she collaborated with known subversive entities (such as Musasi Hujikawa, a rebel from The Imperial Colony of Chosen) in actions that caused her to be removed from her post and placed in maximum detention concentration camp , awaiting execution. Her current position has known been filled by the Government agent Sturmfront.
Wyatt Augustus was a teenager when he first developed his abilities in a blast that destroyed his home and killed his parents. Taken in by the government he was made the ward of government hero Exoket. Exoket took the youth to his home of Paris in the Frankreich here he trained him in the service of Global Reich in the Cold War against the USSR. When the Cold War ended and Fascism was rendered obsolete, Sturmfront electrocuted his mentor as a show of allegiance to the new regime. He is now the current head of the UA and uses the skills he has learned under The Reich to greatest effect.
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