Posted at

all, I'm fairly new to the DD community.  Let's get the intro's over with!


Basically I run a little blog
at with a
focus on webcomics and story telling. At this time I've been writing (from
experience) about time management skills, some not so well known marketing
techniques to take the presentation of the comic up a level, and there's a fair
number of posts dedicated to writing and inspiration. 

This past year we've started
the podcast focusing on the creative individuals such as freelancers,
comickers, writers, a television director, and soon an indie game developer.

I think what's lacking at this
time is more obvious topics, but i intentionally avoided (let's draw hands! How
about some perspective?!) I didn't want to do a blog about drawing…though
let's face it; drawing is a large part of comics.  That being said, I've
seen plenty of poorly drawn comics do extremely well.

So what I want to know is: what do you want to know about how to make webcomics?

Right now I'm kicking around
the idea of opening a weekly slot to guest posts & reviews.

So if you are interested in
having your comic reviewed, or you want to write a post for us just drop me a
line through the website or through here.