Da rules:
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only. (Temporarily not in effect)
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice.
No encore performance. (Temporarily not in effect)
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it
It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm." Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff
The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the
election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic. I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

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DD Comics!
Mafia GM Election Thread
Product Placement
Sample Narations:
Kroatz was not a happy guy, being the head of a family of Mafioso was dangerous. People were always trying to get him to stop killing randomly, and to let them elect a mayor or live without a constant feeling of dread. The only thing that helped Kroatz calm down were his long walks around his beautiful garden. it was paved with yellow stones and filled with wonderous things. A porcelain city was hidden in the bushes, and a tame lion was chained to the gate. Kroatz sat down and stared up at the sky, strangely, a dark shadow was heading towards him. Before he could quite make out what it was, he was hit right between the eyes. As Kroatz fell to the floor he reached for his head, it appeared to be bleeding severely. "Hi!" Said the grinning monstrosity that had kicked him in the head. Another kick to the head ended the unhappy Mafioso's life. The killer walked off, muttering,"Let the madness begin." and moved on…
Product Placement:
The whiskey glass struggled as the shivering hand attempted to pick it up.
"Confound you…" Jninja murmured… "common here!"
"Haven't you had enough, detective?" asked the bartender, as he
compulsively squeaked the water stain from the glass that he was
"Shut up!… Don't call me that!" slurred Jninja and defiantly stood
up, in protest. He makes the best attempt to look the bartender in the
eye, before searching for his glass again.
With a moderate effort, he manages to pick up his beverage and down
two thirds of it in a single swill; the rest of it ended up as his new
cologne. Victorious, the drunkard stumbles out of the bar, knocking down
3 chairs, in the process.
It had only been 2 weeks since the police department officially
surrendered to the entity, known as Kira, after the entire executive
board collapsed, during a press conference where they vowed to track
down this threat. It sent a clear message.
Do not oppose me.
Jninjashadow had left the force, shortly after. He lost allot of
good friends, that day. There were no allies to be found there, anymore.
The new chief and his cronies were too afraid; too chickenshit to fight
this god awful "angel of Justice" as it was now being hailed, by some
people. Blasphemy, he thought to himself. No God would spawn such a foul
Still, two weeks of investigations had left him with nothing. None
of his former workmates dared associate with him, anymore. Not a single
lead panned out. He had even been desperate enough to seek a medium.
She turned him away.
"You're on his list." grinned the teenager, mocking the drunk.
"Whu-hu?" grunted Jninja, sacrificing some of his attention, spent
balancing himself next to a light post, to look at the troubled teen.
"You're an enemy of Kira!" continued the kid, pointing at the
detective. "We're done writing your name on the website and soon he will
come for you!"
"A web… You're HELPING THIS MONSTER!?" Jninja shouted in surprise.
How low can the populous sink into this cesspool of unjust vigilantism?
"You shouldn't defy our new god!" sneered the teenager, as he threw pellets at him.
"THAT MONSTER IS NO GOD!" yelled Jninja, with his temper turned to
rage and proceeded to storm the kid. Let's see how cocky this kid will
be after a good thrashing.
The kid is startled by the rampaging drunkard charging at him. He
hadn't expected that. More did he not expect the furious detective
halting, in the middle of the way, as he now struggled for air, grasping
for the side of his arm.
"No…" gasped Jninja, as he realized what was going on. It had come for him.
Jninja collapsed on the ground, no longer moving. Startled the kid
started etching himself ever closer, as nearby passerby appeared to
investigate the commotion.
"Fuck… He actually did it." the shocked kid let out, as the crowd gathered around.
"What happened here?" Someone asks.
"He just collapsed. He was about to attack that kid." another observed.
"Is this the work of…" is heard asked but the sentence is never
finished. It didn't needed to be. The whispers in the crowd provided the
answer. Kira did this.
It sent a clear message.
Do not oppose me.
Mafia 50th Anniversary - A Tale of Three Families
When the Don died, the family was split into three, each focusing on something else they found important. Nothing could be done to get them to make peace, so they decided to just kill everyone that did not agree with them. This is a tale of three families.
- - - - - - - - - -
Sample narration:
Kroatz was not a happy guy, being the head of a family of Mafioso was dangerous. People were always trying to get him to stop killing randomly, and to let them elect a mayor or live without a constant feeling of dread. The only thing that helped Kroatz calm down were his long walks around his beautiful garden. it was paved with yellow stones and filled with wonderous things. A porcelain city was hidden in the bushes, and a tame lion was chained to the gate. Kroatz sat down and stared up at the sky, strangely, a dark shadow was heading towards him. Before he could quite make out what it was, he was hit right between the eyes. As Kroatz fell to the floor he reached for his head, it appeared to be bleeding severely. "Hi!" Said the grinning monstrosity that had kicked him in the head. Another kick to the head ended the unhappy Mafioso's life. The killer walked off, muttering,"Let the madness begin." and moved on…
[spoiler]Kroatz the Godfather died. [/spoiler]
Here's the clues:
- Yellow stones, wizard of Oz reference. Which has flying monkeys.
- Wonderous things, wizard of Oz reference.
Which has flying monkeys.
- Porcelain City, wizard of Oz reference.
Which has flying monkeys.
- Tame lion, wizard of Oz reference.
Which has flying monkeys.
- Enemy from the sky, flying monkey reference.
- Hi, TheFlyingGreenMonkey reference.
- Grinning, TFGM avi reference.
- Madness, TFGM avi reference.
- - - - - - - - - -
Families: There are three families, every family has the same size, any extras are serial killers.
Killing: Killing works a little different in my game. When someone is targeted
once in a night, they die, if they are targeted more than once per night, they do not. It’s
simple really.
Day 1 – Voting:
Day 1 everyone gets to vote. Nobody can vote for themselves. The members in each
family with the highest amount of votes get to be Godfather. The Consiglieres are
chosen randomly from the rest of the family. Sorry Serial Killers, you don’t
get into office.
Lynch Voting:
Every day there is a lynching, people get to vote for who gets lynched, the
person that has the highest amount of votes will be publicly killed.
Kill: Every night the Mafia Member can target someone, targeting leaves a clue.
Kill: Every night the godfathers can target someone, targeting leaves a clue.
Double Vote: When voting for a lynch, the godfather votes count as two votes
Hiding Like A Baby: The Godfather is hidden, making it impossible to kill them
except if they go out and try to kill someone. When everyone in a Godfather’s
family is dead they are no longer untouchable.
Hat Trick: Every Godfather can, once in the game (Not day 1), choose two
people, those people switch teams. Other godfathers can’t be targeted and the
chosen people can’t refuse. The Hat Trick is narrated, but only the teams that
the two chosen people belong to are revealed.
Kill: Every night the Consigliere can target someone, targeting leaves a clue.
Protect: Every night the Consigliere can protect someone, that person can’t be
killed that night, protecting leaves a clue.
Lynch Cancel: The Consigliere can cancel one lynch in the course of the game.
Serial Killer:
Kill: Every night the Serial Killer can target someone, targeting leaves a
Daytime Murder: Once in the game the Serial Killer can kill someone in the
daytime (They can’t do so on Day 1). If they choose to do so, their identity is
fully revealed to everyone.
Oh thank god, the site is finally back up.
I want to start by thanking Kroatz for giving me a chance to present my idea but as of yet, I'm still trying to work out some of the conflicting ideas that I have for it.
If both of you are fine with it, I would like to ask for a deadline for tomorrow to present my idea. If I haven't come through, by then, consider my application forfeit.
All right… Introducing…
It was a simple day in Townston, like you'd expect a simple day to be in this place. The birds were singing. The villagers were crying. The mafia was killing.
But everything changed when the fire nation… I mean, when a little black book fell down from the sky…
A death note has found itself in the hands of a would be savior. However, the town will soon realize that this individual is anything but a blessing in disguise. Before long, the crime syndicates are gone; its members struck down in their prime under mysterious circumstances. People start whispering of a vengeful angel, striking down the unjust and unruly. This dark guardian angel will not stop there, though. Once crimes have hit an all time low, he will focus on ridding those he deem undesirable. A new world shall be forged in his image. He alone has the right to do so.
Mafia L, is inspired by the anime/manga "Death Note". Since the player base is currently on the smaller side, I will forgo the standard mafia setup and make this a serial killer game.
I currently have a hard time figuring out how best to set up the game, until I know how many people will sign up but here are the possible sides and roles:
Every person starts the game with a hidden name, that was issued to them with a random name generator. I've yet to choose how silly the name generator, that I'll pick, will be but expect a fairly silly one.
Death note Holders:
These are the serial killers of the game. They start off as separate serial killers but are allowed to team up. Kira's goal is to take over the task force or eliminate it all together. The Fan is allowed to share in this victory, if Kira so chooses. If the fan ever feels rejected and/or chooses to work alone, his goal becomes to usurp Kira and be worshiped in his place.
A brilliant upstanding citizen, who hated how corrupted Townston had become and found himself in possession of the first Death Note. It didn't take long for the power to go to his head.
Know your enemy. Kira needs to research his target before he can kill them. This involves studying his face and looking up his true name. This is usually an easy job for him to do. This power is unlimited and can be used once per day and night.
But don't let them know you. Ok, so he may not have nailed Sun Tzu, 100% but he still knows what he's doing. Kira appears as a civilian, if investigated. Only L and the fan can identify him, under specific circumstances.
Justice! Once per night, Kira can opt to kill anyone who he knows the identity off. This act simply involves writing his name on a piece of paper, while picturing his face, in his mind. His target receives a heart attack, shortly after, and dies. This act leaves no clues that ties him to the crime.
The right connections. Kira starts as a member of the task force. He knows the face and true name of all the members, with the sole exception of L (please look at role for more information).
A mysterious note. Kira can choose to anonymously give someone a page from his book. If the villager that receives the note, chooses to accept it, he will become a temporary serial killer, able to kill for one night. This person will need to research someone's name, in order to kill him. This power can be used twice (or more, depending on number of players).
The Fan:
This villager is a devoted supporter of Kira, even if he claims to be against him, at the start of the game. He was blessed with the fortune of finding a second death note, landing in front of him.
Eyes of the Shinigami. This serial killer has opted to sacrifice half of his remaining days of life, in order to receive the power to see the true name of every individual. As a result, he does not have to research the names of his target; it's enough to simply look at him.
Restrictions: The player that he is targeting has to have recently posted in the game thread, for this power to be active. Otherwise I rule that he hasn't seen him today. The fan is also rather forgetful and forgets names of those who haven't posted in the last 24 hours.
Could it be? Once per day, the Fan can use the Eyes of the Shinigami power to ask me if someone is Kira. Same restrictions apply.
…Quietly. Once per night, the Fan can kill someone. Just like with Kira, no clues are given, during this act. The fan needs to be careful, when exercising this power, since he doesn't want to risk killing his devoted Kira.
…Not so quietly. The fan is allowed, once in the game, to host a public event, at night, where he kills his target on TV. This leaves a huge clue to his identity. However, the fan will get to witness the task force arrive at the place of murder and thus will be informed of who the current members are. This will effectively cancel any action that a task force member was planing on doing, on that night.
These are technically everyone, but everyone who's not a member of the task force and/or a holder of a death note, belongs to this group.
A normal villager, living in Townston. Villagers form flash mobs at day and vote to have someone lynched.
Pick a side. Everyone, both Townies and non-Townies alike, starts openly opposing the rule of Kira. However, at any given time, villager are allowed to choose between openly siding with or against Kira. For as long as the majority of the town is against Kira, anyone is fair game for the gallows. However, if Kira supporters ever outnumber the opposer, only opposers can be targeted to be lynched.
Remember… Kira rewards loyalty (maybe).
Shinigami: (only if enough players are in the game)
This is a death god, that has chosen to live among humans, due to boredom. He normally cares not for human affairs but these events intrigue him and thus he wishes to monitor what is going on.
A god of death. A Shinigami can't be killed, with the death note. However, his human form can be lynched but that merely means that he's returned to his realm.
The one rule. If a Shinigami wishes to protect someone, during nights, that person cannot be killed with a death note. Preventing a natural death, on the other hand, is against the rules. A Shinigami can choose to stop a lynch but will do so at the cost of his own life.
Near: (only if enough players are in the game)
This individual is a sleeper agent, who was trained to become L's successor.
Incognito. Starts the game as a normal townie. His name can't be researched under normal means.
In the event of my death… If L dies, Near will automatically become a member of the task force. His personal goal is to become the new leader but that only happens if the task force votes chooses to vote for him as the new leader.
The Task Force:
The task force was set up by the world's greatest detective. Their goal is to rid the world of the Death Note holders.
Task Force members:
Every member of the task force knows the true name of each other, with the sole exception of L.
Night time investigation. A task force member can choose to tail a person, who doesn't belong to the task force, for a whole night. If this person performs a suspicious activity, the task force member will be informed of it. Any form of night action, is considered a suspicious activity.
Now what? If the current leader of the task force dies, the remaining member need to vote for a new leader. You're allowed to nominate yourself.
We're with you, all the way… Task force members cannot openly support Kira.
The world greatest detective has chosen to personally lead this investigation and bring Kira and any other death note holders, to justice.
I am L. Nobody knows his true name, except for himself. His name can't be researched under normal means.
You are… L can find out anything about you. If he chooses to research about you, he will discover your true name, what role you have, if you possess a death note paper and when you stopped wetting your bed. Only Kira is resistant to this power, meaning that he will appear as a normal villager. Should L die, this power will be transferred to the new task force leader.
Meet the new team… As a leader, you're allowed to recruit additional members into the task force. How often depends on the number of players. Someone who openly supports Kira can not be recruited, unless he goes back to opposing him. If they accept, recruits gain the Task Force Member trait. Power is transferred to a new leader.
This has gone too far! The leader can convince the angry mob to cancel a single lynch. Power is transferred to new leader.
I've got my eye on you. L can choose to shackle himself to one of his task force members, for a full 24 hour period (a whole day + night). During this time, L will be informed of all and any action that he performs, during that time. This includes writing in a death note. Only L is eccentric enough to do this.
As I tend to do, I tweaked with the rules a tiny bit. Gave the Task force leader the power to recruit more members, for example. Also, task force members cannot support Kira. Not even Kira himself, since it would kinda give him away.
Let's see… A narration…
The whiskey glass struggled as the shivering hand attempted to pick it up.
"Confound you…" Jninja murmured… "common here!"
"Haven't you had enough, detective?" asked the bartender, as he compulsively squeaked the water stain from the glass that he was rubbing.
"Shut up!… Don't call me that!" slurred Jninja and defiantly stood up, in protest. He makes the best attempt to look the bartender in the eye, before searching for his glass again.
With a moderate effort, he manages to pick up his beverage and down two thirds of it in a single swill; the rest of it ended up as his new cologne. Victorious, the drunkard stumbles out of the bar, knocking down 3 chairs, in the process.
It had only been 2 weeks since the police department officially surrendered to the entity, known as Kira, after the entire executive board collapsed, during a press conference where they vowed to track down this threat. It sent a clear message.
Do not oppose me.
Jninjashadow had left the force, shortly after. He lost allot of good friends, that day. There were no allies to be found there, anymore. The new chief and his cronies were too afraid; too chickenshit to fight this god awful "angel of Justice" as it was now being hailed, by some people. Blasphemy, he thought to himself. No God would spawn such a foul creature.
Still, two weeks of investigations had left him with nothing. None of his former workmates dared associate with him, anymore. Not a single lead panned out. He had even been desperate enough to seek a medium.
She turned him away.
"You're on his list." grinned the teenager, mocking the drunk.
"Whu-hu?" grunted Jninja, sacrificing some of his attention, spent balancing himself next to a light post, to look at the troubled teen.
"You're an enemy of Kira!" continued the kid, pointing at the detective. "We're done writing your name on the website and soon he will come for you!"
"A web… You're HELPING THIS MONSTER!?" Jninja shouted in surprise. How low can the populous sink into this cesspool of unjust vigilantism?
"You shouldn't defy our new god!" sneered the teenager, as he threw pellets at him.
"THAT MONSTER IS NO GOD!" yelled Jninja, with his temper turned to rage and proceeded to storm the kid. Let's see how cocky this kid will be after a good thrashing.
The kid is startled by the rampaging drunkard charging at him. He hadn't expected that. More did he not expect the furious detective halting, in the middle of the way, as he now struggled for air, grasping for the side of his arm.
"No…" gasped Jninja, as he realized what was going on. It had come for him.
Jninja collapsed on the ground, no longer moving. Startled the kid started etching himself ever closer, as nearby passerby appeared to investigate the commotion.
"Fuck… He actually did it." the shocked kid let out, as the crowd gathered around.
"What happened here?" Someone asks.
"He just collapsed. He was about to attack that kid." another observed.
"Is this the work of…" is heard asked but the sentence is never finished. It didn't needed to be. The whispers in the crowd provided the answer. Kira did this.
It sent a clear message.
Do not oppose me.
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