Some people just want to watch the world burn. For those of us who can't quite get the job done, a fairly random roleplay will have to do.
the rules are simple:
1. Respect
Respect your fellow players, their actions, their dog, you get the picture
2. Might make not Right
Godmoding does not impress me. Do not play Gods or I will be forced to place upon you the cone of shame.
3. Keep in beneath M
I shouldn't have to explain this, but I don't want to read through your slashfiction here. No graphic sex, excessive cursing, etc. Let's try to be civil.
Let the first man/woman to post set the scenario:

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DD Comics!
Heroes wanted
*for explanation on the rules consult with my friend ink or just look above me you have been warned*
a Hero Wanted
Narator:the story begins with our soon to be hero 18 year old Brenton playing videogames.
Brenton:yeah take that majin buu! KRAKA~BOOM! man the weather is weird today.*suddenly lightning struck him through his PS3 causeing to black out* *2 hours later*
Brenton:ugh…someone got the number of that lightning?*he then hears feminant laughter in front of him.
???:you were ownly knocked out for a few hours.
Brenton:(oh no….)*the woman in front of him was Bulma Briefs!*(what kind of weird dream is this?)…really? who found me?
Bulma:oh a friend of mine. you were found burnt all over.
Brenton:(thats funny i dont feel burnt… was i given a senzu?)…*suddenly he felt somthing wagging behind him*…I HAVE A TAIL?!
Bulma:oh boy…do you have a place to stay?
Bulma:well then you are welcome to stay here.
Brenton:thanks.*suddenly voices could be heard*
???:im telling you Kakarot this is a waist of time we should be training before the androids arive.
Goku:oh come on Vegeta we got 3 years to train besides this kid is special.
*as they walked in the 2 saiyans and the now saiyan hybrid look at each other*
Brenton:(what do i say? what do i do?)
Vegeta:you are going with kakarot…woman im taking you're ship.
Brenton:woah! woah! woah! i dont even know how to fight let alone fly.
Vegeta:*the saiyan prince looked impatient* you,ll learn.
Brenton:uh im Brenton*he then shook her hand*(how did i get here let alone grow a tail…)*he then looked at Goku who was just standing at the doorway smiling*(would my presence change even more things then it should? or is this one of the other DBZ universes Toriyama mentioned?)…so you're Son Goku right? you were the winner of the world martial arts tournament years ago?
Goku:yeah*he then walked up to them looked at Brentons tail he also had a confused look*so where are you from?
Brenton:…somwhere.*Bulma raised a eyebrow at thd secrecy while Goku keeps his happy go atitude then looked at Bulma*
Goku:im gonna go train with Gohan and the others.
Bulma:fine with me i stopped babysitting you years ago.
*Brenton sweatdropped*
Brenton:(didnt she use him for a wish…what was it a boyfriend?)*Goku placed a hand on Brentons shoulder*
Goku:you ready?
Brenton:…yeah?*Goku then instantly teleported them to a snowy mountain like area*…cold! cold! cold!
???:is that the boy we sensed earlier?*in front of him was a green alien and a boy wearing similar clothes*
Goku:yeah speaking of which Piccolo?
Piccolo:im on it*he put his hand out making his hand glow which changed his clothes to a orange Gi with a yellow long sleaved shirt*kid-
Brenton:the name is Brenton not kid….sorry i don't mean any disrespect its just been along day.
Piccolo:its fine…anyway…Brent.Goku will teach you the basics while i train Gohan and then when you are done Goku will train with his kid while i teach you a few things is that clear?
Brenton:well no but it shouldnt be that hard…*he then clenched his fists as he powered up causing the ground beneath him to shake and energy escaping his body* like this?(i feel incredible!)*the half saiyan didnt realise this straight away but he was floating in mid air*
Goku:wow you're a quick learner…
Brenton:er thanks*he then rubbed his neck sheepishly*uh Goku mind if i try somthing?
*the saiyan just smiles*
Brenton:lets hope this works*the half breed cupped his hands together*KA…ME*suddenly his hands feel weird as energy was being stored*HA…..ME*the energy grows bigger and bigger this caused both Piccolo and Gohan to stop their training to watch*….HA!!*the half breed shot the energy in the air untill it was gone*that….was so cool!*he then started to dance triumfantly* i did it!*he then heard laughing*
Goku:great job i first fired my one when i was twelve…and you might wanna get down
Brenton:down?*as he looked down he realised he was high in the air*…huh*as he floted down he was greeted by Gohan*
Gohan:that was so cool!
Piccolo:yeah yeah pleasentries aside you have to deal with me now
*this caused the half breed to get nervous*
Brenton:g-great(his more intimadating then i remembered)so what you got for me teach?
*the Namekian cracks his knuckles before attacking makeing the half breed try to dodge evevery hit*
Piccolo:(he saw my attack coming and manage to dodge…and his energy..Goku wasnt kidding about this guy)
Piccolo: come on, I know you could dodge better than that! *speed goes faster and Brenton has a harder time Dodging until Piccolo made contact with him several times knocking the halfbreed to the ground* get up…we haven't even scratched the surface of what we're doing.
Brenton:…the androids*the halfbreed had a look of determination before charging at Piccolo at a faster speed and attacking even stronger*(i was sent here for a reason whatever that may be i,ll help the best i can!)*as he blocked and countered every hit the Namekian cant help but study the boys fighting style just a minute ago he could barely dodge let alone take hits but now he was in a perfect fighting stance ready for round two this made the green alien smile*
Piccolo:good you are learning…thats enough for today you should rest*Brenton was panting while smiling*
Brenton:are…you kidding..i could go…all day*suddenly he caught a senzu bean then ate it*(yuck that tastes horrible)…fine have it you're way(now which direction is capsule corp…)
Goku:you dont have to go you know you could always go to my house for dinner*Brenton and Piccolo exchanged looks both some what scared of Chi Chi* thanks Goku i should probably go to Bulmas
Goku:alright*he then teleported the half breed to west city* see ya later*he then vanished*
*Brenton looked at the building with relief before entering*
Brenton:home sweet home i guess…
???:oh hello*Brenton turned to see a receptionist at her desk*
Brenton:hello?*she then smiled warmly at him*
???:you are that cutie ms.Briefs friend brang in right?
Brenton:(cutie?)*he then started to blush*er name is Brenton
???:oh what a cute name
Brenton:heh hi Bulma we were just
Bulma: its alright come on i got to show you somthing
Brenton:alright..*he then looked at the receptionist who smiled at him he smiled back and waved at her*(maybe being stuck here wont be all that bad)…so what is it?
*Bulma just smiles as they head to her lab she then gave him a device and put it on his wrist*er…what is it?
Bulma: well thinking in advance, I figure I'd give you something that could show you around the city to get better aquinted with it. It also doubles as a Dragonball Locator should the time come to get them. You can never be too careful with a threat like these Androids.
*no he did not*
???:get out you bum!*Brenton was looking at zeno capsules until they realise he was short on cash*
Brenton:i was just looking around you jerk!
???:well next time bring some cold hard cash!
Brenton:well maybe next time i'll shove my boot up your a- *suddenly he had a weird feeling in the back of his mind*(somthings not right…)*he then without warning flew up into the sky causeing everyone in the vasinity to panic*(….Bulmas gonna kill me when she finds out about that…but no time to worry about that)*he then turned on the mini dragonball locaters(or MDL for short)& gps system and set course for the Son home*
*a couple hours later*
*Brenton lands happy to not have gotten lost* *he then knocked on the door but no one answered but he could hear yelling so he opened it*
Brenton:hello anyone hom-*suddenly a flying frying pan hit him in the head* ow!
Chi Chi:who the hell are you?!*Brenton gulped as he tried to choose his words carefully*
Brenton:i-im a friend of you're son*Chi Chi calls out for Gohan before returning to the kitchen*
*suddenly Gohan came in the living room confused until he saw him he then got excited*
Gohan:hey! glad you made it.
Brenton:thanks…so what was she yelling about.
Gohan:dad is trying to take me camping with his friends…
Brenton:is that so? you think id be able to join you guys?
Gohan:of course! we are going next week.
Brenton:great…*BEEP! BEEP!*huh?*aparently the MDL was beeping so he pushed a button and Bulma could be seen on screen*Bulma? how did you-
Bulma:nevermind that i need you to check out East City.
Brenton:uh sure Bulma i'll get right on that talk to you lat-
Bulma:oh you bet we will mr…*BEEP*
Gohan:can i come?
Brenton:sorry buddy some other time*he then flew off to East city*
*Brenton gave Gohan a look*
Brenton:i told you to stay at home Gohan*he then sigh* East City..just stay close both Chi Chi and Bulma will have my head if you got hurt*they both then got to the city*
Gohan:so what are we looking for?
Brenton:signs of weird activity….nearby craters…higher then average power level…maybe even screaming…*they both then saw a crater with empty space pods*….*around the area were also rubble broken buildings and bodies this had made Brenton angry his power level was slowly rising*
???:did you like our handy work? honestly could use a little more red*the 2 heros turn around to see 2 saiyans*
Gohan:wait theirs 3 of you wheres you're friend?
???:we were having a disagreement and well she had to learn her place
Brenton:she?*he turned to see a twitching female body with armour and a tail
Gohan:y-you monsters!*they laughed at the child*
Brenton:Gohan…get out of here.
Gohan:but you cant take them on alone
Brenton:Gohan i am your elder if i said go you go!
Gohan:no im staying here!
Brenton:fine….so what do i call you 2?
???:im Relish and his Ceasar the twitching girl over their is Sakura.
Brenton:….*the demi-Sayain clenched his fists as he looked at her*
Relish:oh you don't like what we did to her well thats just the tip of the iceberg
*the 2 deadly saiyans turned super saiyan and 1 of them then blasted Sakura vaperising her*
Brenton:you monsters… killed all these innocent people…*suddenly thunderclouds formed in the sky*without a reason…*lightning was striking down and the Demi-Sayains rage was building*…without mercy!…without a care in the world…how dare you…*his eyes begin to tear while his hair flashed from black to blonde*i wont forgive you!….AHHHHHH!!!!!*he then yelled at the top of his lungs*
Gohan:(h-his turning into a super saiyan like dad.)
*meanwhile the Z fighters were feeling the 2 strong saiyans and the halflings power so they head to East city*
Relish: oh wow…that's something you don't see everyday. I mean, I know there is one super sayain here but two?
Ceaser: right, welp he seems he may have some stamina to him…but does he have the power to back it up? tell you what kid if you can survive us for more than 5 minutes…maybe we'll concider going one on one with you. Ready…
Relish: GO!
* the 2 attack him simontaniously sending Brenton into a building and put the other side. the two don't let up either as they continueto chase him fireing wildy enjoying destroying the area around him all while trying to hit him. back at the site gohan is looking over the pods and begins to formulate a plan for when backup arrives.*
Brenton:(their destroying everything i gotta stop this)…enough!*the half saiyan powered up as he flew towards them and attacked them both at the same time*i wont let you both spill anymore blood!
*Cesar smirked at Relish both trying not to laugh*
Relish:you got spunk kid but don't think because you are holding you're own you can kill the both of us at the same time.*Cesar then kneed him to the gut while Relish kicks him sending the halfling in mid air*
Gohan:stop it!*Gohan then launched a powerfull ki blast at Relish which just ticked him off but before he could lay a finger on him Brenton flew in and kicked his face*
Brenton:Gohan fly now!
Goku:(oh man i thought he could handle those 2 his energy is dropping fast..and growing to?..i gotta help)*he then used instant transmission*
*back to the fight Brenton was blocking from both directions as the saiyans ganged up on him*
Cesar:heh i cant wait to kill you and Kakarot then we can sell this planet for what its worth
Goku:kamehameha!*a familiar attack hit Cesar in the side allowing Brenton an opening to kick Relish away from him he then smiled*
Brenton:Goku?! what took you so long?!
Goku:sorry im late now…*the 2 fighters looked at the evil saiyans as they got back up* how about you 2…
Brenton:get off my planet!
*the Z fighters then showed up but in a good distance away from the fight most of them confused*
Yamcha:theirs Goku but whos the other guy?
Piccolo:all that matters right now is that they stop them*Gohan then flew up and went to Piccolo*
Gohan: Mr. Piccolo!
Piccolo:Gohan what;s the damage?
Gohan:your not going to believe this…
*as gohan goes to fill Mr Piccolo in Tien and Yamcha are taking on Relish and Krillen is helping Goku anyway that he can.*
Piccolo:More Super Sayains?!
Gohan: yep.
Piccolo: alright then, time to see if they really are all that they're cut up to be.*gets rid of his weighted garmants* rrrrAAAAhhhh!!!*flys in and headbutts Relish*
Relish:*blocking the attacks* oh come on, really? look the 2 super sayains are one thing, but really? more reinforcements?
Ceasar:well there are strength in numbers…
Relish: rrr…Im getting sick of this!!!!*flings his limbs out* RRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!*a massive blast of energy englfs him and sends everyone flying*
Ceaser:idiot! you need to control your temper…otherwise you could jepordise the mission…*looks n the clear and sees a few still standing* well I'll be the 2 super sayains, and the child are still standing.
Relish:*looks far off* oh and he green one too. what is he doing?
Ceaser: charging an attack I think.
Relish: well that's not going to come back and bite us at all. come on let's finish these ones off. and then the green guy.
Ceaser: then, we contine our little task.
Relish: agreed.
*the 2 then come flying at the 3 ready to unload a bunch more attacks*
*the saiyan and the two half-saiyans dodged two ki blasts made from the evil saiyans*
Brenton:is that all you got?*he then jump right in front of Relish*Solar flare!*a flash of blinding light hit his eyes*he then started to punch and kick the now blind saiyan until..*
Piccolo:special beam cannon!*Brenton jumped out of the way letting Relish get hit in the chest leaveing a big hole killing him in the process*meanwhile Goku and Cesar battling it out their own way one on one
Goku:this is you're own undoing you both shouldnt have slaughtered all those people!*Goku then vaperised the saiyan with one powerful blast*
Brenton:*the half saiyan turned back to normal and looked at his MDL* i,ll gather the dragonballs..
Goku:alright sounds like a plan*ah hour of searching later he gathered them at East City and summond the dragon*
Brenton:i wish everyone that Cesar and Relish killed were brought back to life
Shenron:YOU'RE WISH IS GRANTED*his eyes then glowed and after that the dragonballs were scattered*
Brenton:phew that mess is over*he then flew to capsule corp but when he got their…*
Bulma:do you have any idea how worried i was young man?!
Brenton:(when did she become my mother?)*he then sweatdropped*Bulma i can take care of myself
Bulma:like hell you can!…just be careful next time alright? and you should probably rest you look exausted.
*meanwhile in East city*
Sakura:im..alive*it took her a while but she found her space pod but instead of escaping earth she blew the pod up then pushed the button on her scouter*…now where is he? i must thank him
*Sakura decided to go through 1 of the windows she then pushed the button again and followed the power level until she reached a bedroom she walked in and sat on a chair that was next to his bed*…(their he is the face of the person i saw before they…)*tears went down her eyes as she remembered her death she then wiped them off*
Brenton:….not again….leave her alone*it seems she wasnt the ownly one thinking about her death*
Sakura:shh shh its alright its just a nightmare*she then stroked his cheek and for the first time since she got here smiled*
Brenton:..huh..?*he sat up as he woke up ownly inches away from the saiyan whos hand was still on his cheek*…Sakura?…(so the wish did work on her)
Sakura:uh..hi sorry to wake you up
Brenton:its alright…*Brenton finally notices how close they were and could see her features like her short messy hair and big black eyes*..why are you here?
Sakura:i…i wanted to thank you for rescuing me*she then leaned foward and gave him a 5 second kiss which suprised the half saiyan she then smiled at his confusion*..i should go
*Brenton looked at the clock it was late*
Brenton:wait!*he grabbed her hand making her stop* atleast stay here for the night theirs no point in sleeping outside.
*the next day*
*it was morning and Bulma thought Brenton could use a change of clothes before he wears the same clothes everyday like Goku as she chuckled at the thought she quietly walked in put the new clothes on his bed and finally notices Sakura.she was going to yell at the boy for bringing a girl over but she notices the tail on her*
Bulma:…(another one?)*she then quietly walked out of the room*
*Brenton was dreaming until he woke up breathing heavy*
Brenton:..another nightmare*he then looked to his side*was…last night a dream to?*he then got dressed the clothes he wore was a simple blue shirt with the capsule corp logo on it. jeans with a hole where his tail goes sport shoes and blue wristbands* *Brenton then looked out his window and saw Sakura with alot of fruit she then threw a apple at him he couldnt help but notice her smile when the apple hit his head*
Sakura:you hungry?
*Brenton rubbed his head as he ate the apple*
Brenton:of course*when the halfbreed landed he didnt expect to recieve a peck on the cheek*
Sakura:you wanna walk somewhere?
Brenton:sure*a little while later they were at the park just sitting down and stuffing their face with fruit* so…who did you work for?
Sakura:…Friezas family but these days we answered ownly to Cooler*she then smiled at him*
Sakura:you still havent told me you're name
Brenton:its Brenton…
Sakura:hmm i like whats the plan?
Brenton:plan for what?
Sakura:plan for today im curious to what humans do for fun around here
Brenton:i suppose i should go to Gokus to train i need to perfect my supersaiyan state
*Sakuras eyes went wide*
Sakura:no wonder you could beat those 2 fools! when did you change??
*Brenton looked away blushing*
Brenton:when you died…
Sakura:*she smiled at his blush then grabbed his hand*in that case lets go to that Goku guys place.
Brenton:sure*they then fly off*
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