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Moonlight meanderer

HollowQuest: A user input comic adventure

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Hey how's it going everyone, junkbondtrader here, you can just call me junk if you want. I draw comics and pixel art, I play videogames and I love beer. How do you do?
I'm here this evening to introduce a little project I've started up.

Inspired by the likes of RubyQuest and MSPA, in which the main character is you, the reader. This works by readers commenting and giving the player commands and I draw and write what happens next. It's started and ready to go, thought I'd mention it here to see if anybody would be interested in playing. 
I will do my best to update regularly with short breaks between chapters. Because of the nature of the comic, it will have to be sporadic.
Thanks for reading my post, I look forward to making this comic.

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Interesting comic.  I like these kinds of things.

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Moonlight meanderer

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