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…and I have been on this site for about 5 months now (March 2018 is the time of this thread in case someone from the far future pops up…hi time travelers) and in that time I have been semi-regularly updating my currently single webcomic "Fluffy 500". A comic about a guy who goes to a college in an alternate dimension to learn automotive engineering…with a racing scholarship, yes in this dimension auto racing is the top sport so that should be fun.

Recently I was honoured with the privilege of being featured by the duck webcomics despite the admittedly amateurish artwork. I am still experimenting with the approach to art, particularly the way I ink them but hopefully the writing will carry long enough for the art to catch up.

Speaking of art I also have a DeviantArt page that I use to give updates and less often than should artwork

Anyway, enjoy the comic and don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism. Have a splended day!