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Hey Guys!

So NRG Comics has been on here for a while now, and we are trying to gain more readership for our comic, Empress: Mother Earth's Handmaiden, which can be read here:

Here's a little salespitch to get you guys interested in the comic:

In a world full of industrialism on the brink of wiping out nature, one woman is chosen to become the guardian of the Green and fight for a better future for both mankind and natural life. That woman is Empress, Mother Earth's Handmaiden.

Ursula Nolan was once an evil industrialist who abandoned her family's environmentalist views when nature took away her beloved parents. Ridden with grief and hurt, Ursula took her frustrations out on the planet that took her only parents away from her, by polluting and destroying the planet's ecosystem.

But one faithful night, Ursula has an encounter with the legendary Mother Nature; who's magical powers force Ursula to confront her sins and reawaken the innocence she lost as a child. When it was all over, Mother Nature revealed that Ursula had been chosen to become the Guardian of the Green and Warrior of Nature, the Empress!

Now with a second chance embraced to her heart, Ursula Nolan fights evil that would dare threaten the planet Earth's delicate and beautiful natural world. But Ursula soon discovers that her past is coming back to haunt her as she struggles to redeem her family's good name and become the person she was always meant to be.

Empress touches on many themes such as the pros and cons of industrialism, the evils of pollution, the delicate balance of Earth's ecosystem and natural world; as well as second chances, go-green, redemption, and LGBTQ issues as well.