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Hi everyone - a quick update on the anthology! I've already posted this text in the community section of the forum, but as it's part of the thread existing, I've made a new thread here to hit some more eyeballs.

The anthology is going super well - we've got all but one of the stories submitted and damn, do they look fine. It's an incredible effort from everyone who was able to participate, and I'm so so proud of you all.

We've gotten the cover pitches in, and you can vote on those and the title

What's left? Well, once the final story is in we'll send the whole thing to layout. We're working on putting together a storefront as well - watch this space! Once it's live, you can purchase the anthology at your leisure and support the Duck while you're at it.

Any questions feel free to PQ, email, DM, or send a smoke signal my way. I'm here to chat!