
Author notes

taradaga onI was surprised the name "ghost" wasn't taken on Drunk Duck. Is it haunted? OH hehhahaohohaooeohoahoa. (Seriously, is it?) Or maybe everyone else is way more creative than I! It's a story called ghost about a… ghost! Whoa. How original.
This comic isn't going to be too long, or that original, or deep. I don't even know the character's names, they go by "boy, girl, and ghost." Maybe I'll have readers give them names, I don't know. What d'you think they look like?
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Login or Registerllawliet11 at
nice page:D cute girl but her teeth seem funny to me
hmm i saw the girl and thought "Anna". lol xD
Fly Hue at
Oh, and Alister, Georgia, and Tobias.
Fly Hue at
Wow, it wasn't taken, was it? (obviously.) That's amazing! I was intrigued when Astronauts wasn't taken, but this is something else!!
Jonko at
I LOVE how you shaded and drew the guy on the right hand side. The transparency and the bones that you can slightly see are great! Faved, of course!
lilu at
Viola, Fredrick and Shmoe (since he was dead for so long and forgot his own name) (;
taradaga at
@emily_elizabeth: Thank you!! Yeah, it's kinda funny, how I draw ghosts. This one has skin and bones and everything. XD But is a ghost…? I dunno.
@little_swan: I wish it was for sale!! That'd be cool.
@ulrika: Yeah, that's one of my favourite parts of this cover. XD He's a ghost, he shouldn't have to be all 'ooooooo' scary.
@curlpop: Very nice! I'm going to make a list.
@avie: Maybe he'll be French, now. Readers! Contributing to content!! I like your suggestions!
Avie at
Whoaaa a new comic. Sweet.
Nefy brings up a neat idea, a french name. I can totally see a french name for the fellow floating in mid-air. Like Andre or Pierre.
I can see the little girl as a "Elizabeth" or "Janis" or "Margot."
The fellow with the stitches, I can see him as "Isaac" or maybe something sophisticated like "William" or "Julius" or "Thaddeus."
curlpop at
edward cassidy and frans
Ulrika at
the guy has a creepy mouth and the ghost looks as if he likes to scare people for fun. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story :)
Little Swan at
Pretty amazing, actually (the way they look) Also… um… is "girl"'s dress for sale? Because I'd wear that, it's gorgeous :)
Emily Elizabeth at
This looks like its gonna be awesome! I love the characters, they're all so cute and cool-looking! I especially like the ghost guy, and how you made him transparent!
taradaga at
@nefy: OHHHH. Those are nice names!! Jacques makes the ghost sound very French. Maybe we'll have nominations and a poll at the end?? And I hope you won't be disappointed!!
@aghammer: Y'found me! And I hope that's not the case… I hate riding the bus. Is it a crowded bus??
And thanks!! I have little practice with digital colour, just in the past year or so I've been trying it out. SO I HOPE TO IMPROVE WITH THIS ENDEAVOUR! (Sorry, it's three in the morning here.)
@nicol3: I know!! I hope to do the name justice. Focccusss. And Lily is pretty good! Like I said up there, maybe we'll do a poll or something.
Nicol3 at
It hasn't been taken? Lucky you! This page alone shows promise. The little girl looks like more of a "Lily" to me, but I was never good at naming my characters. Good luck on this.
Aghammer at
Very nice. oh yeah, the last person that used ghost got hit by a bus and still haunts it!! (can you imagine having to ride the bus forever)… HAHA. Anyhow, I love the color in this one…. faved, of course!!
Nefy at
Samme, Penny (Penelope) and Jaques?
I don't know, I suck at names. I always pick the simplest ones I come across since readers relate easily to recognizable names.
P.S. Like the art, can't wait.