killing demons

Prologue p4

Author notes

Prologue p4


When I visualize a comics page, I usually break it down into three rows. From there, I think in terms of one panel per row, two panels per row, or three panels per row, which results in either a three, six or nine panel page. Here we have our first example of the latter, which tends to be good for pages that have a lot of dialogue, such as conversational scenes between characters. Here, the nine panel grid is actually used to build upon the notion that Joshua is able to perceive the supernatural events that are building around him. By using nine panels, we're able to slow down the pacing of the scene, which I think is important in building suspense in a horror comic.

Again, the quote is from Coleridge's CHRISTABEL, this time a stanza from the middle of Part II. In the context of this page, I thought the quote was oddly appropriate when I first saw the draft art. If I recall correctly, Brent drew this page from an early version of the script that had a different quote, but I replaced it after I saw just how fitting it would be to the final art.


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