killing demons

Scene Two p2

Author notes

Scene Two p2


To me, it was important that the criminal plot thread of our story resonate with the audience at a very visceral level. Fincher's aforementioned Se7en as well as Jonathan Demme's Silence of the Lambs were very much on my mind when I originally scripted this scene back in the day. This sets up the "killer as artist" motif, which I find to be especially terrifying as it denotes an underlying calculated motivation that we should all be scared to identify with.

Brent did a really great and delicate job of capturing the victim in the middle panels so that the body doesn't come off as sexual in any way. The anemic rib cage and arms and jagged stitch marks help emphasis the exact horrible nature of the crime.

This scene also introduces Santiago, the senior police investigator on the case mentioned in the previous scene, who plays an enigmatic role in our story.


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