killing demons

Scene Three p5

Author notes

Scene Three p5


I really enjoyed the execution of this page, which had a parallel conversational track as well as Sendak's shennanigens with his, uh, hygiene. Brent successfully hit all of the points that were called out in the script and I remember being especially excited when the first draft of the page came back.

To me, comic scripts are kind of like screenplays, but annotated with director's notes. In some cases, the director's notes are loose, which give the artist a lot of room to run with. At other times, they're very detailed in order to communicate a particular vision. This specific page was more of the latter, while a good number of other pages were of the former.

In either case, once Brent was finished with a page, we'd go back and tweak the script to better match it to the final artwork. This was one of those pages that worked so well that very little changed in its final presentation.


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