kirby supah star First Prev - Go check out the remade version - It's over - ep.304: Bad day for Kibble - Put on hold, again. - ep.303: Hot lava is hot - ep.302: Health check - ep.301: Cannon fun - ep.300: If I had a title, it'd ruin the joke. - 300! - ep.299: Time to polevault - ep.298: (Title goes here) - ep.297: Rough landing. - ep.296: Confirmed 4th ally. - ep.295: Way too late - ep.294: The mysterious Doos - ep.293: The Waddle Doo rebellion - ep.292: Running out of floor - ep.291: Mighty blast - ep.290: Screwed over - Project preview. - ep.289: Boot to the eye - ep.288: It's boss time again - SSSSOOOOONNNNNNNNIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!! - ep.287: Passed right on by. - ep.286: Back with Kirby. - ep.285: Oh snapples - ep.284: Rampage - ep.283: HI-HO PANDA! - filler - ep.282: A title that has nothing to do with the episode - ep.281: Gust of wind - ep.280: Bloody fists of fury. - Why I won't update for awhile. - ep.279: Left behind to get pummeled. - ep.278: Hi Joe. - ep.277: Onward to the sky planet. - ep.276: The hard way. - ep.275: Planet of the TAC's - ep.274: Smacked into space. - ep.273: Saving Kibble. - ep.272: Kibble the whale rider. - Ep.271: Simple solutions. - ep.270: I got lazy. - Ep.269: Back in the water. - ep.268: Mass killing. - ep.267: More irony. - ep.266: Stabbed in the head. - banner filler - ep.265: Blade knights galore. - ep.264: Just talking. - ep.263: Wake-up call. - ep.262: *insert episode title here* - ep.261: New found hatred. - ep.260: Into the mind of Kibble. - ep.259: Undersea unconcious - ep.258: Back in the water. - ep.257: Water debate - ep.256: constant screaming - ep.255: next destination: planet Aqualiss - ep.254: no speech bubbles required - ep.253: trees of might - ep.252: too many dead-ends - ep.251: free cutter - ep.250: preventing the return of chuck quizmo - ep.249: series of weird events - ep.248: identity confirmed - ep.247: Chilly is now Simirror - ep.246: free fighter ability - ep.245: body disposing - ep.244: he had the right to defend - ep.243: it lives on - taking a break - ep.242: sparks is unharmed - ep.241: *insert episode title here* - ep.240: poor sparks - ep.239: the return of gay bugzy - ep.238: scared frozen - ep.237: ice deluxe power - ep.236: toss the snowman - ep.235: the melting - ep.234: seasons are-a changin' - ep.233: similar area - ep.232: guy in a clown hat - ep.231: end of the mini-adventure - ep.230: sparks commited murder - ep.229: are we there yet? - ep.228: only wimps drown - ep.227: swimming time - ep.226: Kibble and Sparks's mini-journey ch.5: milky way wishes - ep.225: end of "revenge of meta-knight" - ep.224: they escaped - ep.223: the escaping begins - ep.222: one minute to escape - ep.221: taking him down with the ship - ep.220: Kirby vs. Meta-Knight - ep.219: saved - ep.218: red spark bro returns - ep.217: kibble re-joins - ep.216: reactor exploding - group shot 2 - ep.215: intercom left on - ep.214: PLOT TWIST!! - ep.213: plan STILL not fully thought of - ep.212: meta-knight's final plan - ep.211: invincible kibble - ep.210: THINK FAST! - ep.209: more karma explaining - ep.208: properties of karma - ep.207: enjoy the suffering - ep.206: the rooster has a plan - ep.205: villians laugh too much - ep.204: it's just a bad ninja - ep.203: being followed - new moniter - sword kirby sketch - ep.202: Chilly's back - ep.201: well thought-out plan - ep.200: IT'S FREAKIN 200! - ep.199: onward to the left wing - ep.198: malfunction - ep.197: he's still out cold - ep.196: mighty plasma beam shot of ultimatum - ep.195: Multiple Biospark jutsu - ep.194: dude they said it at the same time - ep.193: sneaky sneaky - ep.192: Kibble was crying - ep.191: open weak spot - ep.190: Spark's end - ep.189: ninja code - ep.188: AND WE AAARRREE!.... - ep.187: the sparks bros. - ep.186: *more insane laughter* - ep.185: kibble is a jackass - ep.184: i'll step on you - ep.183: the return of kirby's conscience - ep.182: oh good lord - ep.181: plan not fully-thought out - ep.180: most awful singing ever - ep.179: a power greater than nothing - ep.178: smooth talking kirby - ep.177: petty arguements - ep.176: severe head injury - ep.175: ideas that fail - ep.174: bad things always happen to the main charecter - ep.173: it's time to whup-ass.........again - ep.172: spanish insult - ep.171: too easy - ep.170: monkey business - ep.169: negativity - ep.168: tree climbing - ep.167: they all can't be funny - ep.166: the army of doom - ep.165: shot down - ep.164: Sparks to the rescue - ep.163: trap door - group shot - ep.162: the return of Whispy - ep.161: Carl? - ep.160: EN GARDE! - ep.159: into spark's mind - ep.158: brilliant tactic - ep.157: punch to da face - ep.156: gender confused - ep.155: DAMNIT! - ep.154: most likely not - ep.153: kibble wants to be the hero - ep.152: blown away - ep.151: robo-lobster? - ep.150: yes...he's crazy - ep.149: not very smart pilots - ep.148: silver kibble - ep.147: i like the color blue - ep.146: all hand's on deck chapter 4: revenge of meta-knight - ep.145: end of chapter 3 - ep.144: woot - ep.143: Wham Bam's wrath - ep.142: fast-forward - ep.141: thus the journey continues - ep.140: back to reality - ep.139: kirby's concious: Vlademere - ep.138: a trip to the mind of kirby - WERE BACK!! - terrible news - ep.137: rocky's wish has come true - ep.136: reunited - ep.135: ladder climbing - ep.134: SNAP INTO A SLIM-JIM! - ep.133: it's the macho-man monkey - ep.132: back to normal - ep.131: GER-BLARGEN! - ep.130: sparks lays the smackdown - ep.129: W.Doo vs. blue bird - ep.128: back with kirby - ep.127: 2 places in one - ep.126: SLAM!! - ep.125: back to kirby and sparks - ep.124: brain damage - ep.123: the fall continues - ep.122: big fall - ep.121: oh the irony - ep.120: left behind - ep.119: oh boy another trolley ride - ep.118: BOOOOMM!!!! - ep.117: he's fried - ep.116: KA-WIIIZZZ!!! - ep.115: 2 kirbys?!?!? - ep.114: i wanna be your friend - ep.113: the explanation - ep.112: the REAL 4th ally - ep.111: PWNED!! - ep.110: prepare for pwning - ep.109: kirby-doo where are you? - ep.108: all like SWOOSH! - ep.107: pretty effects - ep.106: what's behind door 3? - ep.105: a fourth cast member - ep.104: smack - ep.103: rocks are'nt bouyant - ep.102: still fighting - ep.101: fight's on - ep.100: happy 100 - ep.99: no end yet - ep.98: savoring the moment - ep.97: the exit - ep.96: trolley ride - ep.95: I AM THE HIGHLANDER! - ep.94: it's comin right for us - ep.93: HOLY BIG WHALE! - ep.92: no hat joke - ep.91: the chase - ep.89: Ooooooooooohh Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!! - ep.88: he missed a box - ep.87: WTF! - ep.86: HOLY CHEES-NIPS! - ep.85: there all idiots - ep.84: sleep time - ep.83: common qualities - ep.82: ZOOOMBIIIEE!! - ep.81: WHA-CHOW! - ep.80: get the rope - ep.79: rope - ep.77: f*^& you - ep.76: the 3rd cast member - ep.75: walking along - ep.74: forget the exit - ep.73: let's get some cash - ep.72: the search for treasure begins - ep.71: it's joe - ep.70: welcome to the cave ch.3: the great cave offensive - ep.69: DYNABLADE! - ep.68: onward to dynablade - ep.67: running blue retard - ep.66: so much climbing - ep.65: bye-bye birdy - ep.64: it gives you wings - ep.63: hop off the head - ep.62: cannon fun - ep.61: more H2Ophobia - ep.60: BURNED! (literally) - ep.59: one gay bugzy - ep.58: a pummeling of pain - ep.57: kirby gone crazy! - ep.56: HOLY ZEN! - ep.55: margaritas - ep.54: chilly's sweet revenge - ep.53: arguement over - ep.52: the rant goes on - ep.51: chilly's rant - ep.50: thus the skull flares - ep.49: YAY RESPONSIBILTY! - ep.48: not touching - ep.47: kirby deserved that - ep.46: yay yo-yo - ep.45: it's poppy! - ep.44: no more rides - ep.43: end of level 2 - ep.42: another ride - ep.41: the closing wall - ep.40: it was boring anyway - ep.39: MIX POWER! - ep.38: synchronized - ep.37: more clic'he-ness - ep.36: clic'he castle - ep.35: end of level 1 - ep.34: CRASH POWER 2!! - ep.33: BOO-YAH! - ep.32: killjoy - ep.31: THE HAT'S BACK! - ep.30: dead end - ep.29: pathetic revenge - ep.28: kirby's revenge - ep.27: w.doo returns - ep.26: eww ugly - ep.25: so begins there 2nd adventure chapter 2: dynablade - ep.24: battle with king DDD - ep.23: the battle's about to begin - ep.22: there's our answer - ep.21: deaf check - ep.20: being deaf is not cool - ep.19: deafness - ep.18:last hat joke.......maybe - ep.17: another goofy hat - ep.16: the hat talk keeps on a going - ep.15: a goofy hat - ep.14: CRASH POWER!!! - ep.13: busted - ep.12: OH MY GOD HE SAID THANK YOU! - ep.11: ask question, get answer - ep.10: ice cold - ep.9: kirby the slob - ep.8: hydrophobia - ep.7: impish S.O.B. - ep.6: ya pansy - ep.5: remaining unapolegetic - ep.4: he's back....only to bitch about it - ep.3: lonely - ep.2: about 5 minutes ep.1:spring breeze Next Last First Prev - Go check out the remade version - It's over - ep.304: Bad day for Kibble - Put on hold, again. - ep.303: Hot lava is hot - ep.302: Health check - ep.301: Cannon fun - ep.300: If I had a title, it'd ruin the joke. - 300! - ep.299: Time to polevault - ep.298: (Title goes here) - ep.297: Rough landing. - ep.296: Confirmed 4th ally. - ep.295: Way too late - ep.294: The mysterious Doos - ep.293: The Waddle Doo rebellion - ep.292: Running out of floor - ep.291: Mighty blast - ep.290: Screwed over - Project preview. - ep.289: Boot to the eye - ep.288: It's boss time again - SSSSOOOOONNNNNNNNIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!! - ep.287: Passed right on by. - ep.286: Back with Kirby. - ep.285: Oh snapples - ep.284: Rampage - ep.283: HI-HO PANDA! - filler - ep.282: A title that has nothing to do with the episode - ep.281: Gust of wind - ep.280: Bloody fists of fury. - Why I won't update for awhile. - ep.279: Left behind to get pummeled. - ep.278: Hi Joe. - ep.277: Onward to the sky planet. - ep.276: The hard way. - ep.275: Planet of the TAC's - ep.274: Smacked into space. - ep.273: Saving Kibble. - ep.272: Kibble the whale rider. - Ep.271: Simple solutions. - ep.270: I got lazy. - Ep.269: Back in the water. - ep.268: Mass killing. - ep.267: More irony. - ep.266: Stabbed in the head. - banner filler - ep.265: Blade knights galore. - ep.264: Just talking. - ep.263: Wake-up call. - ep.262: *insert episode title here* - ep.261: New found hatred. - ep.260: Into the mind of Kibble. - ep.259: Undersea unconcious - ep.258: Back in the water. - ep.257: Water debate - ep.256: constant screaming - ep.255: next destination: planet Aqualiss - ep.254: no speech bubbles required - ep.253: trees of might - ep.252: too many dead-ends - ep.251: free cutter - ep.250: preventing the return of chuck quizmo - ep.249: series of weird events - ep.248: identity confirmed - ep.247: Chilly is now Simirror - ep.246: free fighter ability - ep.245: body disposing - ep.244: he had the right to defend - ep.243: it lives on - taking a break - ep.242: sparks is unharmed - ep.241: *insert episode title here* - ep.240: poor sparks - ep.239: the return of gay bugzy - ep.238: scared frozen - ep.237: ice deluxe power - ep.236: toss the snowman - ep.235: the melting - ep.234: seasons are-a changin' - ep.233: similar area - ep.232: guy in a clown hat - ep.231: end of the mini-adventure - ep.230: sparks commited murder - ep.229: are we there yet? - ep.228: only wimps drown - ep.227: swimming time - ep.226: Kibble and Sparks's mini-journey ch.5: milky way wishes - ep.225: end of "revenge of meta-knight" - ep.224: they escaped - ep.223: the escaping begins - ep.222: one minute to escape - ep.221: taking him down with the ship - ep.220: Kirby vs. Meta-Knight - ep.219: saved - ep.218: red spark bro returns - ep.217: kibble re-joins - ep.216: reactor exploding - group shot 2 - ep.215: intercom left on - ep.214: PLOT TWIST!! - ep.213: plan STILL not fully thought of - ep.212: meta-knight's final plan - ep.211: invincible kibble - ep.210: THINK FAST! - ep.209: more karma explaining - ep.208: properties of karma - ep.207: enjoy the suffering - ep.206: the rooster has a plan - ep.205: villians laugh too much - ep.204: it's just a bad ninja - ep.203: being followed - new moniter - sword kirby sketch - ep.202: Chilly's back - ep.201: well thought-out plan - ep.200: IT'S FREAKIN 200! - ep.199: onward to the left wing - ep.198: malfunction - ep.197: he's still out cold - ep.196: mighty plasma beam shot of ultimatum - ep.195: Multiple Biospark jutsu - ep.194: dude they said it at the same time - ep.193: sneaky sneaky - ep.192: Kibble was crying - ep.191: open weak spot - ep.190: Spark's end - ep.189: ninja code - ep.188: AND WE AAARRREE!.... - ep.187: the sparks bros. - ep.186: *more insane laughter* - ep.185: kibble is a jackass - ep.184: i'll step on you - ep.183: the return of kirby's conscience - ep.182: oh good lord - ep.181: plan not fully-thought out - ep.180: most awful singing ever - ep.179: a power greater than nothing - ep.178: smooth talking kirby - ep.177: petty arguements - ep.176: severe head injury - ep.175: ideas that fail - ep.174: bad things always happen to the main charecter - ep.173: it's time to whup-ass.........again - ep.172: spanish insult - ep.171: too easy - ep.170: monkey business - ep.169: negativity - ep.168: tree climbing - ep.167: they all can't be funny - ep.166: the army of doom - ep.165: shot down - ep.164: Sparks to the rescue - ep.163: trap door - group shot - ep.162: the return of Whispy - ep.161: Carl? - ep.160: EN GARDE! - ep.159: into spark's mind - ep.158: brilliant tactic - ep.157: punch to da face - ep.156: gender confused - ep.155: DAMNIT! - ep.154: most likely not - ep.153: kibble wants to be the hero - ep.152: blown away - ep.151: robo-lobster? - ep.150: yes...he's crazy - ep.149: not very smart pilots - ep.148: silver kibble - ep.147: i like the color blue - ep.146: all hand's on deck chapter 4: revenge of meta-knight - ep.145: end of chapter 3 - ep.144: woot - ep.143: Wham Bam's wrath - ep.142: fast-forward - ep.141: thus the journey continues - ep.140: back to reality - ep.139: kirby's concious: Vlademere - ep.138: a trip to the mind of kirby - WERE BACK!! - terrible news - ep.137: rocky's wish has come true - ep.136: reunited - ep.135: ladder climbing - ep.134: SNAP INTO A SLIM-JIM! - ep.133: it's the macho-man monkey - ep.132: back to normal - ep.131: GER-BLARGEN! - ep.130: sparks lays the smackdown - ep.129: W.Doo vs. blue bird - ep.128: back with kirby - ep.127: 2 places in one - ep.126: SLAM!! - ep.125: back to kirby and sparks - ep.124: brain damage - ep.123: the fall continues - ep.122: big fall - ep.121: oh the irony - ep.120: left behind - ep.119: oh boy another trolley ride - ep.118: BOOOOMM!!!! - ep.117: he's fried - ep.116: KA-WIIIZZZ!!! - ep.115: 2 kirbys?!?!? - ep.114: i wanna be your friend - ep.113: the explanation - ep.112: the REAL 4th ally - ep.111: PWNED!! - ep.110: prepare for pwning - ep.109: kirby-doo where are you? - ep.108: all like SWOOSH! - ep.107: pretty effects - ep.106: what's behind door 3? - ep.105: a fourth cast member - ep.104: smack - ep.103: rocks are'nt bouyant - ep.102: still fighting - ep.101: fight's on - ep.100: happy 100 - ep.99: no end yet - ep.98: savoring the moment - ep.97: the exit - ep.96: trolley ride - ep.95: I AM THE HIGHLANDER! - ep.94: it's comin right for us - ep.93: HOLY BIG WHALE! - ep.92: no hat joke - ep.91: the chase - ep.89: Ooooooooooohh Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!! - ep.88: he missed a box - ep.87: WTF! - ep.86: HOLY CHEES-NIPS! - ep.85: there all idiots - ep.84: sleep time - ep.83: common qualities - ep.82: ZOOOMBIIIEE!! - ep.81: WHA-CHOW! - ep.80: get the rope - ep.79: rope - ep.77: f*^& you - ep.76: the 3rd cast member - ep.75: walking along - ep.74: forget the exit - ep.73: let's get some cash - ep.72: the search for treasure begins - ep.71: it's joe - ep.70: welcome to the cave ch.3: the great cave offensive - ep.69: DYNABLADE! - ep.68: onward to dynablade - ep.67: running blue retard - ep.66: so much climbing - ep.65: bye-bye birdy - ep.64: it gives you wings - ep.63: hop off the head - ep.62: cannon fun - ep.61: more H2Ophobia - ep.60: BURNED! (literally) - ep.59: one gay bugzy - ep.58: a pummeling of pain - ep.57: kirby gone crazy! - ep.56: HOLY ZEN! - ep.55: margaritas - ep.54: chilly's sweet revenge - ep.53: arguement over - ep.52: the rant goes on - ep.51: chilly's rant - ep.50: thus the skull flares - ep.49: YAY RESPONSIBILTY! - ep.48: not touching - ep.47: kirby deserved that - ep.46: yay yo-yo - ep.45: it's poppy! - ep.44: no more rides - ep.43: end of level 2 - ep.42: another ride - ep.41: the closing wall - ep.40: it was boring anyway - ep.39: MIX POWER! - ep.38: synchronized - ep.37: more clic'he-ness - ep.36: clic'he castle - ep.35: end of level 1 - ep.34: CRASH POWER 2!! - ep.33: BOO-YAH! - ep.32: killjoy - ep.31: THE HAT'S BACK! - ep.30: dead end - ep.29: pathetic revenge - ep.28: kirby's revenge - ep.27: w.doo returns - ep.26: eww ugly - ep.25: so begins there 2nd adventure chapter 2: dynablade - ep.24: battle with king DDD - ep.23: the battle's about to begin - ep.22: there's our answer - ep.21: deaf check - ep.20: being deaf is not cool - ep.19: deafness - ep.18:last hat joke.......maybe - ep.17: another goofy hat - ep.16: the hat talk keeps on a going - ep.15: a goofy hat - ep.14: CRASH POWER!!! - ep.13: busted - ep.12: OH MY GOD HE SAID THANK YOU! - ep.11: ask question, get answer - ep.10: ice cold - ep.9: kirby the slob - ep.8: hydrophobia - ep.7: impish S.O.B. - ep.6: ya pansy - ep.5: remaining unapolegetic - ep.4: he's back....only to bitch about it - ep.3: lonely - ep.2: about 5 minutes ep.1:spring breeze Next Last Author notes ep.278: Hi Joe. shadixx on July 31, 2007 Well he's back, and he's pissed. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register gamemaster at 01 Aug, 2007, 06:04 PM note to kibble: do not EVER make him mad. ronnoc at 01 Aug, 2007, 12:50 PM i rather have the fighting body tailsonic at 01 Aug, 2007, 12:27 PM And Kibble wanted the fighting one?!
Please login to comment.
Login or Registergamemaster at
note to kibble: do not EVER make him mad.
ronnoc at
i rather have the fighting body
tailsonic at
And Kibble wanted the fighting one?!