light within shadow - A little sore but cool (PLEASE READ COMMENTS) - Meet Dad - The Black Dragon - Impending Threat - Volcanic Destruction - When things go BOOM! - They look like ants from up here! - Jack's Standoff - Dinner Denied! - Poor Time to Choose - It's Jack's Fault! - Surronded - Animus to the Rescue! - Give Us a Kiss - MAKE A MOVE MAN!! - Zack's Offer - Under stars so bright - Jack's Early Days final - Jack's Early Days pt.7 - Jack's Early Days pt.6 - Jack's Early Days pt.5 - Jack's Early Days pt.4 - Jack's Early Days pt.3 - Jacks Early Days pt2 - Jack's Early Days pt.1 Chpt.12 - Flattery can only go so far - Strut Your Stuff - Mistaken Identity - And Then There Was Ark - She Made Us Go! - Surprise! - SHOPPING! - Point and Laugh! - The Incredible Fainting Zack! - Damsel Down and Love Abound - Desperate Times - Not out Yet! - SNAP! CRACK! BOOM! - Cold Steel and Hot Flashes - Azure Flames - Talk it out you Two - Final Boss(s) GO! - Ticked off Cat - Cheetah Over Easy - Lupis vs Jubatus - Chewed Out - As Death Watches - Dragon Breath - Return of the Silver Dragon - Caught... - Let's give em a hand - 1,2, Stomp! - Jack... meet Jenny - The Jewel Tear - Bitter Blood - Legends and Memories - Roots - Eternal Valley - The Black Wolf - Lightning and Fire - Stare down...RAYOS! - Figure of speech??? - Casual talk - Getting Hot in the Kitchen - Wolf in Danger - Bringing the heat! - The Fire Salamander - express route of doom - Zack....Jealous? - Broken faced impression - Someone's cranky - Grace Lost - Shooting star? - Mystery gift?? - Zack's NEW LOOK! - Gem's NEW LOOK! - Gem's Boots - Pay up Gem - YOU! HUMAN! - Airsick - YOU BIRD! - serious shopper - Link's Tailor??? - Some new duds be nice - Walking around the town - The hunt is on! - Nervous Lucky? - Angel's Forest - I Eat Boots!! - SCARRED - Note for U - GOOOOODDDD MORNING!! - Chpt.11 - Troubled Future - Shrouded Sage - A Soulful Discovery - Internal Conflict - The Locket - Chilly Feeling - Another one bites the dust - Jack the Ripper - Demon Unleashed! - ENTER:: Dark Jack - Bonds Unwind - The Blue Moon Season - An Ominous Feeling - and so it begins... - Your first warning - Thoughts of the Silent One - I Smell a Jack - Rocky Montage - I sense a - wait what you call me?! - In the beginning pt.2 - In the beginning pt.1 - Family Ties - The Tracker - Shyness got the best of em. - ENTER::SESMIC - One angry bird - ENTER::AIRES - FILLER:: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! - Super Lizzie - STEP ON THIS! - ON MY TERF NOW! - Wind Break - Bird Kabob - Rough Landings - Let's Talk - CURSES GRAVITY!! - BULLSEYE! - Let The Party Begin!! - NEVER say those words!! - That One Bird - Zack's Worst Fear - Flying IS as hard as it looks - Love Bites - To The Volcano! - Lucky's Little Secret - People These Days - Standard Goddess Thing - Jack's a Charmer - Bye bye captain - Do tell - Angel of Death - Dead men walking - Death from above - The Desert Walkers - Freak Out - Training Accident - Past Sins - Foreced Labor - chibi b-day fill - Deal or no deal - CHPT 10 - Teenage Goddess - The Quick Version - AAAaawwKKWARRDDD! - Look out below!! - Heavenly Demon - Bird Calls - Falling views - Very LITERAL Term - Uh..clouds? - WIPE OUT! - SURFS UP! - TIDAL WAVE!!!!! - The Great Sea Serpent - Boiled Water God - Iceland Inferno - IN YO FACE! - Fury from the depths - Tossed like a ragdoll - Survival - What kind fo test is this!!?? - Water God in disguise - Human again?! - Gil's gots some xplainin to do - What the hell GIL!!?? - Suprised? To hell I am! - Gils little secret - Welcome back - Into the depths - I BITE! - violent waters - Fish have rights too! - Reflections of me - The River - She's closer then you think! - YOU LOST LIZZIE?!?! - Don't open your eyes - Helping Hand - Is it cold? Or is it just me? - Never leave those two alone - The spirit world - Talking to my dog - Heart shaped locket and the white wolf - Brainwash - Captive angel - Other side of the mirror - Danger in the Dark - Traitor...or guardian angel? - Snow bound - Lost in the storm CHPT 9 - start of the storm - water styles or not? - Remorse - Angel vs Demon pt2 - Angel vs Demon pt1 - now that isn't fair now - angel in disguise - ARE YOU MAD?! - Hostile takeover - return of those souless eyes - What are you looking at? - The Gorge - Lucky's lament - Judo Kick!! - That's just impossi- F*#$!! - Right in the kisser!! - rude much - FILLER: WHEN NOODLES ATTACK!!! - Run zack RUN! - Pretty in pink....riiiiight - It's a miracle!!! - the girly ghost town - disneyland wannabe - toilet paper head - MY FACE!!! - How's that even happen?!?! - Short term memory - Follow the dragon!! - I spy a dragon - And I'm crazy?!?! - Too many voices!! - a warning - a Ghostly voice - Trouble at the funeral - fading out - hell know no fury pt.3 - hell know no fury pt2 - hell know no fury pt1 - bad blood rising - an old enemy - - Grim discovery - Mama say what?! - The bright star shines - Chpt.8 - lucky's goodye - payback from old foes - a noble sacrifice - Are you crazy?! - threatining voice message - seen too many movies - hideouts and paperwork - the secret tunnel - why a rock?? - good boy - spaced out - uh...lizzie - whispers in my head - should of stayed frozen - back for revenge - Hello Skylake - Hi my name is Gil - snake slide - SNAAAAAKKKKEEEE!!!! - weird puddle - The long road home Chpt.7 - A mercanary life - Jack's got some Xplainin to do - HUGS!! - Exploding doorways suck - Smells like hotwings - What the hel- - Lightning and ice - icahdos hitman - Iceman - Man Down! - Count on friends - intruders. - Spirit energy? - hostage - My darker side - Ambush - Prowler - Cold as Ice - Moonlight assassin - The three thieves - Jack's thoughts - Where's jack going? - Oh look a fly! CHPT.6 - The peace tribute - HOLY CRAP! - Off to the king - Over so fast?!? - So he still getting paid? - Ya talkin to me? - bad influence - FIGHT! - looks like another jack - welcome to Cresent Moon City - some questions shouldn't be asked CHPT.5 - Don't. touch. THE HOOD. - and the judges say.. - FLYING GLASS OF DEATH!! - holiday filler! - RUN!!!! - Boredom can be bad - DON'T TAP THE GLASS!! - Short attention span CHPT. 4 - Somone's in a hurry... - FILLER::HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!! - Rise and....uh shine? - One F**ked up dream pt.2 - One F**ed up dream - Insomniac - a little review pt2 - a little review - Good dog - Bodyguard to the rescue!! - FILLER:::: TRICK OR TREAT! - Gem the wind styler- BULLSEYE! - How do you kill smoke!? - BACK OFF I GOT A SWORD!! - windmill hurt - what the- smoke?? - look before you run - nightmare come true - stuck to you like glue - rude awakening light within shadow chpt.3 - desicions - truth be told - a sit down talk... - nightmares light within shadow chpt.2 - my dog....likes him? - star gazing - judo chopped my dog - jack's the name - you in trouble now! - hooded stranger - temple fight pt.2 - temple fight pt 1 - trouble - so much for detention - detention bites... - and the story goes.. light within shadow chpt.1 Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register Darth Xelleon at 05 Jul, 2010, 04:29 PM That rooster looks like it has a hangover. XD Luccia at 27 Mar, 2010, 09:04 PM Best. Rooster. Ever. Kohath Star at 03 Jan, 2010, 09:34 AM lol loved the rooster XD Burnerblaze at 03 Dec, 2009, 07:36 PM lazy rooster? that's new leaving_a_comment at 29 Nov, 2009, 06:24 PM I wanna pic like that in my house.By the way your comic is amazing! I love the art and the colors! ketsuo at 26 Nov, 2009, 09:42 AM *rooster ^^ ketsuo at 26 Nov, 2009, 09:42 AM that's one lazy roster =D TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 19 Jul, 2009, 03:49 PM Love the goofy picture :3
Please login to comment.
Login or RegisterDarth Xelleon at
That rooster looks like it has a hangover. XD
Luccia at
Best. Rooster. Ever.
Kohath Star at
lol loved the rooster XD
Burnerblaze at
lazy rooster? that's new
leaving_a_comment at
I wanna pic like that in my house.
By the way your comic is amazing! I love the art and the colors!
ketsuo at
*rooster ^^
ketsuo at
that's one lazy roster =D
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at
Love the goofy picture :3