Author notes
Weak joke, I know. I do like getting to acknowledge the fact that Jace and Katrina aren't really American, though.
Xade: Will is pretty cute when he's a sociopath.
ghostrunner: Not if you don't like the person you're casting the spell on.
worstcase: Not anymore! Kidding, kidding.
artdude: Thanks for understanding.
Lancedanger: You're telling me, dude.
Peipei: Can do!
Warpedwenger: I'm glad to be back!
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man in black at
well she's partially right
LanceDanger at
"Future Whores of America" actually sounds kick-ass for an emo-rock band!
Xade at
ghostrunner at
wow, the future whores of america? is that non profit or llc?
Puff at
Future Horse Of America.
Max, you put more whores in your comics than Frank Miller!
Warpedwenger at
…But don't call it a come back. You've been here for years.