if you didnt gess it the thing in the bottom of the bottom right panal is a computer oh and if you feal the need to talk to me over msn my adress is:jacob_shipley@hotmail.co.uk if you feal the need add me (all events portrayed here happend…except dr light being my science teacher)
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funny background
Hariku at
mmm, kinda needs improvement, but good job though.
jake at
sorry about spellin errors
(ill work on them later)
AdHocFerox at
yo-yo time takes up alot of my day too
Rosseh at
Please learn to spell.
shadowmaster at
…dude, your avatar is better than mine… that's not nice. but your comic kicks arse
jake at
jake at
im on topwebcoomics now (i cant figure out a way to get their banner on here yet so for now ill remain voteless)
jake at
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