apparently banditos drank to much moonshine yesterday. also all my stuff from the wash is gone now. goddam rain. also i got something to say. i enjoy ninja warrior, but come on an elementary school kid. let me explain. there are 2 kinds of ninja warrior show sasuke which is normal anyone who can do it allowed. then there is kunoichi called women of ninja warrior. there are 3 difrent kinds of aplicants. ones i would nail, beached whales, and an 8 year old. now how in the names of the wise Xochiquetzal, Temazcalteci, Mixcoatl, and Camaxtli, did an 8 year old get on ninja warrior. i mean come on. sure kunoichi seems like it is way easier then sasuke mainly due to the fact that they don't have the jumping spider. but still did they run out of aplicants and think hey let's get a 3rd grader on it. joderer
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