- Lost in Translation
- Credit Where Credit’s Due
- A Rogue By Any Other Name
- Gaming License
- Adult Content
- The Wee Street Shuffle
- Party Pooper
- What Lies Beneath
- Breaking Into High Society
- Quit Yer Bellyachin’
- Double or Nothing
- Beauty is Only Fur Deep
- Dressing Down
- Massage in a Bottle
- Fight For Your Love
- What’s Good For Mother Goose…
- Bean Counter Revolutionaries
- Prevention is Better Than Cure
- Bridge Crossing
- Now The Worm’s Turn
- The Shirt Off My Back
- Putting Your Heart on the Line
- Forewarned is Forearmed
- Work is the Curse of the Drinking Classes
- Experience is the Best Teacher (but I still don’t have to like it)
- Stretch of the Imagination
- No Plans For a Shogun Wedding
- Either Married or Gay
- Youth is Wasted on the Young
- Behind the Power Curve
- Love on the Rocks
- Barely Managing
- Keep Your Head in the Game
- You had me at hello
- Horror Buff
- Stick The Boot In
- Fail by Comparison
- Letting the cat out of the bag
- Hope Springs Eternia
- Stop in the Name of Love
- Love Bytes
- Under Construction
- Batteries Not Included
- Reverse Psychology
- The Profiler
- The Emperor’s Neurosis
- The Worst Thing I’ve Done All Week
- Crossing The Line
- A Delicate Matter
- Ask and Ye Shall Regret
- Company Loves Misery
- The Right Man for the Right Job
- Close Quarters Combat-ants
- Identity Crisis
- Engaged in Conversation
- The Grass is Pretty Much Just the Same
- No U in Team
- All Work and No Play Make Duck a Dull Boy
- A Friend Indeed
- Time Has Not Been Kind
- The Naked Truth
- The Clothes Ringer
- Should New Aquaintence Be Forgot?
- A Visit From the Ghost of New Years Past
- An Inconvenient Youth (and a fond farewell)
- Jeremy and the Tree Spirits
- Interval #68 - Zebra Crossing Over
- Interval #67 - The Narcisist Formally Known as Prince
- Interval #66 - Whatever Pays The Rent
- Interval #65 - Compassionate Leave (with benefits)
- Interval #64 - Not Very PC
- Interval #63 - Feeling Sheepish
- Interval #62 - Peers of a Clown
- Interval #61 - Bad Hair Day
- Interval #60 - Test your Metal
- Oh My Bleeding Art
- Footfalls in Love
- Interval #59 - Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher
- Interval #58 - Unconditional Larvae
- Interval #57 - Don't Count Your Victims Before the Plan Has Hatched
- Leafy Leafy Leaferoo!!
- Interval #56 - Hello Kitty
- Playtime is a Fickle Mistress
- Interval #55 - Shifting the Balance of Flower
- Interval #54 - Share the Love
- Interval #53 - Donut Feed the Animals
- Interval #52 - Moby Strip
- Interval #51 - All Sails a go-go
- Interval #50 - Don't Hate the Player...
- It's a Kind of Magic
- Interval #49 - Roll with the Punches Pt 2
- Interval #48 - Roll with the Punches Pt 1
- Interval #47 - Doghide
- Interval #46 - Me and You-genics
- The Adventure of a Lifetime
- Bar Humbug
- Chasing the Dragon
- Interval #45 - The Bugs and the Bees
- Hitched Doubles
- Catalepsy - The Undecided Killer
- The Future's Overrated
- Axe Appeal
- Furball XL5
- Aid First
- Interval #44 - How to Murder a Host
- Interval #43 - The Inner Circle of Life
- Filler #01 - The Alien Robots Versus The People by dave
- Money to the Bee
- Interval #42 - The Buck Stops Here
- Interval #41 - Some Much Needed Crowsure
- Interval #40 - Unlucky Clover
- Interval #39 - A Cake Worse Than Death
- Interval #38 - Bat-think
- Interval #37 - Bugsnatcher
- Interval #36 - Wellington Dowd and the Curious Case of the Urchins Pt II
- Interval #35 - Wellington Dowd and the Curious Case of the Urchins
- Interval #34 - The Unbearable Lightness of Helium
- Interval #33 - Freezy Like a Sundae Mourning
- 002 - Jeremy and the Escort
- 001 - Jeremy and the Birthday
- We're not making comics, but we are making excuses!
- Shatter Those Bee-Conceptions, People
- Interval #31 - Breakdown In Communication
- Friendship and Other Machinations
- Interval #30 - Birds of a Feather
- Clouded Judgement
- Interval #29 - MYOB
- High and Mighty
- Interval #28 - Physician Heal Thyself
- Shellfish Attitude
- Interval #27 - Cops and Rubbers
- Waterbomb
- Interval #26 - The Fruit Of All Evil
- The House Whisperer
- Interval #25 - All The Wrong Signals
- A Bird In The Hand
- Interval #24 - Crushed Celery
- The Call of the Wild
- Interval #23 - The Fifth Kind
- Captive Audience
- Interval #22 - Has Bean
- The Tortoise and the Rather Obscure Eighties Tv Reference
- Closet Case
- Interval #21 - The Little Flower
- Interval #20 - Generation Ex Mortis
- Interval #19 - If The Hat Fits
- The Ultimate Bee Sting
- Interval #18 - The Mechanics of a Broken Heart
- Interval #17 - The Point of no Return
- Best Wishes
- Interval #16 - One third of your ear
- Interval #15 - Stick To Your Guns
- Sandblank
- Interval #14 - Hooray For Fanart!
- Interval #13 - Dinophobia
- Jalepeno Series #08 - Heck On Wheels
- Jalepeno Series #07 - Foiled But Not Defeated
- Jalepeno Series #06 - That Really Is Not A Very Nice Thing To Do To Bees
- Jalepeno Series #05 - Esprit De Corps
- Jalepeno Series #04 - Summer Sun
- Jalepeno Series #03 - Spring Blossoms
- Jalepeno Series #02 - Winter Snow
- Jalepeno Series #01 - Autumn Leaves
- Interval #12 - The Real Monster Is That Guy In The Semi Realistic Godzilla Suit
- Interval #11 - Beef Extract
- A Close Encounter
- Interval #10 - The Height of Fashion
- Interval #09 - Daves Guide To Making Comics #1
- Suspended Sentence
- Deadlocked
- Leafy Leaf y Leaf Leaf
- Hydrofoiled
- Interval #08 - Simons Buff Shoes B
- Interval #07 - Simons Buff Shoes A
- Space Race...ism
- The Quickening
- Crazy Like A Fox
- Brainy Days And Mondays
- Interval #06 - Private Admission
- Interval #05 - A Well Executed Gag
- Science Friction
- Cold Shoulder
- The Last Stand
- Hard Nut To Crack
- Interval #04 - Aquanautics
- Interval #03 - Well Scrambled
- Cloudburst
- King and Castle
- Fall Guy
- Bluebottle
- Interval #02 - Mexican Waiver
- Interval #01 - Blurred Vision
- Starscream
- Cloud Control
- No Brainer
- The Birthday Grinch
Author notes
I am not one for budgeting although I will defend to the death the right of people to do it. The principle is sound but the practice is painfully tedious.I got switched to monthly pays at work which is a real knee in the genitals after two weeks into the pay cycle I can tell you. I find rather than budgeting, I’ve become more creative about how I make the money I need to stay ahead. I’ve been rummaging through all of my possessions for the Ebay fairy to turn into cold hard E-cash and I may yet have to take up busking whilst cleaning windscreens at the traffic lights. dave
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