sarahs scrapbook

Author notes

Fan-art by Emma Claire
skyangel on The first of several fanarts that were done by my often invaluable assistant on SS Emma Claire. Emma taught me so much in the early months on DD on how to use the site and do cool stuff like linking to other comics etc. Being as my own comic was set in ordinary surroundings and mostly conversational I couldn't see the point of colouring the pages but Emma was convinced I should and offered to do a sample page for me. When she showed me the result I was overawed as her lovely colouring brought the whole page to life and made the girls suddenly seem very warm and real. She offerred to assist me as I had no experience at colouring on a computer at all and she remained my assistant colouring some 200 odd pages before having to bow out to do her university studies. The one thing I did love every week was sending her the raw b+w line page and then getting it back a day or two later all beautifully coloured in a way that is still out of the range of my own abilities.
Emma is currently s back helping on SS again for a while before she has to commence her studies again. Her own long running story PUPPETS AND STRINGS [/]can be found on DD at present but also on SmackJeeves
and I believe ComicFury too now.
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