This page has 32 panels, is 2722 pixels tall, weighs a little over a megabyte, and guess what - it's probably my personal favorite. Like most other pages, I wrote the script for this one several months ago, and to tell you the truth, in the original, it wasn't meant to be set in a casino, but in a speakeasy. The means of escape were also completely different (the floss and the rifle were meant to be combined in a very unusual manner and used on the window) and a lot of other stuff has been added, while some things were changed or removed. In short, about one half or a little less of this page didn't turn out the way they were written. Those very changes, however, helped me establish a more flexible plotline into which I can add elements or remove them easily. (Read: this episode is an obvious turning point in the comic)
Then again, I might one day have the opportunity to make the pages according to the original concept, just for comparison. Once again, a lot of work and planning went into this one, and I'm especially proud of myself when it comes to the office background and the dialogue.
PS: Not even I could have imagined Cream running around with a rifle. And smiling; Not even I could have ever imagined that Marilyn Monroe would make any sort of appearance in this comic; Not even I could have ever imagined that there would be a 3x magnified panty-shot of Amy in one of my comics. And that it'd be funny, and not annoying as it usually is. If you haven't guessed it yet, there's no word that can say how much I find it disgusting when people try to mix or smuggle any kind of pron or sex or anything into cartoons. I mean, that's just creepy.
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