sprite comic

panels and you

Author notes

panels and you


Since I have comments (as in, more than usual) I will try to respond to some.

@king101: Discriminate against "them"? By posting tutorials? I think you're trying to make this into something it isn't.

@snowninja: My solution sadly, is that as I said on an earlier page, pokemon ingame trainer sprites just really aren't suited to be used for stories with focus on characters and their journeys (as most pokemon comics are). I understand that custom sprites are a lot of work, but I think the pay off and visual characterization that comes with them is huge. I don't really have a specific solution other than that at the moment. Mostly I'm just trying to point out some very common problems and mistakes, though if I should come up with any other ideas I'll be sure to share them. I'm just focusing on Pokemon comics right now because they seem to be the biggest fad of sprite comics right now on DD, so there's a lot more active comics to pull from. Eventually I will attempt to get to other comics, but they're not as pressing (at the moment). I'm not going to share my past sprite comic experience. I hope it doesn't come off as rude (though honestly, if I cared about that…) but I'd rather not.

@PKNESS: I'm harsh but I'm at least going to be honest with you.

@Brawllucas: I was unsure how the samples would be received so thanks for the pseudo endorsement.

@Nintendude: Mustaches aplenty eh?

@Darkpower101010: Thanks for the 20.


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