It's impossible to find out whether a given (social) system is the root of evil that occurs within it, or whether this evil sprouts from the individuals living within that system. But in order to change society you need to believe that it's not just the individuals' fault. That's one of the things I want to explore in this comic, and what I hope makes my approach to superhero/vigilante comics worthwhile.
Thus concludes this introduction which opens issue #0. We'll continue in two weeks with another four-pager written and colored by Yours Truly and featuring gorgeous lineart by literacysuks1.
Up next week: Another killer pin-up commissioned from one of my favorite artists on the 'net. Please look forward to it!
DAJB: Thanks! Evil doesn't have to be in your genes, strictly speaking, in order to be attributed to an individual (we could include social background and free will, pick what you like). My point here is simply the distinction between system and individual. And I'd like to stress that it is the system that provides the good/evil distinction in the first place: There may be certain dispositions to certain actions in one's genetic make-up, but whether they're evil or not is a question of the environment. In an evolutionary sense, most dispositions serve a purpose and are thus "good".
MrHades: Thanks a lot! Actually, my only problem is that I'm not fast enough to keep up with my ideas for stories, so I don't worry about tackling the big picture at all… hope that doesn't sound arrogant :-)
Akki333: A controversial point maybe, but a point nonetheless :D
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