Death P0rn
Page 370: Redemption

Author notes

Page 370: Redemption

El Cid

With thid comic winding down, I'm trying to accelerate my productivity, so I'm aiming for three updates this week… one today, one on Wednesday, and then a third on Friday. I can't one hundred percent guarantee I'll succeed, or that I'll be able to keep it up for the remainder of this project, but it's my goal for this week. We'll have to wait and see whether I succeed or go down in ignominious defeat.
I didn't have "true" animations this week from our ongoing Banana Cream Cake crossover, so these two are sort of "outtakes;" animations I didn't like or couldn't quite get right. They're still not awful though.





As a completely unrelated side note, and a window into how behind I am on my movie-watching, I just saw Prometheus the other day for the first time, and was actually a bit disappointed. I don't know why, but for some reason I was expecting something more cranial than just another CGI fest where slithery alien monsters gobble up unsuspecting scientists (who of course don't look, talk, or act one bit like real scientists). Mostly though, I was irritated that here we have yet another sci-fi franchise that tries to link itself to the origin of human life, which I'm so tired of. You know how they say no forum debate goes on for too long before somebody gets compared to Nazis and Hitler? Well, I'm starting to think no sci-fi franchise can go on too long without introducing exogenesis plot elements.
Okay, I'm done. For now.


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