Author notes
Page 386: Redemption (***End***)
El Cid on
For a more comprehensive list of production credits, click on the Credits link off to the side under the Miscellaneous tab.
This concludes our epic tale of senseless sex and violence. I hope you all enjoyed it. It's been a pleasure sharing it with you. And before I leave, I'll take a moment to thank everyone who's taken the time to leave feedback. It's always much appreciated! Special thanks to:
_T_, Accolade Graphics, Adrian, aelion, alalom, alexdarkangel, alinoris, anavarro, AndrewLupine, Antionestrife, armandoB, arteestx, astraladult, Banes, benjin, Blacksword, blaine20, bloody_nora (*cough*), Bonny, bravo1102, BrotherManiac69, BSP_Curt, BuddyParaiso, Calexs40, califormality, Captain Death, catfromouterspace, Catya, caulatorek, chrisdotclark, CornBreadtm, crazy_goodfellow, Darcin, Dark Pascual, darkwaterfrey, Darkwolf48, darrellsan, deceit, Defiler2012, Detronavich, DewiMorgan, dkw99, DoctorSharktopus, dragonblade, DragonTrainer, Dumok, dysfunctional, Elazul689, Elerad, ElJona, entropy0013, Erj, ExPaladin, Fastmax, feedonblood, FGP, Frae, fredboli, Frozenwolf, gbk2100, geiste4, Genejoke, ghostrunner, GinckPress, gravesma, GutterF, haettr, hafbjorn, handyhippie65, harkovast, heavyheart19, heroinefan, HiccKUPs625, Hogan, houseofmuses, I heart artists, ifelldownthestairs, ijm, indigobunting, Jabali, Jamie59, Jayfri, jazzy, jerrie, Jessy Dee, Jesus4U, jomei, jtwblack, JustNoPoint, jwideman, JZA963, KademonsterX, kaluak, Karm2865, katyas, kayman, kaytana, kazumakimurahonda, Kittyface, kriminder, Kristen Gudsnuk, leeuwen12, LeoLee, LimeSkies, llerxt, LoneWolf3574, Lopriest, Loveisdead, lugia366, Lysander, M1A1D, Mace, machinehead, MacPhellimey, MadhatterAggie, man in black, meemjar, Megaduck, mepth, mikehawksmall, mikemacdee, mistressoftheabyss, Moranna, MrHades, MrSynnerster, mutt_mabebico, Niccea, Nicol3, nooserman, nsterken7983, okinoshima, opheliac, paolog, pato, pedestrian, Phantymwolf, pickals, plymayer, pnoos1, PoKiVah8, ProfessorLysander, PROSTITUTION, Prototype, raimusxczar, Randal, ratoburger, ratoburguer, ray007, redstitchpress, Ridkswan, Roar Comics, robin jevic, ronin356, royduncan100, rubberduck, Rynhold79, s2cheat, sakudi, Scorpious, Scribe_Drizz, Scythe Massakur, seanb47, Shadowkeeper, shadowolf118, shaneronzio, shushyhush (*cough*), sickboy, sinkingship, Sir3v1L, skreem, slimredninja, SophieD, Spangles, SquallLion, Stefnos87, Sticky Sheets, Stig Hemmer, Strain42, SympleSymon, tansyo, tchamast, Tefenet, tenchurik, The_D_Wrek, the_nathan, the_tdog, TheBlackDove, thefightingstranger, TheTenthRay, Tim Wellman, TimeGhost, Toivo, tookye, webcomics heh, WildMerc23, wobormok, wordweaver_four, xcl, y2project, zodiaccomic
*Whew!* That's a mouthful! I'll see you around the site. Don't delete this from your Favorites list; if I get around to posting a new project here, or need to post any news, I'll update this comic to let you know. And of course you can always contact me at Thanks again, everybody, for all the support!
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