If any of you suffer from heart attacks from me updating so soon, I should warn you that by reading these author notes you have waived all rights to any legal claims regarding any such surprise related cardiac arrests that may or may not have been caused directly or indirectly by said incident.
Well now that's done, we have another episode! Don't get excited yet though, we all know I usually fire off two before I dissipate again distracted by shiny things and what not. But I hope this will appease you for the moment, I'll try to get the next one done BEFORE a month passes, or when the moon passes through it's phases twice.
Those of you who have been reading all the way through probably get the mist thing from the last page and the wiping the feet thing, for those of you who might be new that'd be this arc. http://www.drunkduck.com/FF4_REAdvance/index.php?p=84660
Tell me if you don't get the joke in the third row, I was worried it might be too subtle. I ran the script past my boy friend and he figured it out by himself and said it should be okay, so you can blame him for understanding my twisted mind. Also I had to say, one of the most fun parts of this comic is coming up with the titles for the pages, if you haven't been looking at my titles I'd suggest a little look see, then again I'm kinda biased.
As always I love criticism of the constructive nature and… well I guess that's all my rambling for this page.
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