BY CROM! This page seemed like such a great idea at the time. I'll do a two page spread! It'll be neat and establish location! I'll have fun drawing a bar and lots of interesting new people! This'll take no time at all!
ARGH! This page was so amazingly daunting, it made me not want to draw ever again. I've barely been able to draw Lola with any semblance of quality, and my poor eldest child, Jump is just looking at me with cute puppy-dog eyes…"please draw me, I'm not nearly as difficult to draw. I thought we had a thing going…a real schedule! *cries pathetically*"
Anyway, so, seven years later, we see that behind that crummy wooden wall is a kind of less crummy bar! And there are scantily clad women! Huzzah! I actually designed this bar using the Sims 3, which took over my life, too. (That didn't help either…) Then I traced over the picture of the rendered interior. It made those bar stools a hell of a lot easier draw and remain consistent. Thanks, videogames!
I am going to do my damnedest to get back to the regular updating schedule. Sorry, for the long wait!
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